The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 157 Tearful sale of active equipment (ask for monthly tickets at the beginning of the month)

Muhammad looked hesitant.

Being able to be appointed as the full head of the embassy in China, Muhammad can be said to be influential in the Islamic Republic of Persia. He was a professor at the University of Tehran before. After the Islamic Revolution, when the power in Persia was initially taken over, the leaders of these major countries The person in charge of Persia needs to be changed.

As one of the five permanent members, even though it is recognized as the weakest of the five permanent members, China is still a big country with a population of one billion, an army of six million, and possesses both atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs. Naturally, the head of the embassy in China is one of the first to be replaced. of.

Muhammad also knew that the current situation in Persia was quite unfavorable.

Speaking of which, the dispute between Iran and Iraq did not erupt suddenly, but has historical roots.

First of all, the main reason is the territorial dispute. The Shatt al-Arab River, which is about 100 kilometers long, is the natural boundary between Iran and Iran. The two sides have long-term disputes over the sovereignty of this river. As early as early 1974, the two sides had armed conflicts. In 1975, The two sides signed an agreement to peacefully resolve the border issue under the mediation of Algeria, which stipulated that the center line of the main waterway would be used as the boundary, and Persia would need to give up four areas including Zaing Ghos, which was originally part of Iraq. However, Persia was unwilling to delay the implementation of the agreement. This was regarded as a "great shame and humiliation" by Iraq. Instead of easing the hostility between the two sides, it deepened!

Secondly, religious conflicts are another important reason for the conflict between the two parties. Both are Islamic countries, and the majority of Muslims in both countries belong to Shia. The Shia in Persia gained power under the leadership of its leader Ayatollah Khomeini, while the Shia in Iraq have no ruling status. There are frequent domestic sectarian conflicts. occurred, and each side supported the Kurds in the other's territory, exacerbating the conflict.

Furthermore, Khomeini had been in exile in Iraq for a long time to preach. In 1978, she was deported by Saddam Hussein on the pretext of "inciting Shia rebellion in the country". Khomeini has always held a grudge against this and was regarded as 'A great shame and humiliation'.

Finally, there is the Gulf hegemony. Both sides can be said to be the most powerful countries in the Gulf region. Persia used to be a big country and a powerful country in the Gulf region and considered itself the overlord of the Gulf region. Iraq has come from behind and has overtaken Persia in recent years. Saddam has repeatedly shown his ambition to dominate the Gulf region.

Before the war, both Iran and Iran carried out a series of war preparations.

But no one expected that the war would break out so quickly!

Persia hurriedly responded to the battle, and its ground troops continued to retreat, failing to block the Iraqi army's onslaught.

In order to win this war, Persia has actually made a decision to spend a lot of money to purchase weapons and equipment in large quantities.

After Mohamed pondered for a moment, he asked with a trial attitude: "How do you sell your weapons and ammunition?"

"How about we go to the site and see the weapons and ammunition for ourselves?" Liu Tao said with a smile, "How about we also see the weapons and ammunition."

Muhammad nodded and called the military attache.

The two sides arrived at a military camp outside the suburbs. An infantry regiment was stationed here.

At this time, Liu Tao was joined by Liu Zhenbang and others.

The boxes that had been prepared were opened one by one.

"This is a Type 54 pistol, an imitation of the Soviet Tokarev pistol. A pistol of this type only costs 100 US dollars, and bullets are 0.5 US dollars per round!" Liu Tao picked up a Type 54 pistol and introduced it.

China still has more than 25 million of these Type 54 pistols.

In addition to troops and public security equipment, a large number of them are placed in warehouses.

As the Type 78 pistol was mass-produced and continuously installed in the army, becoming the weapon of the troop commander, the Type 54 pistol was constantly replaced.

If you don't sell these Type 54 pistols, they will be a waste, and you will have to spend a lot of money on maintenance every year.

Muhammad asked the military attache next to him, who was introducing him.

The prices of weapons and equipment of the same type vary greatly, and even the purchase prices of the same type of weapons and equipment in different countries also vary greatly.

Take pistols for example. Cheap pistols only cost a few dozen dollars, but expensive ones can even cost three to four hundred dollars.

The United States purchases M9 pistols, and Beretta's winning bid is $237 per gun!

If other countries purchase M9 pistols, they will only be more expensive, not cheaper.

Like the Type 54 pistol, the price in the international market is almost US$130 per gun.

Now it only costs US$100/piece, which is equivalent to a price reduction of 23%, not to mention the corresponding bullets are given as gifts. Overall, it is almost 30% cheaper than in the international market.

As for the price of bullets, US$1 is normal in the international market.

"This is a Type 56 semi-automatic rifle. It costs US$180 each, and bullets cost US$0.70 per shot." Liu Tao picked up a Type 56 semi-automatic rifle and introduced: "It is an imitation of the Soviet AK47. The AK47 was used in World War II. Then the price reached $230.”

The AK47 rifle is definitely the most famous export product of the Soviet Union and the most famous rifle in the world. It is still the standard equipment of the Soviet army and the Warsaw Pact army.

AK47 rifles are loved by all parties. Even American gangsters like to use AK47 rifles and often use AK47 rifles to fight with the police.

It is no exaggeration to say that wherever there are people in the world, there are AK47 rifles.

So much so that there was a wise saying in the 1970s: "The United States exports Coca-Cola, Japan exports Sony appliances, and the Soviet Union exports AK47!"

Of course, 90% of the AK-47 series automatic rifles worldwide are imitations, and very few of them are actually produced in the Soviet Union.

There are many imitations of AK47 rifles around the world, but China’s imitations are definitely the best.

The current price of the AK47 rifle is between three and four hundred US dollars, while the Type 56 rifle only costs US$180. The price has dropped by 50%. This is simply a reasonable price.

Even if it is a second-hand pistol, the price is still exciting.

From a certain point of view, second-hand guns are even more popular than new guns because they have been used and worn out.

Liu Tao did not recommend the firearms from Panshan Machinery Factory to Muhammad, but recommended these Chinese current equipment.

Although the production of Type 56 semi-automatic rifles has been discontinued since last year, in the past two decades, there have been more than 80 factories producing Type 56 semi-automatic rifles across the country. There are now at least 12 million Type 56 semi-automatic rifles in China.

These are all necessary to eliminate inventory.

The price of these weapons and equipment will be much lower, but they are still deadly weapons on the battlefield.

There is also the Type 56 light machine gun, which also exists on a large scale, with more than 300,000 in active service and in stock.

In addition to the Type 56 light machine gun, there are also Type 53 light machine gun and Type 74 light machine gun!

In total, there are still 400,000 in the country. You can imagine how staggering the number is.

If all these are sold, the troops can easily be converted into Type 78 general-purpose machine guns, and there may even be a surplus.

After all, if they can all be sold, these can be sold for almost 400 million US dollars, which is not a small sum of money.

There are also those 56 semi-automatic rifles, which can be sold for 21.6 billion US dollars. With this money, not only can all the troops be replaced with Type 78 automatic rifles, but they can also buy more heavy machine guns and heavy sniper rifles.

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