The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 215 Inspection of the construction site

Any tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind!

Excellent people are always hated by others!

This is why, since ancient times, China has preferred the golden mean, which is stable and stable, and is not easy to attract attention and become the focus.

In China, the higher you go, the harder it becomes.

Each level seems to be just one level, but it is like a world of difference.

For example, Liu Zhenbang is now a division-level cadre, which means he has real power and enjoys deputy-director-level treatment. This deputy-director-level is just a treatment, not a rank, and his level is still division-level.

But this is the key to Liu Zhenbang's promotion to deputy director-level. Only by enjoying the treatment of deputy director-general can Liu Zhenbang be promoted to deputy director-level in the next step.

And for the same deputy director level, there is a huge difference, such as whether they have real power!

If Liu Zhenbang wants to become a department-level cadre with real power like Liu Tao, he must improve at least four or five times!

One can imagine how many people are jealous and envious of Liu Tao!

Liu Tao heard Liu Zhenbang's worry, but he was very calm inside.

To be honest, having an item upgrade system is his biggest reliance.

He can develop advanced weapons one after another to greatly strengthen national defense, and the higher-ups will never turn a blind eye to him.

He has met many leaders so far.

If it weren't for the leadership's attention, Panshan Machinery Factory would have grown so big that it would have been broken into several parts or someone with more qualifications would be assigned to lead Panshan Machinery Factory.

As a result, Panshan Machinery Factory now has to invest huge amounts of money to build a production base to solve the third-tier military factories in the southwest region's weapons industry system.

And to be honest, when that day comes, it will be a big deal to go to sea. Relying on the item upgrade system, it will not be easy to become a world-class rich man.

By that time, it will be these big shots begging them to invest in building factories.

If a tree is beautiful in the forest, it will be destroyed by the wind. That is just because it is not good enough.

As long as you are good enough, the wind cannot destroy you at all.

Even if it is destroyed, it can be revived by the spring breeze and become full of vitality again.

After returning to Kunming, Liu Tao did not rush back to Panshan Machinery Factory, but accompanied the provincial leaders to Chaishitan Reservoir.

This is a huge construction site, and the dam has begun to take shape.

For the entire project, Yun Province organized more than 100,000 people to participate in the construction.

In addition to building reservoirs and hydropower stations, it also overhauled channels to form large tank farms.

Now the reservoir is beginning to take shape, and water has been released for irrigation through diversion tunnels, turning large areas of land into fertile farmland.

Liu Tao couldn't help but feel lucky that he had started this project in time, otherwise Panshan Machinery Factory would have faced a serious power shortage problem.

Right now, Panshan Machinery Factory is already undergoing power rationing. Except for the factory, the dormitory areas are all without power during the day, and there are only three hours of power at night.

Even if Yun Province calls power from surrounding areas, it will not be enough for Panshan Machinery Factory.

Just after the New Year, Panshan Machinery Factory and Yunzhou Province started the construction of three medium-sized hydropower stations and two large hydropower stations to ensure the water and electricity needs of Panshan Machinery Factory and several other factories.

To be honest, Liu Tao originally thought that he had paid enough attention to it, but when he personally participated in it, he discovered that industry has a huge demand for electricity. Industrialization requires a lot of electricity support.

After thinking about it, he once believed that Yin Chui and Yue Chui were constantly born.

But now he doesn't believe it at all, because industrialization requires a lot of electricity!

Without electricity, there is no industrialization at all!

Without electricity, the factory's machinery and equipment cannot be started at all, let alone production.

The total electricity consumption of several factories of Panshan Machinery Factory is much greater than the electricity consumption of nearly one million people in Kunming City.

It is precisely because of lessons learned that several production bases of Panshan Machinery Factory in Guizhou, Guangxi and Sichuan provinces have started the construction of reservoir hydropower stations at the same time.

"Director Liu, when the Chaishitan Reservoir is completed, it will not only be able to transport a large amount of electricity, but also form a tank farm of nearly 380,000 acres! The economy, society, and culture of the two counties will be promoted, which is of great significance!" Leader Looking at the people who were building in full swing, he said with emotion: "Speaking of which, I have to thank you, Panshan Machinery Factory, otherwise the province doesn't know when it will be possible to build this reservoir."

"Leader, our Panshan Machinery Factory is also a part of Yun Province. We are located in Yun Province, so we should naturally contribute to the development of Yun Province." Liu Tao said with a smile.

Although, Panshan Machinery Factory is a military factory directly under the Fifth Machinery Department and is not under local jurisdiction.

But it is necessary to have a good relationship with the place.

Yun Province has always been very supportive of Panshan Machinery Factory.

The rapid expansion of Panshan Machinery Factory is inseparable from the huge support of Yun Province.

Panshan Machinery Factory wants land, and the local government will give it to them! If you want people, give them space!

In the past, more than 200 cadres from Yun Province supported Panshan Machinery Factory.

The leader showed admiration and felt increasingly satisfied.

In the past two years, although the state's investment in Yun Province has decreased, the development of Yun Province has not slowed down. A very important reason is Panshan Machinery Factory.

Panshan Machinery Factory's investment is huge, even greater than the country's annual investment in Yun Province in the past, making up for this part of the vacancy.

In addition, the development of Panshan Machinery Factory has led to the development of other factories, which has greatly increased the benefits of many factories, and this has promoted local economic development.

Like the large-scale and medium-sized reservoir hydropower stations that are being built now, Yunnan Province is simply unable to afford the construction costs, and the construction costs are all paid by Panshan Machinery Factory. Yunnan Province is responsible for land acquisition and demolition, resettlement of immigrants, and organizing construction.

Compared with the huge economic and social efficiency of the project, Yunnan Province is still willing to spend this part of the expenses.

And Liu Tao's attitude undoubtedly made the leaders very recognized and appreciated.

Later, Liu Tao realized that this time he was not only accompanying the leaders to visit the Chaishitan Reservoir Project, but also asking for something from the province.

What they asked for was foreign exchange!

"Leader, the province also needs foreign exchange? Yunnan Province has no outlet to the sea and has not set up a special economic zone?" Liu Tao was a little surprised.

Opening up to the outside world, Liu Tao felt a very obvious change in the atmosphere in Yangcheng and Pengcheng.

But you have to know that for Yunnan Province, there are plateaus everywhere, and between the mountains, there are spring breezes.

The total population of Yunnan Province is about 32 million, but the urbanized population is about 3.8 million, which is barely 10%, and most of them are in rural areas.

The spring breeze has not blown here yet, and the atmosphere here is still quite conservative. Agriculture is the main population.

In addition, the "Red Dragon's Roar" has only been two years, and the border has just started to move. Liu Tao has not even heard of border trade. At present, there is only some trade from Panshan Machinery Factory.

Liu Tao can't figure it out, where does Yun Province need foreign exchange?

"Of course it needs foreign exchange. University professors need foreign exchange to export and attend conferences, universities need foreign exchange to buy overseas books, and scientific research institutions need foreign exchange to buy equipment. There are too many places that need foreign exchange." The leader said: "But we don't have foreign exchange in Yun Province. The only place that can earn foreign exchange is your factory."

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