The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 156 Completely opposite judgments

"No, I think it is almost impossible for Iraq to defeat Persia!"

Liu Tao shook his head and did not agree with Liu Zhenbang's statement.

"Why?" Liu Zhenbang looked at Liu Tao curiously. He knew that Liu Tao was very independent and often looked at problems from unexpected angles.

When everyone was confused when faced with the above decision to change from free military assistance to paid military assistance and to become an arms dealer, Liu Tao took the initiative to contact customers and won a large order, opening the door to China's weapons and equipment exports, and then continued Set records and get big orders.

Even Liu Taodu and Huo Yingdong from Xiangjiang jointly established Panshi Security Company to provide security services for the rich in Xiangjiang.

Liu Tao pondered for a moment and then said: "Iraq has a population of more than 13 million, while Persia has more than 38 million people, which is nearly three times that of Iraq. In terms of war potential, Persia has an absolute advantage."

"Persia has huge war potential and advantages. After fully entering the wartime system, it is easy to raise more troops. As long as Persia does not surrender and continues to fight, it will enter a stalemate stage later." Liu Tao said: "Persia used to be a The most powerful country in the Middle East is much more powerful than Iraq. They have a large number of tanks and more than 500 aircraft, and they have air superiority.”

"Persia has more than 30 billion U.S. dollars in foreign exchange reserves, which are not much less than Iraq. They can use their foreign exchange reserves to purchase weapons and equipment from outside and continue to fight and consume them," Liu Tao said.

From a certain perspective, the Iran-Iraq war can actually be regarded as a proxy war between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Although the United States and the Soviet Union are now more supportive of Iraq, this is only temporary.

If the war continues and Persia is about to be unable to hold on, the United States will definitely support Persia secretly, because the United States does not want Iraq to defeat Persia and gain hegemony in the Persian Gulf. This is a great threat to the United States and is almost unacceptable.

At that time, Persia was a die-hard ally of the United States and an important tool for the United States to exert influence in the Middle East. However, no one expected that the Islamic Revolution would break out in Persia and the Pahlavi dynasty would be overthrown.

But for the United States, the strategy is the same.

If it does not support Persia, Iraq gains Gulf hegemony, or Persia completely falls to the Soviet Union, it will be a fatal blow to the United States and a huge strategic failure. The United States simply cannot bear this kind of failure.

"War never depends on who has a strong offensive at the beginning on the battlefield. Whoever has the advantage will win." Liu Tao said.

Liu Zhenbang was stunned for a moment, and then he looked thoughtful.

Thinking back to the Anti-Japanese War, how arrogant and powerful the Japanese army was at the beginning, and their offensive was extremely fierce. They claimed that it would take three months to destroy China. However, the Chinese people did not give up resistance. They dragged the war into a strategic stalemate stage and continued to fight through battles. The Japanese army was consumed and eventually entered the strategic counterattack stage, thus defeating the Japanese army.

The same was true for the war that broke out on the Liaodong Peninsula that year. The US military wanted to end the war before Christmas so that the US military could have a festive Christmas, but the result was still dismal in the end.

While the father and son were discussing, Chen Fang cooked the food and drank and ate.

The next day, Liu Tao took the initiative to go to No. 13 East 6th Street, Sanlitun, where Persia's office in China was located.

Last year, the Islamic Revolution broke out in Persia, the Pahlavi dynasty collapsed, and Persia established the Islamic Republic. As the foreign affairs department of Persia, it was naturally impossible for it to belong to the Pahlavi dynasty and obey the new government immediately.

To be honest, Liu Tao is actually a little worried about the current Persians. He wonders if these fanatical religious elements will do something excessive.

In November last year, a group of militants occupied the U.S. Embassy in Persia and detained more than 60 embassy personnel. These hostages have not been released until now. This is known as the "Embassy Hostage Crisis", which made the United States Very hostile to current Persia.

Over the past year or so, some incredible things have happened in Persia that people cannot understand no matter how much they think about it.

Under the propaganda of European and American media, the image of Persia is as bad as a devil.

Just to do business and make money, Liu Tao still visited in person.

About ten minutes later, Liu Tao met the person in charge here, Mohammed!

A middle-aged man was wearing a suit with a white shirt underneath and no tie. It seemed that he had studied in Europe and the United States before.

Those who can be appointed to a country to be responsible for comprehensive work are often professionals who have studied abroad. Most people are not qualified for this job.

"Young man, you came to visit me, but what's the matter?" Muhammad frowned slightly, "If you want to go to Persia, you only need to follow the procedures to apply for a visa. But I think if you want to apply for a visa? You need to ask to see me!”

Liu Tao had a smile on his face, "Mr. Muhammad, I am an arms dealer. I have all kinds of firearms and ammunition here, including various types of cannons, tanks, armored vehicles, and even aircraft."

Muhammad looked surprised.

Then he looked at Liu Tao carefully and still felt unbelievable: "Are you an arms dealer? Do you have arms dealers in China? Don't you China all provide free military assistance? And you are so young, can you be an arms dealer?"

Liu Tao looked helpless.

Before coming, he made a point of getting to know the comrades in the foreign affairs department and found out that Muhammad had just been appointed and had only been in China for less than a month.

Obviously Muhammad is still stuck in the past when it comes to China and does not know that China has made adjustments.

"Mr. Muhammad, in fact, we in China have made great adjustments since last year. We no longer provide free military assistance to foreign countries, but change it to paid, just like arms dealers." Liu Tao explained, "And I am a large-scale The person in charge of the arms factory, you can think of me as an international arms dealer."

"Our weapons and ammunition are very cheap, high quality and low price, and we only need money and no other conditions." Liu Tao said, "I know you are facing the invasion of Iraq now, I sympathize with you, I believe you need our help."

"Hundreds of thousands or even millions of pistols, rifles, machine guns, even thousands of artillery pieces, millions of rounds of artillery shells, and one or two thousand main battle tanks." Liu Tao became more confident as he spoke, "As long as you have enough With the money, you can buy a lot of weapons and ammunition.”

Muhammad's heart twitched hard.

Hundreds of thousands or millions of firearms, thousands of artillery pieces, millions of rounds of artillery shells, and one or two thousand tanks.

Is this really an arms dealer?

And this arms dealer is still so young!

Muhammad couldn't help but hesitate in his heart, not knowing whether to trust the too young man in front of him.

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