Liu Tao did not rush home. He called home at the headquarters and said he would go back later. Liu Tao discussed the synthetic brigade with Li Fuguo and Zhao Guoping.

The synthetic brigade to be established by Panshan Machinery Factory this time is built according to the heavy synthetic brigade.

A heavy synthetic brigade has 9 battalions under its jurisdiction, with a total of about 5,000 to 6,000 people, including 4 heavy synthetic battalions, 1 air defense battalion, 1 artillery battalion, 1 reconnaissance battalion, 1 support battalion, and 1 support battalion.

Each heavy synthetic battalion is first organized according to 3 infantry companies, 2 tank companies, 1 artillery company, 1 combat support company, and 1 logistics support company. Each squad has 1 squad leader and 1 deputy squad leader; each platoon has 1 platoon leader and 2 deputy platoon leaders; each company has 1 company commander, 2 deputy company commanders, 1 instructor, and 1 deputy instructor; each battalion has 1 battalion commander, 2 deputy battalion commanders, 1 instructor, 1 deputy instructor, 1 battalion chief of staff and several staff members.

The combined brigade has 1 brigade commander and 1 political commissar. In addition, there are 2 deputy brigade commanders, 1 deputy political commissar, 1 brigade chief of staff, 1 director of the brigade political work department, 1 deputy chief of staff and several staff officers.

Each piece of paper is filled with the structure of the combined brigade, and the cadres at all levels are clearly listed.

In the army, only when you reach the platoon level can you be considered a cadre, and deputy platoon-level cadres are the lowest-level cadres in the army.

When he arrived at the combined brigade, Liu Tao implemented high standards. Li Fuguo and Zhao Guoping, the two military and political leaders, should have been deputy division-level, but Liu Tao asked them to be deputy directors of Panshan Machinery Factory, so that they could reach the 11th administrative level, the deputy department-level, and the corresponding army was the full division level, which was only one level lower than Liu Tao.

The basic salary of the two sides is only 17 yuan different!

The full battalion level also implements a higher level, that is, the full regiment level, the 14th administrative level, equivalent to the full county level.

After checking the time, it was already late, so Liu Tao left the headquarters of the combined battalion, and Zhao Guoping drove Liu Tao away.

Zhao Guoping was very grateful to Liu Tao. When he came, he promoted him to a deputy division-level cadre, with an administrative level of 16.

In less than a year, he was promoted to a deputy department-level cadre, with an administrative level of 11, which was a 5-level promotion.

Liu Tao seemed to remember something and reminded him, "Comrade Zhao Guoping, you are about to become a senior cadre, and you must solve your family problems as soon as possible, otherwise the leaders will not trust you."

As the saying goes, a man with a mouth is not reliable, and whether a man is married or not is very important.

For someone like Zhao Guoping who has not yet married, even if he makes great contributions in the future, even if he wants to be promoted again, his superiors will not agree.

Just like Liu Tao before, it was only when he got married that the leaders trusted him.

Zhao Guoping blushed slightly, then nodded solemnly, "Thank you for the reminder from the factory director, I will seize the time!"

He also knew that Liu Tao was right.

Originally, he thought he could wait a few more years to cultivate his relationship, after all, he was only a mid-level cadre before.

But it is different now, his personal marriage problem has become a problem he must solve.

Liu Tao showed satisfaction. Some people can be solved with a little guidance, while some people will argue with you even if you guide them.

Back home, it was already dark.

At night, it was almost nine o'clock.

Zhu Lin finished feeding the baby, and the baby was sleeping soundly in the cradle.

Liu Tao walked over gently and picked up Zhu Lin, and Zhu Lin buried his head in Liu Tao's chest.

After a few days of separation, the love is naturally deep.

Everything comes naturally after the second marriage.

"Didn't you say you would come back that day? Why did you come back today?" Zhu Lin leaned on Liu Tao's chest and gently stroked his jade fingers.

Liu Tao whispered: "The leader left us to report, so we have to stay in the headquarters for a few more days."

"Are you going to fight?" Zhu Lin bit his teeth lightly and asked in a low voice, with a worried look on his face.

She was very afraid that her husband would go to the battlefield. After all, if he went to the battlefield, something might happen.

"No, it's a military secret. I can't tell you." Liu Tao kissed his wife's forehead and comforted her.

Touching his wife's hair gently, Liu Tao said, "I'm not a military cadre. I don't need to go to the battlefield. Don't worry."

"Who went to the battlefield without saying anything?" Zhu Lin didn't believe it at all.

"That was at the headquarters. There was no danger." Liu Tao explained.

His hands kneaded gently, and he felt it again unconsciously.

Liu Tao rode on, and Zhu Lin stopped talking about the battlefield at this time and threw himself into a new battle.

The next morning, after a fierce battle, Liu Tao went to the bathroom to take a shower and changed into clean clothes, and then went to the factory.

In the quality inspection room, there were boxes of weapons that needed Liu Tao to test.

Until now, the weapons that Liu Tao still needs to inspect include heavy machine guns, heavy sniper rifles, anti-aircraft machine guns, Type 80 rocket launchers, "Vanguard" air defense missiles, and various types of self-propelled anti-aircraft gun shells and tank shells.

Perhaps it won't be long before heavy machine guns, heavy sniper rifles, anti-aircraft machine guns, etc., no longer need him to inspect.

After the inspection, Liu Tao went to the tank production plant.

Now, all the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks are being produced at full capacity.

After all, there are less than two months left before the first batch of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks are delivered to Iraq.

After Liu Tao repaired the defects of the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks that had been produced, he went to his own production workshop and began to design a light tank.

After practice, Liu Tao realized that a light tank or medium tank with advanced performance might be more suitable for the Chinese army.

Light tanks have a normal combat weight of less than 20 tons; medium tanks have a normal combat weight of 20-40 tons, and the caliber of the gun is 75-105mm; heavy tanks have a combat weight of no less than 40 tons, and the caliber of the gun is greater than 105mm.

Because it is a light tank, the size and armor protection of the tank are definitely not as good as the Type 80 tank.

Of course, the engine power does not need to be that large.

Liu Tao also thought about whether to directly apply for the design data of the Type 63 tank, but gave up after thinking about it.

The Type 62 tank was developed in 1958, finalized in 1962, put into production and equipped in 1963. It is the first generation of light tanks designed and developed by my country. The Type 62 tank has a combat weight of 21 tons. Its 35mm front armor can withstand most machine guns and shell fragments. It is mainly used in armored divisions in the southern hilly areas to carry out reconnaissance, detours, and combat with enemy light armored vehicles.

Before, the Type 62 tank was pretty good.

But now, the Type 62 tank is no longer good.

First, the design is too backward, and second, the armor protection capability is too poor.

Even if he gets the design data of the Type 62 tank, studies it thoroughly, and then upgrades it step by step, I am afraid it will still be a medium tank in the end.

So it is better to design it yourself, and it may be more effective while designing.

What Liu Tao thought of was to reduce the size of the tank, reduce the engine power of the tank, and reduce the armor protection.

After all, the weight limit is there, and it is impossible to be comprehensive.

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