The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 165 Five-axis blade milling machining center

The next morning.

Liu Tao got up earlier than usual.

After washing up, I went to the cafeteria for breakfast. There were already people of all ages and genders in the cafeteria. The small speakers kept reminding everyone to take meals as needed. There were also women who served as auditors. If anyone wasted food and was discovered by the inspectors, they would have to be criticized and educated, and even their bonuses would be deducted. , found that at least one yuan of bonus will be deducted at a time. If it happens too often, criticism will be circulated throughout the factory, and some of the people who are allocated houses may even have their houses taken back by the factory.

Shameful waste!

Even though the conditions of Panshan Machinery Factory have improved now, this spirit has still been spread.

It’s not easy for farmers, it’s not easy to grow food and raise food, and waste is absolutely not allowed.

The employees of Panshan Machinery Factory eat together as a family in the cafeteria most of the time, and they only cook at home on weekends or occasionally during normal times.

Liu Tao also eats in the cafeteria most of the time.

There are several canteens throughout Panshan Machinery Factory, distributed throughout the place, making it convenient for employees and their families to have meals.

Meal expenses are free and borne by the factory.

Looking at the canteen, there were more men than women, and he couldn't help but look worried.

At the beginning, a large number of female medical staff and teachers from hospitals and schools arrived to initially solve the problem of more men than women.

However, as other factories were merged into Panshan Machinery Factory, the problem of more men than women was highlighted again.

Even though there is a dedicated department in the factory to work as matchmakers from surrounding towns, Kunming City and other counties and cities, and girls continue to come to Panshan Machinery Factory, this problem has not been completely solved.

For 10,000 single male workers, we need 10,000 single female workers!

This gap is really not small.

"Oh, I have to mention it again at the next factory executive meeting." Liu Tao sighed secretly in his heart.

After breakfast, we came to the workshop.

This workshop is very large and currently belongs to Liu Tao alone. There are CNC machine tools in the workshop. These CNC machine tools are definitely high-end products in China.

And these are only some of the CNC machine tools that Liu Tao has built. There are also some CNC machine tools in the nearby production workshop, where some high-demand parts are processed using CNC machine tools.

These parts are mainly used in the production of Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and Type 80 tanks.

The more parts that meet the requirements, the fewer upgrade points Liu Tao will need to produce Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and Type 80 tanks, and the production efficiency can be improved.

Then, a CNC machine tool is started, which is a blade milling machine specially used to process the blades.

The blades of the engine must be processed by blade milling machines.

Of course, the current diesel engine blades of the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and Type 80 tank cannot be processed by the blade milling machine. After the blade milling machine is processed, Liu Tao then relies on golden fingers to upgrade through assembly and production. blade.

For this kind of blade processing, the material is made of a unique titanium alloy, with rare earth elements added to greatly improve the material performance.

Suddenly, Liu Tao's face showed joy.

I only see the virtual panel in the corner of my eye:

[Item: Four-axis blade milling machine tool]

[Manufacturer: Liu Tao]

[Item level: LV9 (1000000000/1000000000) (can be upgraded)]

[Upgrade Points: 250]

[Item status: intact, parsable]

Finally, through continued use, it was time to upgrade.

"System, upgrade!" Liu Tao said silently in his heart.


A series of glimmers of light flashed.

Suddenly, the blade milling machine tool in front of you has undergone tremendous changes, changes that are visible to the naked eye.

Looking at the virtual panel again, we have already noticed changes.

[Item: Five-axis blade milling machine tool]

[Manufacturer: Liu Tao]

[Item level: LV10 (not upgradeable)]

[Upgrade Points: 250]

[Item status: intact, parsable]

With a bright smile on his face, Liu Tao finally upgraded this CNC machine tool to a five-axis blade milling machine.

This is the world's most high-end five-axis CNC machine tool. Few countries in the world can manufacture it, not even the Soviet Union.

The five-axis CNC machine tool is a machine tool with high technological content and high precision, specially used for processing complex curved surfaces. This machine tool system is very important for a country's aviation, aerospace, military, scientific research, precision instruments, high-precision medical equipment, etc. The industry has a decisive influence.

The five-axis linkage CNC machine tool system can be said to be the best choice for processing impellers, blades, marine propellers, heavy-duty generator rotors, steam turbine rotors, large diesel engine crankshafts, etc.

Such a big machine, with a processing length of 2.6 meters, would be difficult for many countries to buy internationally even if they were willing to pay US$20 million.

"System, analysis!" Liu Tao muttered silently.

Suddenly, the virtual panel was forming design drawings one after another at a speed that could be discerned by the naked eye, and soon the design data for the entire five-axis blade milling machining center was available.

After Liu Tao learned about it in detail, he couldn't help but marvel.

No wonder only a few countries can produce five-axis machine tools. This thing is indeed high-precision.

If you don’t have enough technical reserves, you won’t be able to figure it out at all.

Subsequently, Liu Tao began to use this five-axis blade milling center to process the blades.

Soon, the blades were processed.

Liu Tao took a look and found that the five-axis machining accuracy was indeed much higher than the four-axis machining accuracy, so he didn't need to use the golden finger.

Even this five-axis blade milling machining center can not only process tank engine blades, but also process complex curved surfaces with high precision such as aircraft engine blades, heavy generator rotors, steam turbine rotors, marine propellers, etc.

Of course, to manufacture tank engines, producing qualified blades is only one aspect, there are other aspects that must also meet the standards.

However, building this five-axis blade milling machining center today still made Liu Tao feel good.

Three-axis machine tools can be used to process blades with relatively simple shapes. However, the complex machining accuracy of blades for self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tank engines requires very high precision, so five-axis machines must be used.

Otherwise, even if it is processed with a three-axis machine tool, the engine performance will often be greatly reduced.

The more high-end the engine, the higher the processing requirements.

In the past, tractor factories could produce tanks.

But when it comes to the third generation of main battle tanks, few countries in the world can produce them.

The same goes for airplanes. In the past, airplanes were simple and many countries could manufacture them. But now, third-generation fighter jets, large bombers, advanced helicopters, etc. all have very high requirements for parts processing, which has led to , only one or two of the former European powers can produce it, and most of the former traditional European powers cannot.

Similarly, China is also facing the same dilemma. Limited by its industrial level, China is far behind in terms of high-precision weapons.

Whether it's an airplane or a tank, it's the same thing.

The only weapons that can really attract people's attention are the atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs, which are the killer weapons. These two killer weapons do not need to be beautiful, they just need to be powerful enough when dropped on the enemy's head.

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