The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 116 Double Happiness (please order first)

In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

Tomorrow is the day when Liu Tao leaves Beijing and returns to Panshan Machinery Factory, and the love becomes stronger when they leave.

Zhu Lin is as tender as water and cooperates more with her husband. Liu Tao takes this opportunity to unlock several actions.

After a lot of fun, I finally entered the time of the sage.

The two chatted privately in a low voice, and Zhu Lin blushed slightly.

Suddenly, Zhu Lin felt a sense of nausea and kept retching.

"What's wrong?" Liu Tao was surprised, "Are you sick!?"

"It's okay, just drink some water." Zhu Lin said, got up from the bed, picked up the kettle on the bedside, poured some water and drank it.

Sure enough, Zhu Lin felt much better after drinking water.

"Let's go to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow. I'll feel more at ease." Liu Tao put his arms around Zhu Lin's slender waist.

Suddenly, as if he remembered something, Liu Tao asked nervously, "Linlin, have you had your period yet?"

Zhu Lin was stunned for a moment, then started to count, showing a nervous expression, "No, not coming!"

"We'll check it out tomorrow. Maybe you really have it!" Liu Tao swallowed, his hands shaking a little.

You know, both of them are at their best age, and the more I think about it, the more likely it is.

The two of them chatted quietly, talking about having a boy or a girl, and even the name of the child.

Unknowingly, the two fell asleep hugging each other.

In his sleep, Liu Tao seemed to dream that a child appeared. The child opened his hands towards him and kept smiling.

When Liu Tao woke up, Liu Tao couldn't think of anything.

"Is this what you think about every day and dream about at night?" Liu Tao muttered to himself.

After breakfast, Liu Tao and Zhu Lin took the same bus.

Union Hospital, came to the gynecology department.

After checking it, when the report came out, Liu Tao looked at the report with his hands shaking.

Sure enough, I hit the target. It happened to be the last time I returned to the capital.

Liu Tao was ecstatic. At this moment, he felt that the world seemed different.

It seems that he is no longer a passerby, no longer a cold observer, but actually in this world.

The two families were overjoyed when they found out.

However, this joy did not last long, and he had to embark on the journey back to Panshan Machinery Factory.

Panshan Machinery Factory.

After returning here, Liu Tao spent more time on drawing, and the drawings were drawn one by one.

He is mainly responsible for drawing core drawings and compiling core materials.

The secondary drawings and documents mobilized the technical staff of the entire Panshan Machinery Factory.

Practice makes perfect, Liu Tao can draw twenty pictures and write three pages of materials in one day.

In addition to testing product quality every day, Liu Tao devotes his time to compiling the design data of the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

It took two months to finally put together a complete set of information.

"Finally everything is done, phew~~" Liu Tao sighed softly.

A set of information, tens of thousands of drawings and information!

There is still no process. If there were data on the design process, I'm afraid it could fit one or two train cars.

It is conceivable how much technology and how much design information is involved in this advanced self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

If we really organize the development of such a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, even if we mobilize many universities and scientific research institutions, it will probably take 20 to 30 years!

We can also see from this how much military research time and funds Liu Tao saved.

Liu Tao announced a three-day holiday for these technicians so that they could have a good rest. During this time, they were all exhausted.

They were tired, and so was Liu Tao.

Even when he went to the capital before, apart from spending time with his beautiful wife, he spent all the other time drawing. When he was in the factory, he often reviewed the drawings until two or three in the morning every night.

On average, I only sleep for about five hours a day, and the rest of my time is devoted to this.

Put this information in the archives and classify it as top secret information.

Afterwards, he set off for the capital.

Early the next morning, Liu Tao went to Wang Baoguo's office.

"Boss, you promised me before that Factory 256 would be placed under the jurisdiction of Panshan Machinery Factory, but it has come true!" Liu Tao said with a smile.

Wang Baoguo was stunned for a moment, then seemed to remember something, "Have you developed a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun?"

Wang Baoguo remembered that he had said before that if Liu Tao developed an advanced self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, then Factory 256 would be included in Panshan Machinery Factory.

Now that Liu Tao said this, it also means that the development of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns that Liu Tao said before has been developed.

"Well, it has been developed!" Liu Tao nodded slightly, "One prototype car has been produced!"

Wang Baoguo's eyes lit up, "How is the performance?"

"It is infinitely more powerful than the anti-aircraft guns currently equipped by the army. There is no comparison at all." Liu Tao raised the corners of his mouth slightly, full of pride, "It is even better than the 'Cheetah' self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, even if you think about it, it is not much worse!"

"Many technologies have been overcome during this development process. When the experts arrive, they will be surprised!" Liu Tao is full of confidence.

The '80' self-propelled anti-aircraft gun is definitely the ceiling of China's national defense industry. It is not easy to produce it. If you want to produce it in small batches, you need Liu Tao's help.

"Tell me, what's the most advanced method?" Wang Baoguo's curiosity was piqued.

"The tracked self-propelled anti-aircraft gun currently being developed is tentatively named 'Type 80' self-propelled anti-aircraft gun. It is 10 meters long, 3.71 meters wide and weighs 47 tons." Liu Tao introduced.

Although Wang Baoguo did not study self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, he could feel the power of the '80-type' self-propelled anti-aircraft guns just by listening to Liu Tao's introduction.

With 1,500 horsepower and a peak power of 1,800 horsepower, how powerful is the performance of this diesel engine.

At least as far as Wang Baoguo knows, there is no diesel engine in China that can achieve this power.

The Type 69 main battle tank uses a V-shaped 12-cylinder water-cooled diesel engine with a rated power of only 426kW, which is 580 horsepower. The Type 69 main battle tank weighs only 36.5 tons, which is not as good as the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun developed by Liu Tao.

This means that if this diesel engine is used and the same chassis is used, China can develop a heavy tank weighing 50 tons or even 60 tons.

Why does China only have medium tanks but no heavy tanks until now? Isn't it because the diesel engine technology is not good enough?

The more Wang Baoguo thought about it, the more shocked he became.

If Liu Tao hadn't said big words, then Liu Tao would have released a big star this time.

"Wait a minute, follow me to the leader to report." Wang Baoguo calmed himself down, "If there are no problems, the ministry will organize a team of experts to go to your Panshan Machinery Factory."

Liu Tao nodded slightly. Since Panshan Machinery Factory is now directly under the jurisdiction of the Fifth Machinery Department, the expert review is no longer organized by the Yun Provincial Defense Management Office, but must be organized by the Fifth Machinery Department.

And such a team of experts must be drawn from experts with research and knowledge in this field from across the country.

Liu Tao is not worried at all that there will be any problems with the expert review, because for now, his attainments in this area are definitely the strongest in the country.

It is impossible for any expert to match him.

It has been hard work these past few months, but his professional and technical levels related to self-propelled anti-aircraft guns have also improved by leaps and bounds.

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