The next day.

Liu Tao received the call.

Then he called Liu Zhenbang.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the two arrived at No. 13 East Sixth Street, Sanlitun.

10,000 Type 54 pistols, 300,000 Type 56 semi-automatic rifles, 3,000 Type 56 light machine guns, 1,000 Type 56 heavy machine guns, 200,000 Type 63 automatic rifles, 200 anti-aircraft machine guns, 20 anti-aircraft guns and other mortars, Type 69 40mm rocket launchers, tanks, bullets, artillery shells, etc., with a total contract of US$600 million.

"Mr. Muhammad, our rule is half the deposit and the other half to be paid upon delivery." Liu Tao emphasized the payment method.

"There is no problem with this. We are in a Swiss bank and can give money at any time." Mohammed said, "Our requirement is to deliver the goods at the China-Pakistan border within a week."

Liu Tao looked a little surprised.

In the past, transactions with Iraq and other countries were carried out by sea. Unexpectedly, Persia chose land transportation this time.

But think about it, taking the land route is short and safe, and you don’t have to worry about the ship being sunk by Iraq.

The relationship between both parties and Pakistan is quite good.

Liu Tao and Liu Zhenbang looked at each other, and then Liu Tao agreed to Muhammad's conditions.

Not to mention a week, as long as the deposit is paid, the goods will be ready the next day.

There is no need to transfer goods from the mainland, the Western Region Province can easily collect this batch of goods.

This batch looks big, but it's actually just that.

Liu Zhenbang said with emotion: "Persians are really rich. The first order was US$600 million."

"Their foreign exchange reserves are a full 37.3 billion U.S. dollars. As big oil-producing countries, all of them are extremely rich." Liu Tao was not surprised at all: "If the money is not used to buy weapons, it is possible that if the war is lost, it will be used as compensation. ?”

"Look, this is just the first order, and there will definitely be more in the future. Maybe it won't be long before Muhammad will take the initiative to contact you and order more weapons!" Liu Tao said.

Liu Zhenbang said: "Okay, leave the rest to me. You can go back without worries."

Their foreign trade working group, in order to facilitate foreign trade work, specially transferred several talents from the foreign affairs department to assist.

Next, we only need to recruit two more people who understand Farsi, and they can easily handle it.

Liu Tao said: "Remember to contact the bank in time and keep an eye on the deposit. Also prepare the goods. Once the deposit is given, let them contact the transaction. Only when the balance is paid can the goods be delivered."

Liu Tao is not afraid of others. He is afraid that the Chinese people are too honest and think that everyone is an honest person.

"They are already very experienced. Our current foreign trade working group is different from before." Liu Zhenbang said, "There is a precedent. All we have to do is follow the precedent."

That night, Liu Tao took a plane back to Yun Province.

Soon, the Fifth Machinery Department officially issued a document that Factory 356 was included in Panshan Machinery Factory. At the same time, it also related to the administrative level of Panshan Machinery Factory. Although it was still a deputy department-level unit, or a deputy division-level unit, Liu Tao's administrative level was After moving up a level, from level 12 to level 11, the basic salary also increased from 177 yuan to 200 yuan, an increase of 23 yuan.

At this point, it can be said that with just one small step forward, Liu Tao can jump from a middle-level cadre to a senior cadre.

This small step is a small step, but it is actually a huge difference, like a chasm, and most people will never reach it after working hard all their lives.

Liu Tao asked the deputy director "Wang Wei" to serve as the director of Factory 356. Wang Wei had to do two things. One was to send workers to Panshan Machinery Factory in batches for training and integrate into the big family of Panshan Machinery Factory; Another thing is planning to rebuild the 356 factory.

For the current factory, the walls are made of adobe bricks, which looks crude. Liu Tao doesn't like it very much. He still prefers reinforced concrete structures or steel structures.

Since Factory 356 is classified as Panshan Machinery Factory, it has to install the Panshan Machinery Factory.

As for the business of manufacturing bicycles, there is no need. Bicycles can be made by other state-owned factories.

Panshan Machinery Factory Military Camp.

Liu Tao drove over in a Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

Although the Panshan Militia Battalion was disbanded and the original militiamen returned home, the Armed Forces Department of the Panshan Machinery Factory is still there. After the troop streamlining plan, the Panshan Machinery Factory received 6,000 people to help with resettlement, equivalent to three infantry regiments.

After careful selection, the Armed Forces Ministry retained 2,500 people, and another 1,000 people were divided into two groups and sent to the Panshi Security Company in Xiangjiang, and 700 people were sent to the branch factory as guards.

The current 800 people in the Ministry of Armed Forces can build a combined battalion according to Liu Tao's idea.

The combined battalion has three infantry companies, two tank companies, one artillery company, one combat support company, and one logistics support company, including infantry, artillery, armor, reconnaissance, communications, engineers and other arms.

The commander of the combined battalion turned out to be the leader of a main force regiment. He made a mistake in last year's "Roar of the Red Dragon". Liu Yong personally called and Liu Tao personally came to invite him, so he was willing to come.

"Director!" came a loud voice.

Liu Tao had just come out of the cockpit and looked around and saw Zhao Guoping wearing military uniform.

In just one month, Zhao Guoping became a lot darker and lost a lot of weight.

I have to say that Zhao Guoping is indeed a powerful person. During this time, he got along well with his colleagues in the Armed Forces Department and got along well with the soldiers in the military camp.

"Not bad, not bad. You seem to be more energetic! Comrade Li Guofu praised you last time." Liu Tao smiled.

Li Guofu is the director of the Armed Forces Department of Panshan Machinery Factory and the commander of the synthetic battalion.

Normally, Li Guofu previously served as the commander of the main force regiment. If he transferred to a local area, he would often have to be demoted one or even two levels. However, Liu Tao personally invited him to serve as the head of the Armed Forces Department of Panshan Machinery Factory and the commander of the synthetic battalion, but his rank was at the top. Rank and deputy division level will be promoted instead of being demoted.

"It's because of the support and help from my comrades that I learned a lot." Zhao Guoping was a little embarrassed.

When he came to Panshan Machinery Factory, he soon felt like he had discovered a new world.

It was very different from any state-owned factory he knew.

Many things interested him, such as the organizational structure of Panshan Machinery Factory, the new concepts of Panshan Machinery Factory, and even the idea of ​​a synthetic camp proposed by Liu Tao, which interested him very much.

In terms of building a synthetic battalion, Liu Tao also gave strong support. Even the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and Type 80 tanks will be studied in advance in the synthetic battalion.

The firepower of a combined battalion is even much more powerful than that of a traditional infantry regiment.

Who can imagine that there are two self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and two tanks in a combined battalion?

Therefore, Zhao Guoping usually spends a lot of time in the military camp, with the soldiers, and studying and discussing with the commander of the battalion headquarters.

Zhao Guoping was very interested in the 24-man special forces formed at the same time, and often visited the training, teaching, and tactical seminars of the special forces.

Before, he didn't understand why he was arranged to come to Panshan Machinery Factory, but now Zhao Guoping somewhat understood.

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