The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 1004: Emergency energy

The evil smile did not see through the traps in front of him. In his opinion, Jiang Fei was preparing a big move at this time. It was definitely the most slack period of defense. It was a good time for his sneak attack.

So at this time, the evil smile suddenly started, and under the blessing of the agile Ding, his body only left a shallow shadow in the air. If most people don't notice it, he won't be found at all!

The reason why Xie Xiao didn't enter stealth is that on the one hand, stealth will reduce the speed of movement, and on the other hand, because he knows that there is a peculiar anti-hidden means on the grass.

Although the evil smile was nearly 1,500 meters away from Jiang Fei, with the blessing of the agility, he came to Jiang Fei's side almost instantly, and the frozen traps around Jiang Fei were all laughed by evil one by one Escaped, not triggered at all.

All lives are waiting!

The evil laugh instantly launched this must-have skill to kill the flying grass!

Suddenly, the upper limit of life of Xie Xiao and Jiang Fei was forced to one!

"Go to death!" The evil smile roared, and at the same time, the dagger in his hand stabbed behind Jiang Fei.



With a crisp sound, the attack of evil laugh was stopped by a glimmer of light. Jiang Fei already turned on the glare shield when he signaled Shahraz to leave!

"Damn! Be fooled!" The evil smile that failed in one hit immediately responded.

Although he just discovered these frozen traps when he was close to Jiang Fei just now, at first he thought that these frozen traps were left by the gods, so he did n’t care too much, just avoided them carefully, but when he found the grass When Shangfei was immune to the attack again, he immediately knew that he had been fooled.

When Cao Shangfei and the battle just now, he was not immune to attack, and he was still guiding the big move. He attacked suddenly, but his attack was immune, which made evil laugh instantly understand that he was fooled!

"Go!" The evil smile that reacted immediately wanted to turn around and leave, but everything was too late!

As early as when Jiang Fei sent a signal to Shahraz, he also sent a signal to the mages in the team at the same time. Almost as soon as Shahras left, the arcane mages who had turned on stealth came into play. !!

At this time, the evil smile that wanted to escape felt that his body was torn by a strange force, and the whole person seemed to be caught in a quagmire, making his speed slow down suddenly.

Although the speed of evil laughs is still faster than the thieves who usually start sprinting at this time, for Jiang Fei, who has the same speed, this is enough!

"Go to death!" Jiang Fei's mouth showed a smile, followed by the sword dragon flying in the sky and turned straight down, passing by the side of evil smile!





Although the evil laugh turned on the skill of forcing ten dodges to save his life, the stegosaurus was composed of 128 swords, so the three dodge effects did not save the evil laugh!

"You play Lai ..." Before the evil laugh was spiked, there was only such a thought in mind.

Whether it is attacking Jiang Fei by evil laughs or hunting evil laughs by Jiang Fei, they are both one-on-one singled out. Because the speed of evil laughs is extremely fast, Jiang Fei does not have any large-scale deceleration skills. Can easily escape.

But this time it was different. Jiang Guan was not alone. Although the frozen traps of the hunters were detected and escaped by the evil laughter, the Arcane Masters did amazing things.

Although the stagnation force field of the mages lasted for a short time, it was such an instant that Jiang Fei seized the opportunity and killed the evil laugh in one shot!

"Ding!" With a crisp sound, all the equipment on Xie Xiao's body dropped, in addition to that agile tripod and two other items!

Obviously, the lucky tripod on Jiang Fei's body triggered the stunts in the house. In addition to the agile tripod and the equipment on the body, the evil laughter also dropped two other high-value items, a magic book and a Holy Grail!

"Oh, finally flattened out!" Jiang Fei smiled slightly, and then collected the items falling from the evil smile into his pocket.

Tripod of Agility (Special Equipment, Relic)

Dexterity: 100,000

Note: Special equipment can take effect when placed in a backpack.

The agile tripod is just an attribute tripod, so there are no other special effects, but only a bonus of 100,000 attributes, but in addition to this agile tripod, Jiang Fei found that the evil smile also left him two dry goods!

Paladin's Holy Grail (Special Item, Ancient Legacy)

Use: The maximum health of you and your target will be forced to 1 for 30 seconds.

Note: Paladin's Holy Grail is only valid for players.

This thing is the key item that assassinates and kills Jiang Fei. It is because of this thing that he can kill Jiang Fei, but this thing is not useful to Jiang Fei. At present, Jiang Fei is definitely the player with the most blood. Does he use this holy grail to find himself uncomfortable when he is full?

In addition to this holy grail, evil laugh also dropped a magic book.

Forbidden Curse: Karma Demon Lotus

Use: Teaches you how to ban curse magic fire lotus.

Requires: Level 90 Fire Mage.

"I wipe, where did this kid get this kind of good stuff?" Jiang Fei said to himself, although this holy grail is useless to him, Jiang Fei will never give it to anyone, after all, this stuff is right His threat is too great, and this forbidden spell that can only be learned at the ninety-level fire method is certainly not weak, but now no one except Jiang Fei has reached the ninety-level, so no one can learn it.

"Ding! Congratulations to the players flying on the grass to gather the nine national treasures!"

"Ding! Jiuding is gathered, the battle of cutting sky is about to start, and the server will be upgraded. Please prepare for all players. The server will be shut down in five minutes. The maintenance time is three days!"

Just when Jiang Fei observed the falling objects of evil laugh ~ ~ A system announcement was sounded, and the system would be upgraded and maintained before the battle of cutting sky.

"Come on, it's time to confront the ancient Protoss!" Jiang Fei nodded, and then quit the game.

Because it was offline midway, when Jiang Fei retired from the game, it was only midnight, and Jiang Fei turned up and got up again after a short sleep.

Today, there are still many things about Jiang Fei. He is going to contact Schroeder first, and then go to North America himself. Due to the emergency of 0542 energy, Jiang Fei now intends to get a uranium mine with the mutants for emergency.

After breakfast, Jiang Fei called Schroeder and told him about the pharmacy for uranium ore. If it was before, Jiang Feisuo would have to consider a lot of uranium variants. After all, the rice country has been working on nuclear fuel. Blockade of China.

However, after the last war, the rice country realized that nuclear bombs were completely ineffective against Huaxia, and people would not need to use nuclear bombs at all. Naturally, the restriction of nuclear fuel would not have any meaning. So Jiang Fei opened his mouth and took out Another is an energy potion that can improve strength, so the mutants have no hesitation.

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