The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 230 Type 81 122mm Self-Propelled Howitzer

After the infantry fighting vehicle was completed, Liu Tao also began to consider the development direction of the next weapon.

In terms of firearms, they are almost enough and are not needed for the time being.

Anti-tank missiles were also completed by him along with the infantry fighting vehicles this time.

The Type 81 anti-tank missile is a tube-launched, optically aimed, infrared automatically tracked, wire-guided anti-tank missile system that can be mounted on vehicles or aircraft, with a range of 4.5 kilometers, static armor penetration thickness of 1030 mm, and dynamic armor penetration thickness of 300 mm.

"Then next, choose the 122mm self-propelled howitzer!" Liu Tao pondered for a moment and then had a goal.

The 122mm self-propelled howitzer can be modified on the basis of the Type 81 light tank. The chassis can directly adopt the chassis of the Type 81 light tank, and the engine does not need to be changed.

Of course, this does not mean that the 105 tank gun can be replaced with a 122mm howitzer.

The difference between the two is still very large.

The time for developing the 122mm self-propelled howitzer this time is much longer than that of the Type 81 infantry fighting vehicle.

After several days of hard work, Liu Tao finally finished the Type 81 122mm self-propelled howitzer.

In fact, China also has its own self-propelled howitzer. The training outline of our army, which was learned from the Soviet Union, also inherited the Soviet artillery doctrine. In addition, we suffer from severe "fear of insufficient firepower", so our army attaches great importance to the construction of artillery units. In the 1950s, a small number of ISU-152 self-propelled artillery were introduced from the Soviet Union. With the continuous expansion of the scale of our armored forces and the continuous improvement of the degree of mechanization, the towed artillery equipped by the artillery units became more and more discordant in the steel torrent of the armored cluster, and the early Soviet self-propelled artillery was outdated due to its old technology. Therefore, it was decided to develop a 122mm tracked self-propelled howitzer in the late 1960s.

This is the current Type 70 self-propelled artillery!

The 70-type self-propelled artillery has very obvious features from the appearance. It is an open-type 122mm howitzer installed at the rear of the armored transport vehicle chassis. The overall structure of the gun maintains the characteristics of the 63-1 armored transport vehicle. The armored body, power room, transmission room, driver's cab and co-driver's cab, as well as the position of the commander of the vehicle are no different from the 63-1 armored vehicle.

As for the main weapon system, it is a domestically produced 54-2 type 122mm howitzer.

The 70-type 122mm self-propelled howitzer weighs 15.3 tons, has a maximum road speed of 56 kilometers per hour, a maximum range of 450 kilometers, a maximum climbing grade of 25 degrees, a maximum range of 11.8 kilometers, and an ammunition reserve of 40 rounds!

In fact, the 70-type 122mm self-propelled howitzer has been outdated since its birth, and it can't be compared with the world's first-class self-propelled howitzers at all.

The Type 81 122mm self-propelled howitzer that Liu Tao made is different. It has a combat weight of 26 tons, a crew of 4+1, is equipped with a 650-horsepower diesel engine, a maximum speed of 75 kilometers per hour, a maximum range of 550 kilometers, and an auxiliary weapon of 12.7mm heavy machine gun. It uses a new type of 122mm howitzer with advanced internal ballistic performance, a minimum range of 5.5 kilometers, and a maximum range of 22 kilometers. It is equipped with an automatic loader, a maximum rate of fire of 6 to 8 rounds, a maximum ammunition capacity of 45 rounds, and can fire in 360 degrees. There are 8 smoke bomb launchers on the left and right.

"It seems that a special factory must be prepared to produce engines!" Liu Tao muttered to himself.

This Type 81 122mm self-propelled howitzer has definitely reached the world's first-class level, with strong mobility and powerful howitzers.

But at the same time, Liu Tao suddenly realized that he might have to set up a special engine production factory because the demand for engines is too great.

As different types of armored vehicles are developed, the number of different types of diesel engines is increasing rapidly.

Originally, he was thinking about putting all of them in Factory 256 for production, but now it seems that Factory 256 may not be able to produce them all.

Fortunately, when other factories were designing, the production workshops were considered, and there was a large space for transformation, which was not a big problem for producing engines or these armored vehicles.

"System, analyze the Type 81 122mm self-propelled howitzer!" Liu Tao muttered.

Suddenly, he saw a virtual panel in the corner of his eye, and a series of design drawings appeared.

Back home, Liu Tao uploaded the design data to the computer, then printed five sets of design data and set up a team to study and understand these drawings.

After Liu Tao made the arrangements, he left Panshan Machinery Factory and started his monthly vacation.

Beijing in July already seemed a little hot.

However, because there were not so many car exhausts, the greenhouse effect was not so strong, and the temperature in Beijing was not as hot as it had been in thirty or forty years.

At least when he was in the courtyard, Liu Tao felt that it was okay not to turn on the air conditioner, and he might not even turn on the electric fan at night.

Accompanying his wife to walk in the garden, Zhu Lin stopped working and focused on taking care of the baby. He usually watered the flowers, which made the flowers and plants in the garden grow better than before, and the garden exuded the fragrance of flowers.

Maybe because he had a relatively privileged life since childhood, Zhu Lin's life was more petty bourgeoisie.

His son "Liu Jingming" is almost 7 months old, and he looks more lively.

Maybe because of the blood connection, although he just came back, the child is still very close to him.

"If this continues, he will become a little fat man." Liu Tao touched his son's calves, his arms, calves, and face were all fleshy and chubby.

I thought that after weaning off milk, the little guy would lose weight.

But I didn't expect that he didn't lose weight at all.

Now the little guy has started to eat fruit puree, vegetable puree, and meat puree.

"Your mom and my mom like it very much. They say it's cute." Zhu Lin held Liu Tao's hand with one hand and pinched his son's face with the other hand.

Liu Tao smiled helplessly. Maybe the elderly like this one.

Compared with the children of his two sisters, this little guy can be said to be loved by thousands since he was born.

Almost everyone revolves around him.

"Tomorrow we will go to the department store. I will buy some wool yarn and knit clothes, pants and socks for the child." Zhu Lin said.

Liu Tao nodded, "Okay."

Liu Tao got a jeep from Factory 256 for his own use. Although he paid for it himself, the car was still registered under the name of Panshan Machinery Factory, because at that time, private individuals could not own vehicles.

With such a jeep, travel will be much more convenient.

However, except Liu Tao and Liu Zhenbang, no one else can drive.

At this time, Zhu Lin was more than five months pregnant and began to show her pregnancy. However, compared with the first child, the second child was obviously much easier.

And with the experience of the first child, Zhu Lin's mentality was obviously different.

After taking a walk in the garden, Liu Tao's eldest sister 'Liu Hongying' was already calling for dinner.

They went to the restaurant. At this time, the children were washing their hands one by one, and they were very excited.

Compared with the Great Northern Wilderness, the conditions in Beijing are much better.

Since returning to Beijing, Liu Tao's eldest sister 'Liu Hongying' has lived in the Siheyuan, helping Liu Tao take care of the children and helping to cook. Even his mother 'Chen Fang' often lives in the Siheyuan, especially when Liu Zhenbang is on a business trip.

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