Zhao Guoping looked thoughtful.

An experimental force?

This is the true meaning of synthesis camp! ?

Naturally, it’s great when things work well, but when things don’t work, there are also experiences of failure.

He only saw that with so much investment in the combined battalion, the army simply could not support it. Even if the military procurement did not require much profit for the state-owned factories, the army's annual military expenditure could not build many combined camps.

But they didn't see the real significance of this combined battalion force.

Liu Tao saw Zhao Guoping's thoughtful look and nodded slightly. He was a young man who was good at thinking. He came from an extraordinary family and was a top student at Tsinghua University. He was also good at thinking and was indeed a talent that could be cultivated.

People are indeed different.

No matter how much you train some people, their upper limit is there. Even if they are reluctantly promoted, they will be squeezed out, and then they will perform poorly and end up miserably.

But some people have a very high ceiling and can keep moving up. All they need is often an opportunity.

There is no doubt that Zhao Guoping is the kind of person who can be cultivated.

Liu Tao still admires Zhao Guoping.

"Reform and opening up, focusing on economic construction, is the current national policy of the country. First, the external environment has been greatly improved than before, and it is difficult for major countries to start a war. The possibility of a world-level war is unlikely in the short term. Second, the focus has shifted to economic construction. On the other hand, people's lives can be improved, and at the same time, they can learn advanced technologies and concepts from Europe and the United States, import advanced equipment and production lines from Europe and the United States, and also import resources. When the economy gets better, the country also has money, and it is easier to increase military spending. "More." Liu Tao said slowly: "For example, our automobile industry is still very weak and cannot support the semi-motorization and motorization of the army, let alone mechanization."

Zhao Guoping thoughtfully wrote it down in his notebook.

This was not the first time Liu Tao had said similar words to him, but it was from the perspective of military construction.

Army building is actually closely related to a country's industrialization level and comprehensive national strength.

Both the Soviet Army and the US Army have achieved mechanization, because they represent the highest level of industry in the world and the best economy. Bipolar hegemony is a joke, and China is still far behind.

Not to mention China at this time, traditional European powers such as Britain, France, and Germany were far behind the Soviet Union and the United States.

This started when the Soviet Union and the United States joined forces to dismantle the British and French colonial systems. Britain and France had to accept it no matter how unwilling they were. They lost the Suez Canal and various colonies.

The world independence movement after World War II was not only due to the fact that the strength of the traditional Western powers was greatly weakened by World War II and the awareness of national independence was awakened, but it was also secretly supported by the Soviet Union and the United States, and from a certain perspective, this was the real main reason.

"Poverty is not socialism. A rich country and a strong people are socialism." Liu Tao said.

Zhao Guoping's body trembled and he looked surprised.

These words shocked him greatly.

After returning home and taking a shower, Liu Tao went to the study.

His study can be said to be a big secret.

Those two computers alone contained huge secrets.

The computing power of every computer exceeds even the supercomputers of this era.

The most advanced supercomputer in the world now is Cray-1. Since its birth in 1975, it has been the most advanced supercomputer in the world so far. It sells for more than 10 million US dollars and has a power of 115 kilowatts, which is enough to run about 10 family. It uses Freon cooling, a 64-bit system, an operating frequency of 80MHz, and only 8MB of memory. If vector instructions are used properly, the peak speed can reach 250megaflops/s, and the weight reaches 5.5 tons.

In terms of running speed, it was far worse than his computer.

The value of these two computers alone is immeasurable, not to mention the information stored in the computers.

The design information of various firearms, the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and the Type 80 tank are all here.

He connected the printer to the computer and printed data in batches, saving a lot of manpower, material and financial resources.

Even the design data of the machine tools are stored in the computer instead of manual drawing like before.

In order to facilitate the storage of information, he even put a lot of effort into creating a memory.

Because of the importance of this place, the security level here is very high. There are at least 4 guards here 24 hours a day. Therefore, his second sister's family moved out of his place and moved into the house assigned to them.

Only Liu Tao lived in such a big house.

Turn on the computer, enter the password, and enter the desktop.

Later, Liu Tao uploaded the design data of several CNC machine tools to the storage.

Sitting on the chair, Liu Tao closed his eyes slightly and took a short rest.

Before, he had thought that China's foundation was no different from his own.

He once had an ambition to complete his plan in a short period of time, so that China could reach the level of the Soviet Army and the US Army in a few years.

When he actually did it, he found that he was stupid and naive.

Things were not as simple as he imagined.

In this era, China, even if it has detailed drawings, cannot produce it, because China has only initially realized industrialization, and the level of industrialization is very rudimentary, and it is difficult to process parts to meet the requirements.

The more advanced weapons are, the more they require high processing accuracy and high-precision machine tools. China is in short supply of both high-precision machine tools and the talents to operate them.

In other words, he had to start from the basics and develop his own CNC machine tools. After developing them, he had to build and use them himself, because he needed more advanced CNC machine tools.

He has developed advanced self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks, but they cannot be produced by tank manufacturers because they cannot process parts without advanced machine tools. Even if they buy machine tools, they will not export high-end machine tools to China. To put it bluntly, buying them is It is a high-end machine tool. It takes more than half a year to transport and install it. There are no workers who can operate it and need to ask foreigners to teach them. It will take at least another year to teach them.

You have to do everything yourself, and you even have to cultivate supporting industries and production units.

He was confused. He had thought more than once that if he relied on the system and went into the sea on his own, he could easily become a tycoon, a world-class super tycoon. He could make money easily and count money until his hands cramped. Why bother?

I just think that in the past thirty years, after the founding of New China, all our industries were blank. Bald Chiang brought most of the good things to the treasure island, but the party and the country were unyielding and paid huge sacrifices and blood, and finally A preliminary industrial system has been built. Even though this industrial system is very rudimentary, it is already better than at least 80% of the countries in the world.

In the next thirty or forty years, China will still endure a lot of hardships, pay a lot of painful prices, and suffer a lot of humiliation before it can establish a complete industrial system, complete China's industrialization, and win one after another so-called industrial pearls.

He couldn't bear to give up and enjoy it alone. He wanted to be a trendsetter in this era of courageous advancement, so that China could industrialize faster and avoid detours.

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