The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 159: CNC machine tools cannot produce even the drawings (asking for monthly tickets)


When Liu Tao met Wang Baoguo, he was told about Factory 356.

"How about it? Do you have the confidence to take on this heavy responsibility and bring Factory 356 to new glory?" Wang Baoguo looked at Liu Tao.

Since the liberation of southwest China, Wang Baoguo has been working in Yun Province and is very familiar with and understands the military industry system of Yun Province.

Even earlier, Wang Baoguo served as the director of Factory 356.

Later, Wang Baoguo was transferred to the position of director of the Yun Province National Defense Management Office.

Wang Baoguo is very sentimental towards Factory 356. Wang Baoguo feels unhappy about Factory 356's current predicament.

How frustrating it is that one of the top three machine gun manufacturers in the country is producing "Chunhua" brand bicycles.

It’s better to build a bicycle than a gun!

Wang Baoguo proposed that Factory 356 be included in Panshan Machinery Factory. He also had his own considerations. Now Panshan Machinery Factory has a very good development momentum and has a lot of funds.

Money and technology can help Factory 356 get out of trouble.

"Please rest assured, leader, we will definitely lead Factory 356 towards a new recovery." Liu Tao promised, patting his chest.

We only need to rebuild the factory area of ​​Factory 356. By then, as a branch of Panshan Machinery Factory, it will only produce light machine guns, heavy machine guns, and anti-aircraft machine guns, so that Factory 356 can be revitalized.

The biggest problems of Factory 356 are two points. On the one hand, the machines are old and the production quality has seriously declined. On the other hand, there is a lack of orders and funds.

Both of these problems can be perfectly solved by Panshan Machinery Factory.

"It's just the leadership. The leadership of Factory 356 cannot be solved by our Panshan Machinery Factory. The director of Factory 356 is higher than me." Liu Tao said.

Wang Baoguo nodded, "I will consider this matter and mention it at the meeting."

"Now that your Panshan Machinery Factory can produce CNC machine tools, can it be mass-produced and supplied to other factories?" Wang Baoguo asked about CNC machine tools.

CNC machine tools are definitely high-end equipment in China.

Even CNC machine tools that are very common abroad are high-end equipment in China.

I don’t know how many factories want to import CNC machine tools, but are limited by limited foreign exchange, so only some key factories can import some CNC machine tools.

"Currently, the quantity production of CNC machine tools is very limited. In the next two years, the output will only be enough for our own use at Panshan Machinery Factory." Liu Tao said.

Wang Baoguo said, “Can’t handing over CNC machine tool technology to machine tool factories speed up production?”

"Leader, I have learned about my country's machine tool industry. The foundation is too weak. It is almost a blank in terms of CNC machine tools. Even if you are given drawings, it is difficult to produce qualified CNC machine tools." Liu Tao said helplessly.

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, my country's machine tool industry was very backward. When the Republic was founded, there were about 95,000 machine tools in the country. In 1952, the output of metal cutting machine tools was only 13,700. Only a few factories in cities such as Shanghai, Shanghai, and Shenyang had the ability to produce belt lathes. In comparison, European and American countries The screw drive lathe was designed in 1797, and the CNC milling machine was developed in 1952. You can imagine the huge gap.

Machine tools are the mother of industry. In order to build an industrialized country, the country attaches great importance to the machine tool industry and pays attention to the cultivation of machine tool technology and talents. It even sent many people to study in the Soviet Union and received a lot of support from the Soviet Union. my country's machine tool technology has rapidly accumulated and successfully built A number of key enterprises (commonly known as the 'Eighteen Arhats') were established, and 7 comprehensive machine tool research institutes and 37 various professional machine tool research institutes were gradually established, laying a good foundation for my country's machine tool industry.

In the field of CNC machine tools, the first CNC machine tool appeared in our country in 1958, which was only 6 years later than the United States and only 2 years later than Germany, Japan and the Soviet Union.

However, in the field of machine tools, our country mainly imitates, and the Soviet Union provides a large amount of drawing technology. The Soviet technical professionals teach step by step. As the two sides later turned against each other, there were no more masters. At that time, there were still many core technologies of machine tools that were not yet available. Mastery, the motivation and stamina for follow-up technology research and development of machine tools are obviously insufficient.

For example, in the field of CNC machine tools, it is obvious that it has stopped moving forward, and it can even be said that it is retreating.

In the past, Huaxia paid too much attention to machine tool output and ignored quality and long-term development. China has learned a painful lesson in this regard. In 1958, the output of machine tools was twice that of 1957, and in 1960 it was five times that of 1957. A total of 1.64 million machine tools were produced from 1961 to 1978, but the pass rate was 60%!

The pass rate is 60%, and this is the official data!

Originally, the machine tools of Panshan Machinery Factory were to be purchased from the state-owned machine tool factory, but after careful understanding, Liu Tao gave up. He developed the drawings himself, and then Panshan Machinery Factory produced them by itself, including the current CNC machine tools, especially Liu Tao himself. Develop and produce by ourselves.

The pass rate of the machine tools produced by Panshan Machinery Factory was not high at the beginning, but soon the pass rate of the machine tools increased rapidly, and now it has reached 70%.

With Liu Tao here, it is almost impossible to scrap all unqualified machine tools directly and waste resources. They can still reach the standard by repairing them.

As for CNC machine tools, they are now in their infancy, and Liu Tao has to do it himself.

After all, CNC machine tools can only be upgraded if he produces and uses them himself.

Panshan Machinery Factory urgently needs five-axis CNC machine tools and establishes a five-axis machining center.

If he purchased machine tools from a state-owned machine tool factory, the qualified rate of the machine tools delivered might be only 60%, or even worse, only 30%!

"The machine tool factory can't produce it?" Wang Baoguo frowned slightly.

"Well, we lack talents in this area. CNC machine tool production is different from traditional machine tools. Its core is the program control system, which can logically process programs with control codes or other symbolic instructions, decode them, and express them in coded numbers. They are input into the CNC device through information carriers, and various control signals are sent by the CNC device after calculation and processing to control the movement of the machine tool, and automatically process the parts according to the shape and size required by the drawing." Liu Tao nodded, "Without talents in this area, the debugging of the control system and machine tools is a big trouble."

"Now our Panshan Machinery Factory is also in the exploration stage. CNC machine tool workers have to be specially trained and explore step by step." Liu Tao said.

Wang Baoguo sighed: "It seems that the First Ministry of Machine Building is happy for nothing, and they still want to beg for money from our Fifth Ministry of Machine Building."

The First Ministry of Machine Building, also known as the First Ministry of Machine Building Industry, was established in 1952. Its functions were to manage civil machinery, telecommunications, and shipbuilding industries. In 1958, the First Ministry of Machine Building, the Second Ministry of Machine Building, and the Ministry of Electric Machinery merged to form the new First Ministry of Machine Building Industry. In 1960, the Third Ministry of Machine Building was split from the First Ministry of Machine Building, which was responsible for managing the aviation, weapons, tanks, radio and shipbuilding industries divided from the First Ministry of Machine Building, while the First Ministry of Machine Building was responsible for civil machinery. In 1963, the Third Ministry of Machine Building was divided into three industrial ministries according to the aviation industry, conventional weapons, and shipbuilding industries, namely the Third Ministry of Machine Building, the Fifth Ministry of Machine Building, and the Sixth Ministry of Machine Building.

Speaking of it, the Fifth Ministry of Machine Building and the First Ministry of Machine Building have a close relationship and are of the same lineage. Many people know each other.

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