The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 214: We are just getting started

The cargo ship blew its whistle.

Liu Tao waved at Rashid.

This time Rashid will go back with the ship to participate in the war.

If he wants to continue to be promoted, going to the battlefield is inevitable.

In addition to Rashid, there are also two hundred soldiers, who will be the crew of this batch of tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

The weapons and equipment of the two ships are worth $200 million.

The freight for a trip to the Middle East is not cheap, $4 million.

Both of these merchant ships belong to Ho Ying-tung.

The flags hoisted are those of Hong Kong.

Liu Tao and Liu Zhenbang left the dock and went to the office of the Foreign Trade Working Group of the Fifth Ministry of Machine Building.

For convenience, the Foreign Trade Working Group of the Fifth Ministry of Machine Building set up an office in Guangzhou.

"How is Linlin? Will she continue to stay in your factory or return to Beijing?" Liu Zhenbang asked.

Liu Tao said a little embarrassedly: "She is always a little uncomfortable with the climate in Yunnan Province. She will return to Beijing in half a month, and she will stop working at that time."

She worked too hard during this period, and as a result, Zhu Lin got pregnant again.

The two discussed and decided to return to Beijing together in half a month, and then Zhu Lin would stay in Beijing temporarily.

As for work, she couldn't work because she had to take care of the baby and got pregnant again, so she had to suspend her job.

"It's good to go back to Beijing, your mother can also go to help, and Linlin can be more relaxed with someone to help take care of the child." Liu Zhenbang nodded.

Liu Zhenbang was very satisfied with this daughter-in-law.

She was beautiful and had a good personality, and was a virtuous wife.

Not long after getting married, she had a baby, adding a new member to the Liu family and making him a grandfather.

Now she is very motivated and has a second child.

"After returning to Beijing, your mother and I will write a letter to your elder sister and take them back to Beijing, and your sister can help more at that time." Liu Zhenbang said.

Liu Tao showed a happy expression: "You and my mother should have done this a long time ago."

"This is against the principle." Liu Zhenbang said unhappily: "If it weren't for you two, I wouldn't do that."

Liu Tao pouted and didn't believe it at all.

Whenever his mother was together, she would always nag about her elder sister, missing her so much.

"How long do you think the Iran-Iraq War can last?" Liu Zhenbang looked at Liu Tao.

Liu Tao said, "It should last another year or two. Although Iraq has an advantage now, its population is much smaller than Persia, and its war potential is not as good as Persia. Persia's terrain is there. Most of its territory is on the plateau. It is a plateau country with complex terrain. Iraq will not attack other places. Once it attacks other places, Iraq's armored advantage will disappear, and the supply line is also a big problem."

"Now Iraq is actually struggling. Almost all its elite troops have been invested, but they have not been able to completely defeat Persia. They have fallen into a stalemate. It is impossible to defeat Persia." Liu Tao analyzed.

Since the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War in September last year, Iraq has had an absolute advantage at the beginning and its offensive is very fierce. But in just over a month, the Persians resisted Iraq's fierce offensive.

Iraq wanted to capture Abadan and completely take over this oil-rich place, but Persia fought hard to resist, making Iraq unable to achieve its strategic goals.

Iraq's advantage now is that the war is in Persia, Persia has suffered greater losses, and its oil exports have been greatly reduced, while Iraq can still export oil normally, its income has not decreased, and it can also buy weapons and ammunition from outside.

However, Liu Tao is not optimistic about Iraq, because although Iraq has more armored forces and more advanced tanks than the Persians, it has not played its armored advantage.

On the contrary, many tanks have been destroyed by the Persians in the past period of time.

The air supremacy of the battlefield is in the hands of the Persians.

Of course, the Persians also have weapons and equipment but cannot play the power of weapons and equipment. They use the Type 59 tank as a fixed turret, and many Type 59 tanks have been destroyed.

Even the Persians used human wave tactics and suffered heavy losses.

"Iraq still has 800,000 troops that have not been deployed to the battlefield. If the troops are deployed to the battlefield, I am afraid that the battlefield situation will change." Liu Zhenbang said.

Liu Tao sneered.

"Although Iraq has a million lions, in fact, the elite troops are about 300,000. Now 200,000 are deployed on the battlefield, which is the limit. The other elite troops must be guarded, otherwise the Persians may enter from another direction and kill directly to Baghdad. Moreover, Iraq is a major oil-producing country with abundant oil. God knows whether its neighbors are jealous and will take advantage of the situation." Liu Tao said.

Liu Tao vaguely remembers that the Iran-Iraq War lasted for eight years.

Now the war has only lasted for half a year, and it has only just begun.

Panshan Machinery Factory is working overtime in three shifts, and other military factories are also constantly producing weapons and ammunition, which are all to be sold to these two buyers.

The consumption of weapons and ammunition is extremely shocking.

It has not been long since the Persians purchased Type 59 tanks, and at least 50 of them have been lost on the battlefield.

Since the war in Iraq began, at least hundreds of armored vehicles have been destroyed.

Many tanks and armored vehicles cannot stop Persian anti-tank missiles and anti-tank mines.

The damaged tanks on both sides are even more.

"It seems that the military's decision to send military observers is correct." Liu Zhenbang nodded.

The water boiled, and Liu Tao made tea himself.

"It is indeed necessary to send military observers. They can see a lot of things on the battlefield and learn a lot of things. Only then can we avoid making the same mistakes." Liu Tao agreed with this approach.

To be honest, even if the Iran-Iraq War is considered a fight between rookies, there are still some bright spots and things worth learning.

"I heard about the report you wrote before. Many people have opinions on your approach." Liu Zhenbang said, "After all, the country's foreign exchange reserves are not rich. Going to Hong Kong or even to Europe and the United States for study is a waste of foreign exchange."

Liu Tao sneered, "The foreign exchange is earned by our Panshan Machinery Factory. Although the ministry settles with us, the leaders have agreed before that our Panshan Machinery Factory has a quota of one million US dollars every year. We use our own foreign exchange. What do they have any objections to?"

"We are now far behind Europe and the United States. Why don't we go out and see how to improve our horizons and how to develop?" Liu Tao doesn't care at all.

This is Panshan Machinery Factory's own business. The reason for writing a report is nothing more than because the Fifth Ministry of Machinery is the superior of Panshan Machinery Factory. This is in accordance with regulations and respect for superiors.

If you don't do it because someone has an opinion, then you don't have to do anything.

"You, now you are a tree that stands out in the forest and will be destroyed by the wind. I don't know how many people are jealous of you. If you don't know how to keep a low profile, you will suffer a big loss sooner or later." Liu Zhenbang said unhappily.

Liu Tao is only 26 years old now, but he is already a full-time department-level cadre, belonging to the ranks of senior cadres.

And you have to know that Liu Zhenbang is 51 years old. Because the foreign trade team has completed the task well, he is only enjoying the treatment of a deputy director-level cadre now, and he is not a real deputy director-level cadre.

It is conceivable that there are countless eyes staring at Liu Tao, jealous of Liu Tao, and wishing that Liu Tao would make a mistake and replace him.

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