After negotiating with Schroeder about the transaction intentions, Jiang Fei did not immediately leave for North America, but took Ariel and Isabella to the east ruins full of rubble and rubble.

Obviously, a large number of pharmaceutical trades made Jiang Fei quickly run out of the tentacles of the evil beasts that Ariel had cut back. This time, Jiang Guanguan came to slaughter the pigs!

Regarding the location of the Apple Hill, Ariel naturally made light use of the road. After a transient shift, the three Jiang Fei came to the outside of the Apple Hill.

"You go, anyway, you are all old acquaintances!" Jiang Fei smiled and handed Zhan Lujian to Ariel.

"Well, it's annoying to see that disgusting guy again!" Ariel murmured. Although the large meat ball of the evil beast made her uncomfortable, she took Cham Lu from Jiang Fei. sword.

After launching Teleport again, Ariel appeared in the interior of Apple Mountain with a Zhan Lu sword.

"Auntie, dear mother, why are you here again?" When the evil beast saw Ariel again, the tears almost did not fall out, his life these days is simply not as good as a pig and dog. Absorbing energy, as a result, Ariel came over to cut the meat once. Now he managed to gather some energy. He was about to move in two days. As a result, Grandma Ariel came home again!

"Less nonsense, just let me do it yourself, or let me do it myself?" Ariel raised her eyebrows, and Zhan Lu Jian in her hand made a gesture toward the evil beast.

"I'm here! Don't bother you!" Seeing Ariel's eyes wide open, how could the evil beast let this aunt grandma take her own hands, if she took Zhan Lujian to herself, she would have to die half her life It's better to donate a tentacle to send her away.

"Pop ..." One of the thickest tentacles was broken by the evil beast by itself, and then offered it respectfully. There was no way. Who would make the evil beast afraid of death?

"Come on again!" Ariel wasn't as good as usual this time. After all, Jiang Fei now needs a lot of energy potions to exchange for uranium ore and wreckage, so the consumption of the flesh essence of the evil beast will naturally increase.

"Come back?" The evil beast is about to collapse this time. He is a magnificent fifth-class strongman. Has this day been passed?

"Less nonsense!" Ariel didn't want to look at this guy at all, so she waved a sword and cut off two tentacles from the evil beast.

"Squeak! Squeak! Whoops! Squeak!" The Vera metal on Zhan Lujian is no less than the most venomous poison for energy creatures, even the fifth-level evil beast hurts to learn the monkey call!

"Aunt Grandma, I didn't say no, I didn't say no, next time you don't do it yourself ..." The evil beast looked at Ariel with an aggrieved look.

"Okay, this is almost enough, you can take a good rest, I will come to see you in a few days!" Ariel waved her hand, rolled up three tentacles with energy, and then launched a teleportation.

"Come back?" The evil beast was frightened, and then secretly vowed in his heart that this time absolutely did not wait for the full recovery of the force. Whenever he had some mobility, he moved immediately. Although this is the best place for healing, it is definitely not. Long stay!

"Here!" Ariel returned to the ground like a little girl who presented her treasures, handing over three tentacles to Jiang Fei, and at the same time a look of exaggeration on my face appeared.

"Ah! That's great, but you're so cruel? The evil beast hasn't cried?" Jiang Fei was also taken aback by Ariel's harvest.

"No! Although that guy was screaming awesomely, he didn't even have a drop of tears, he pretended at first sight!" Ariel said with a small mouth.

If these words are heard by the evil beast, he really has suicidal heart: Grandma, I do n’t cry, I do n’t have a lacrimal gland, I do n’t have that function! Otherwise I'm in tears now!

"Okay, with these tentacles, you don't need to worry about energy potions!" Jiang Fei nodded, and then commanded to 0542: "Process these tentacles into potions."

Jiang Fei originally thought that 0542 would execute his order immediately, but didn't expect that 0542 gave this answer: "Sorry Master Captain, because of insufficient energy, the biochemical laboratory has been closed!"

It turned out that although the energy consumed by the 0542 energy production mainly came from the flesh and blood of evil beasts, it still required some energy to maintain the operation of the biochemical laboratory. This energy is negligible at ordinary times, but this time, the energy stored by 0542 was almost exhausted, so It is not enough to maintain the operation of the biochemical laboratory.

"This way ..." Jiang Fei clicked, and then he had a plan. Although his usual transactions were first-hand money and first-hand goods, relying on his relationship with Schroder, let the mutants take some uranium mine first. The deposit estimation problem is not big, and it will be too late when energy reproduction reagents are available. Anyway, as long as the biochemical laboratory is started, it only takes a few hours to make energy reagents.

Since neither Ariel nor Isabella has ever been to the rice country, this trip to North America is destined to consume a lot of time on the road. Jiang Fei explained to his mother and Situ Ying before leaving the house. It takes two or three days to go back for a trip.

Just as the "Dawn" game has also entered the maintenance stage, Jiang Fei does not have to worry about delaying the battle of cutting the sky, so while taking advantage of this opportunity to handle everything at hand, he can also enjoy a warm time with the two girls .

Although Jiang Fei could let Ariel or Isabella take him to fly, the speed would be greatly increased, but considering that he had to give Schroeder the time to prepare a uranium mine ~ ~ arrived too early in the rice country There was nothing to do, so the three of them used the giant sword to swim all the way up the mountain. When they met the island with good scenery, they fell down and rested for a while. Then, in the afternoon of the next day, Jiang Feisan arrived at the west coast of the rice country.

When Jiang Fei arrived in the rice country, the person in charge of receiving him had arrived. This time the mutants sent Jiang Fei's old acquaintance Rona.

Jiang Fei has visited the country of rice more than once. Previously, Rona was in charge of receiving him. However, Rona, who had only a fourth-level elementary level at this time, has become a fourth-level elementary level. .

"Mr. Jiang, I will be in charge of your reception this time. If you have any needs, please tell me directly. Don't be polite, I will try to arrange it for you." Although this is not the first time I have dealt with Jiang Fei, But this time, although Rona was stronger, she was more restrained in front of Jiang Fei.

After all, when she received Jiang Fei, Jiang Fei was similar in strength to her, and she was a fledgling, young boy. But nowadays, Jiang Fei, even without mentioning Zhugeshan ’s really strong background, is himself a fourth-level peak warrior, so When Rona looked at him again, naturally he couldn't be as casual as before.

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