The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 211 Light Tanks and Amphibious Tanks

[Item: Type 81 light tank]

[Manufacturer: Liu Tao]

[Item level: LV10 (cannot be upgraded)]

[Upgrade points: 1530]

[Item status: intact, parsable]

Looking at the virtual panel in the corner of his eyes, Liu Tao's mouth curled up slightly.

Carefully understand the performance of this light tank.

The vehicle body is 6.5 meters long, 3.1 meters wide, and 2.35 meters high. It is 9.37 meters long including the main gun, and has a total weight of 20 tons. The main gun is 105 mm. It has an automatic loader and has 30 rounds of ammunition, of which 21 are fired. , 9 spare rounds, equipped with thermal imaging camera, battlefield digital system, and laser range finder. The armor adopts composite armor, and its protection ability can withstand 50mm armor-piercing bullets.

The diesel engine has a horsepower of 650 horsepower, a maximum speed of 90 kilometers/hour on the road, a maximum speed of 50 kilometers/hour in the field, and a maximum range of 600 kilometers.

It can be said that this is a very good light tank.

Although the armor defense capability and main gun caliber are not as good as the Type 80 main battle tank, after all, this is just a light tank.

"This tank can completely replace the Type 62 light tank!" Liu Tao said softly.

The performance of the Type 81 light tank has completely surpassed the Type 62 light tank.

In terms of weight, the Type 62 light tank has a total combat weight of 21 tons, while the Type 81 light tank has a total combat weight of only 20 tons, which is two tons less; in terms of size, the Type 62 light tank has a body length of 6.231 meters and a width of 2.85 meters. meters, while the Type 81 light tank has a body length of 6.5 meters and a height of 2.35 meters. The size becomes larger, but the weight becomes smaller.

In terms of engines, the Type 62 light tank engine has only 430 horsepower, while the Type 81 light tank engine has up to 650 horsepower. The Type 62 light tank has a maximum road speed of 60 kilometers per hour, a maximum field speed of 30 kilometers per hour, a maximum road range of 450km, and a wading depth of 1.3m. The Type 81 light tank has a maximum road speed of 90 kilometers per hour, and a maximum field speed of 50 km/h, with a maximum range of 600 kilometers, a climbing gradient of 70%, a side slope of 58%, a vertical wall height of 1.2m, and a trench width of 2.5m.

In terms of main gun, the Type 62 light tank is equipped with an 85mm tank gun, while the Type 81 light tank is equipped with a 105mm tank gun!

As for the fire control system, it was completely crushed.

There is absolutely no comparison between the two.

"This kind of tank is very suitable for fighting in the south. I think the troops will like this light tank!" Liu Tao's lips curled up slightly.

Even though the Type 81 light tank is a light tank in terms of tonnage, its performance is not even a bit higher than that of the Type 59 tank.

With automatic driving, automatic loader, advanced fire control system, and superior performance, Liu Tao couldn't think of any reason why the military wouldn't like it.

Not to mention, the price of this light tank is very gratifying, much cheaper than the Type 80 tank.

"System, analyze!" Liu Tao thought silently in his heart.

In an instant, I saw drawings formed on the virtual panel.

Soon, a complete set of design information was ready.

Liu Tao looked at the time and saw that it was getting late.

After moving a little, his body made a crackling sound.

Afterwards, Liu Tao went home.

When his wife and children are at home, he can avoid working overtime and get home from get off work in time.

After returning home and taking a bath, Liu Tao held the child while Zhu Lin cooked.

It was a simple dinner, but Liu Tao felt the warmth of home, and the meal felt more enjoyable than eating in the cafeteria.

"Weren't you curious about what's going on in the special zone before? I'm going to Pengcheng in half a month. You come with me." Liu Tao said to Zhu Lin.

Zhu Lin asked curiously, "Why do you want to go to Pengcheng?"

With Pengcheng being established as a special zone, its popularity has greatly increased, and many people know this place.

"Our factory cooperates with a boss in Xiangjiang to produce computers. Now the first phase of the factory has been completed. At that time, the inauguration and commissioning ceremony will be held. The leaders above attach great importance to it. Many leaders will go to attend the ceremony." Liu Tao patiently said explained.

Zhu Lin nodded slightly.

Ever since he was with Liu Tao, Zhu Lin knew that Liu Tao's unit was very special, and many things were confidential.

Not long after, Liu Tao's second sister came over with her child.

Liu Tao went to the study room upstairs, turned on the computer, and uploaded the design information of the Type 81 light tank to the computer.

Then he showed a look of thinking. Now that light tanks are available, the next step is to develop medium tanks and amphibious tanks.

Medium tanks, this will allow Chinese tanks to form a high-low mix of heavy tanks, medium tanks, and light tanks in the future, each with its own role.

The amphibious tank can improve the forceful crossing of rivers and coastal landing and anti-landing operations, and can be suitable for performing combat and reconnaissance missions in water network areas such as rivers, lakes, swamps and rice fields.

Amphibious tanks are not suitable for being too heavy, but the body needs to be enlarged to increase buoyancy.

Therefore, it is suitable for improvement on the basis of light tanks.

Before you know it, another week has passed.

Liu Tao drove a tank with a somewhat strange shape. The tank's body was relatively long, forming a ship-like appearance.

This is the Type 81 amphibious tank.

At this time, Liu Tao drove the tank directly onto the cement road, and the cement road surface would not be damaged.

Of course, the road surface of Panshan Machinery Factory is made of high-grade concrete. Even if the Type 80 main battle tank walks on it, it will not directly crush the road surface.

When the road was built, it was considered that the military factory would transport heavy objects.

Liu Tao drove the tank up the mountain. The slope of the mountain was steep, about 35 degrees, but this light tank could easily go up the mountain.

Then, Liu Tao drove the tank down the mountain again. This was him testing the performance of the tank.

When he arrived at Panshan River, he saw that the tank did not sink directly.

You must know that with the construction of the dam, the depth of this section of the river is at least 2 meters.

Although the Type 81 amphibious tank is derived from the Type 81 light tank, there are still differences between the two. The Type 81 amphibious tank is longer, wider, taller, and heavier!

The total length when the muzzle is facing forward is 10 meters, the body length is 9.6 meters, the width is 3.2 meters, the height is 3 meters, the combat weight is 23 tons, and the engine power has reached 750 horsepower.

Compared with other tanks, amphibious tanks do not require high climbing grades, because its combat is a water network, crossing rivers and seas!

It has two important indicators that other tanks do not have, that is, wind and wave resistance, and water navigation speed.

The maximum road speed of the Type 81 amphibious tank is 90 kilometers per hour, the maximum speed in the field is 50 kilometers per hour, the maximum speed on the water is 30 kilometers per hour, and the wind and wave resistance is level 5 wind and level 4 waves.

People kept looking at the Panjiang River and then whispered.

They all knew that this was the factory director developing an amphibious tank, and they had seen it more than once these days.

They watched the tank move quickly in the water, with surprise in their eyes and admiration in their hearts.

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