Li Hua, Chen Ping and other new cadres were shocked on the first day they arrived at the combined brigade.

According to the requirements of the combined brigade, each soldier must shoot no less than 500 bullets a year.

You should know that in the field army, each soldier will not shoot more than 10 bullets a year, and as for independent divisions, soldiers will not shoot more than 5 bullets a year.

However, the requirement of the combined brigade is that each soldier must shoot no less than 500 bullets a year, and even the cadres have the same requirement, which is included in the assessment indicators.

The combined brigade has 6,000 people, which means that at least 3 million bullets must be fired a year.

This does not include various machine gun bullets and artillery shells!

And their wages are much more than before!

The original salary can even be said to be just the basic salary, and there are various allowances, and even extra allowances for going to the battlefield. Their wages are at least twice as much as before.

In addition to the super high salary, other benefits are also very good. In terms of food, there is meat every meal.

Even their family members can have a job in Panshan Machinery Factory, and they have one day a week to spend time with their families.

Although they don't have a place to live yet, Panshan Machinery Factory has already built a residential area for the families of the combined brigade outside Panshan.

So most of the people in the combined brigade are new members, but they have already returned to their original positions and there has been no trouble.

Liu Tao got to know these cadres one by one.

It doesn't matter if you can't remember so many people at once. You can get to know them by coming here from time to time.

Of course, this is only the brigade headquarters now. There are 6,000 people in the entire combined brigade, and there is no way to accommodate so many people here.

The entire combined brigade is currently temporarily stationed in Tianzhu Mountain.

Although Tianzhu Mountain is not as good as Panshan, it can be used as a station for a combined brigade. There are mountains and water there, and the terrain is relatively complex. It can be used as a training ground for the combined brigade.

Moreover, Tianzhu Mountain is not far from Panshan, just in the next town.

After a while, the brigade headquarters will also be moved to Tianzhu Mountain.

Liu Tao found that at the battalion and brigade level, the support from above is all experienced cadres. The deputy brigade commander, chief of staff, etc. are all in various divisions, and the battalion commander and deputy battalion commander are even the regiment commanders of the previous troops.

For example, the commander of the artillery battalion was previously the commander of the artillery regiment.

At the company level, all the cadres are relatively young, and few are over 30 years old. There are even college graduates who come to serve as platoon-level cadres.

Now the framework of the entire combined brigade has been built, but there is still a relatively large gap in weapons and equipment, but it will take time to slowly add and supplement.

As for firearms, they were all replenished as soon as possible.

After meeting these cadres, Liu Tao was also ready to return to the capital with his wife and children.

With large and small bags, Liu Tao and his friends left Panshan Machinery Factory in a jeep.

This time, Liu Tao specifically asked people to buy some wild goods in the surrounding towns, including various mushrooms, old mountain ginseng, Panax notoginseng, Dendrobium officinale, wild Ganoderma lucidum, snow lotus, angelica, cordyceps, etc.

These are all good things, pure wild and pollution-free.

Many of them are very good for nourishing the body.

Liu Tao is not short of money now. His monthly salary is enough for his family to spend, not to mention the bonus given by the state.

These things are naturally bought in large quantities, just like this time, he spent several thousand yuan.

Of course, Liu Tao made a list of what pregnant women can and cannot eat.

The driver took them directly to the airport. Liu Tao carried the bags and Zhu Lin held the child. After about ten minutes, they finally entered the waiting room.

When they arrived at Beijing Airport by plane, Liu Zhenbang drove to pick them up.

Last year, the foreign trade working group specially allocated a car.

Put the bags in the car and go directly to the Siheyuan.

Shichahai, in the evening, there are already a lot of people, especially today is Friday, more people come to Shichahai to play.

The spring breeze of reform and opening up has blown across the mainland, and some changes are constantly taking place in Beijing.

Liu Tao and his friends arrived at the Siheyuan, but they saw that the Siheyuan was quite clean, and it was obvious that someone had cleaned it.

At the gate of the Siheyuan, Liu Tao just got off the car and saw his mother Chen Fang and a few people.

There was a woman who looked a bit like his mother Chen Fang, and Liu Tao was a little surprised.



The woman was Liu Tao's elder sister, 'Liu Hongying'. Liu Hongying is 30 years old this year, but she has already experienced the vicissitudes of life. There are wrinkles on her face and her hands are rough. It is obvious that she has suffered a lot in the Great Northern Wilderness.

At that time, Liu Hongying, like others, responded to the call of the country and went to the Great Northern Wilderness to participate in the construction. This time she has been there for more than ten years.

When Liu Hongying left Beijing, she was still a girl. Now she is the mother of three children.

The green military uniform she wore was worn for many years, and many patches could be seen.

With Liu Hongying's introduction, Liu Tao also met his elder brother-in-law, 'Qian Huaqiang'.

Qian Huaqiang is also from Beijing. His parents are in the Third Ministry of Machine Building. He is two years older than Liu Hongying. He also responded to the call of the country to go to the Northeast to support the Great Northern Wilderness.

After moving the things down, everyone entered the courtyard.

The dining table in the hall was already full of food.

After Liu Tao put the things away, he went to get two bottles of Maotai, and the family ate and drank.

The children finished their meal quickly and started playing in the yard. Liu Tao and the others were chatting. After Qian Huaqiang drank two glasses of Moutai, he became more talkative.

"Back then, we left the capital with great enthusiasm and headed for the Northeast. However, when we first arrived at the Great Northern Wilderness and saw it, we had no expectations on our faces, only confusion." Qian Huaqiang seemed to recall the scene of going to the Great Northern Wilderness that year. "We were all silent like statues, without communication, as if our youth had left us. Facing the vast sea of ​​smoke, we pondered the unknown future."

The Great Northern Wilderness is now a well-known granary in the country, but it was deserted back then. It can be said that it took a generation of people to open up this large granary.

In the history of the development and construction of the Great Northern Wilderness, most of the time, it was accompanied by the figures of urban educated youth. They followed the footsteps of the first generation of people in the Great Northern Wilderness, used their youth, wisdom and sacrifice to develop the Great Northern Wilderness, reclaim the wasteland, settle and guard the border, spread urban civilization, and share the country's responsibilities. They made an indelible contribution and left a strong and colorful mark.

They regarded the Great Northern Wilderness as their second hometown, and they stayed in the Great Northern Wilderness.

Over the past 20 years, 700,000 educated youths have come from all directions to the Great Northern Wilderness.

Their spirit is admirable, but at the same time, the environment there is difficult and harsh.

Each of them has suffered so much, and the Great Northern Wilderness is full of their sweat.

Compared with Liu Hongying, Liu Honglei and others, Liu Tao is undoubtedly happy. He can go to college, and after graduation, he can go to a state-owned factory and become a skilled worker. He is a cadre from the beginning. The hardships Liu Tao has suffered are nothing to Liu Hongying, Liu Honglei and others.

In the future, when people talk about this period of passionate years, they will yearn for it, but they will never imagine the hardships behind these passionate years.

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