Huo Yingdong was very surprised.

As for the security company, although it is a bit unexpected, it is acceptable.

The mainland lacks everything except people.

There are more than one billion people, which is equivalent to almost 25% of the world's total population!

The total number of troops is as high as six million, and basically all kinds of weapons can be produced, including atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs.

It's just a security company. For such a giant, it's just a small thing.

But personal computers are different. He has never heard of any development of personal computers in the mainland.

Even Xiangjiang and Baodao are almost blank in terms of personal computers.

But it is simply unbelievable that someone like Liu Tao, who was born and raised in the Mainland, wants to make a difference in personal computers.

"As for cooperation, we can wait until you develop a personal computer." Huo Yingdong smiled, "I can buy you a personal computer as a gift to make friends."

Huo Yingdong didn't quite believe this.

Liu Tao felt that Huo Yingdong didn't believe it and didn't care.

Once he figures it out and speaks with facts, everything will no longer be a problem.

After saying goodbye and leaving, Liu Tao returned to the Fifth Machinery Department and reported to the leader.

The next day, Liu Tao received a call and hurried out.

Soon, Liu Tao met the distinguished guest.

Then the inhumanity of the man wearing a white robe and a big beard shocked Liu Tao again.

10,000 pistols, 200,000 automatic rifles, 2,000 machine guns, 2,000 heavy machine guns, 2,000 heavy sniper rifles, 600,000 pistol bullets, 202 million rifle bullets, 9 million heavy machine gun bullets, 200,000 heavy machine gun special bullets , 200,000 rounds of heavy sniper bullets, 20,000 rounds of special sniper bullets, with a total order of US$387.5 million.

"Mr. Haller, I promise to complete all orders within three months. I am the most trustworthy person!" Liu Tao promised, patting his chest. He is the most willing to make friends with rich people.

Haller, a Saudi military attaché, they had been in contact with before.

"Mr. Liu, I believe you too." Haller smiled.

They were very satisfied with the last cooperation, and this time it was an additional order.

Liu Tao said: "Actually, Mr. Haller, our weapons are suitable for you. Compared with European and American weapons, we are not inferior at all, and are even more advanced than them."

This order was not shipped to Saudi Arabia, but was divided into three parts, one to Iraq, one to Syria, and one to Jordan.

Clearly, this was not ordered for the Saudis themselves.

Liu Tao hopes to become a true friend with Saudi Arabia.

Relying on oil, Saudi Arabia has made crazy money in recent years. It can earn huge amounts of US dollars every year. Last year alone, Saudi Arabia's GDP reached 111.86 billion US dollars. It can be said that Saudi Arabia lacks everything except US dollars.

"But your Chinese weapons are too backward." Haller shook his head, "Only the firearms are not bad."

"Firearms are fine, as long as they are used, they are good quality and cheap." Liu Tao said, then lowered his voice, "If you buy enough ballistic missiles, it is not non-negotiable."

Haller stood up immediately and said in disbelief: "Is this true?"

Ballistic missiles are the most advanced weapons today. They are great weapons. There are no more than ten countries that can produce ballistic missiles. Ballistic missiles are difficult to defend against and have extremely strong deterrent power.

Any country that possesses ballistic missiles will not sell them no matter how much money they pay.

The relationship between Saudi Arabia and the United States is good enough. They spend a lot of money to buy American weapons every year, but Saudi Arabia cannot buy ballistic missiles from the United States.

"Seriously!" Liu Tao nodded vigorously, "As long as you buy more of our weapons and equipment, buying ballistic missiles is not out of the question."

Liu Tao knew that in a few years Saudi Arabia would buy 35 Dongfeng-3 missiles at a price of US$100 million each.

The Dongfeng 3 missile is the first-generation surface-to-surface medium-range ballistic missile developed by China in the 1960s. It was test-launched in December 1966 and entered service in 1971. It has a range of 3,000 kilometers.

The Dongfeng 3 missile is not the most advanced medium-range missile, but there is no doubt that it is a powerful weapon and has great deterrence capabilities. People with ulterior motives within the range of the missile must think twice before doing anything.

Otherwise, it is Dongfeng Express, and the mission will be fulfilled!

Liu Tao didn't dare to say anything else. As for ballistic missiles, the rabbits are all crazy now, what else can't they do?

As long as it's not selling nuclear weapons, I'm willing to sell anything.

Haller swallowed, his heart beat so fast that it almost jumped out of his chest, and his mind went blank.

He was shocked by Liu Tao's words.

You must know that it is a ballistic missile, a big killer, the Sword of Damocles hanging over the enemy's head.

"Mr. Liu, I have to report to the country. If there is any news, I will contact you." Haller said. This is a big matter, and Haller did not dare to agree directly.

Liu Tao nodded slightly.

This time the other party sent a large order of nearly 400 million US dollars, which was already an unexpected surprise.

Liu Tao just wants to see if he can cooperate in depth. It is best if he can cooperate in depth. It doesn't matter if he can't cooperate in depth.

Anyway, the door to cooperation here is always open.

After the negotiation, Liu Tao went to the Fifth Machinery Department. After all, the order was nearly 400 million US dollars, which was no small matter.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you have such a big order this time in the capital. The God of Wealth is worthy of being the God of Wealth." Wang Baoguo exclaimed and looked at Liu Tao with a strange look on his face.

Not long after that, Liu Tao actually had another order.

He wondered why those people looked for Liu Tao instead of looking for someone else.

Looking at the foreign trade working group again, they have nothing to do now. They are all making tea and chatting in the office. They have not gone to do any business during this period. Wang Baoguo can only say that people are very irritating.

He couldn't understand how there could be such a big difference between father and son.

"I can't help it. If a person is handsome, he is popular. All men, women and children will be killed!" Liu Tao spread his hands.

This order was an unexpected surprise that Liu Tao had not expected.

It can only be said that we have forged friendships through previous transactions. In terms of cost-effectiveness, anyone who has tried it will find it delicious.

No one is a fool and likes to buy expensive things by nature.

In the case of the same performance, as long as you are not a fool, you will choose the cheaper one. Everyone's money is not blown by the strong wind. If you can spend less, spend less.

"You~~" Wang Baoguo laughed and shook his head.

This is not the first time I have done this. I am already familiar with it and follow the same steps as before.

The contract agreement was signed the next day.

Liu Tao is not afraid of losing money. Anyway, as long as the other party pays the deposit, there will be no loss no matter what.

He will not be like the Three Machinery Department, who does not know how to collect a deposit, but will get the money after completing the order. At that time, the initiative is in the hands of others, and there is a reason to shirk.

In the arms business, arms merchants have always been relatively strong, and they must do their best to ensure that the funds are in place, and at least they cannot lose money.

To be honest, the only country that can make arms lose money is China.

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