Liu Tao toasted his elder brother-in-law.

The previous generation suffered, and suffered through the suffering of several generations, which led to the establishment of the Republic and the initial industrialization of China.

This person also suffered. On the road to China's industrialization, they were witnesses, participants, and founders. It was because of them that future generations had a higher starting point.

The educated youth went to the countryside, which was a choice of the times!

There is no right or wrong!

If there is a mistake, it can only be attributed to the times.

At least so far, whether it is Wang Tiezhu, Wang Baoguo and their generation, or his father's generation, or Chen Weimin, Qian Xiangqiang and other people of the same generation who are older than him, Liu Tao has not heard a single complaint about the old man from them.

There is no complaint about the party or the country.

"Brother-in-law, you can come to our factory, where I can arrange a job for you, or choose to do some business in Beijing, or choose to go to Pengcheng, which is a special zone, where the country is conducting market economy pilot projects, and there are many opportunities." Liu Tao said.

Qian Huaqiang looked thoughtful.

From the correspondence over the past two years, Qian Huaqiang also knew some of his brother-in-law's deeds.

When they came back this time, they even heard from their mother-in-law that their brother-in-law was already a senior cadre.

Qian Huaqiang knew very well what it meant to be a senior cadre.

That is to say, the administrative level was much higher than that of Liu Zhenbang, the father-in-law.

When they came back this time, Liu Hongying and the children were fine and could live in her mother's house.

But he didn't have a job. If he wanted to have a job in Beijing, his father would have to be laid off and give him the job opportunity.

But his parents were only in their fifties. His mother had already been laid off and gave the job opportunity to his younger brother. If his father gave the job opportunity to him again, he would feel bad.

Doing business in Beijing, even now, is sneaky, and you may have to eat peanuts at any time.

Going to Yun Province, he knew that his fellow family was arranged by his brother-in-law.

This is a choice.

But he thought again, if Liu Tao arranged it, would it be bad for Liu Tao?

Qian Huaqiang gritted his teeth and asked, "Do you think going to Pengcheng is a good option?"

"Well, there are many opportunities there. The national economic construction will be the center in the future, and this will not change in the next few decades." Liu Tao nodded and said, "You can go to Pengcheng. We have a factory that manufactures computers there. You can go to a factory that produces screws. It is easy to produce screws. The factory will place an order with you at that time."

"If you want to go to Hong Kong, you can sell computers. How much money you can make depends on your own ability." Liu Tao said.

Now Jinlong Computer is already in production, and the computers produced will be exported to Hong Kong and handed over to Huo Yingdong's company for sales. However, the market in Hong Kong is limited, and the unit price of computers is high. The main markets are still in Europe, the United States and Japan.

"Forget about Hong Kong. I'd better go to Pengcheng." Qian Huaqiang said.

Liu Tao entered the room, took out 100,000 yuan, and a note with a phone number on it: "This is a loan to you as capital for doing business. Take this note with you. When you arrive in Pengcheng, call this number and contact a person named Feng Defeng."

Feng Defeng is the person in charge of Panshan Machinery Factory in Guangdong Province, and also serves as the deputy general manager of Jinlong Computer.

As for the general manager, he is a top student who studied in the United States and has rich experience.

Although Liu Tao's actions are equivalent to opening a back door for Qian Huaqiang.

But he is not a saint. How could he not take care of his own people and take care of outsiders?

Although Jinlong Computer has only completed the first phase of the project, many of which need to be produced by itself, it does not mean that it will be like this in the future. On the contrary, Jinlong Computer also needs to cultivate its own industrial chain and support supporting factories to reduce production costs and improve production efficiency.

Screws are naturally one aspect of supporting factories.

Although screws are simple, they are very particular. Maybe a screw is only a few cents, but the problem is that the demand for screws is large.

There are various types of screws for the host, display, keyboard, and mouse.

Displays, chips and other technical products are not suitable for Qian Huaqiang to start a business, after all, Qian Huaqiang does not understand these technologies.

But screws are different. With drawings and equipment, you can hire a few people to produce them.

It is simply too suitable as the first step of starting a business.

As for the future, if Qian Huaqiang has talent, he can develop in other areas.

Qian Huaqiang's heart beat suddenly.

He did not expect that this brother-in-law would take out 100,000 cash at once.

You should know that before, Chen Fang would send some money to Liu Hongying when she wrote to her, 20 to 30 yuan a month, and 40 to 50 yuan when she sent more, which greatly improved their family's life.

In this era when households with a monthly income of 10,000 yuan are rare, the impact of 100,000 cash can be imagined.

"Brother, where did you get so much money?" Liu Hongying was restless, "You didn't embezzle it, did you?"

"Sister, don't be nervous, this money is all rewarded to him by the state, it's clean." Zhu Lin said with a smile.

Zhu Lin basically knew how much money Liu Tao had.

After all, Liu Tao's salary and bonus were basically given to her for safekeeping.

This 100,000 yuan is still kept at home for emergency use.

Qian Huaqiang couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Aren't you afraid that I will lose all the money and won't be able to pay back so much money?"

One hundred thousand yuan, his monthly salary is only 40 yuan, which is equivalent to his total salary for more than two hundred years.

Qian Huaqiang's hands couldn't help but tremble, and his whole body was trembling.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't mess around, it's hard to lose money!" Liu Tao smiled lightly.

The capital has been given and the road has been paved. If Qian Huaqiang can still lose money, it can only mean that Qian Huaqiang really has no talent and is not suitable for the road of business.

Arrange a job in the future and work steadily.

"Don't worry, I will definitely work hard! If I lose so much money, I will have no face to go back to Beijing!" Qian Huaqiang gritted his teeth.

Chen Fang said, "You kid, what nonsense are you talking about? If you lose it, you lose it. You still have to live."

"That's right, you can't have such an idea." Liu Zhenbang said.

Liu Tao didn't say much. In his opinion, this kind of thing is impossible.

In this era, going to Pengcheng, even a pig can take off.

Not to mention that he gave Qian Huaqiang a capital of 100,000 yuan and paved the way for him.

This kind of treatment is probably hard to find in the whole country.

Qian Huaqiang picked up the wine in the glass and toasted Liu Tao. No matter what, he felt this affection.

At the same time, Qian Huaqiang made up his mind that he must not disappoint the expectations, otherwise he would not have the face to come back and cut himself off from Pengcheng.

Liu Hongying also picked up the wine glass and drank a glass of wine.

She knew it was not easy to return to Beijing this time, after all, neither of them met the conditions for the educated youth to return to the city. Not to mention the help her family had given her over the years.

And almost all of this was brought by Liu Tao.

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