When the fists of Kong and Carlos collided, a huge energy, centered on the two, quickly spread around, the ship's planks began to crack, and the sea began to turmoil, rolling up monstrous white waves. The two belligerents quickly retreated to a safe distance, and when they reached a safe distance, they fought together again.

After a long stalemate, Carlos was shot out by the steel bone and brought to the pirate ship, Carlos half knelt on the ground, covered his chest, and the wounds left by his body when fighting Lox began to crack, and after a while Carlos turned into a bloody man.

Carlos raised his head and looked at the steel bone: "Don't be happy too early, don't forget, Laozi is the slave beast master Carlos!"

After saying that, Kapos trembled and put his hand to his mouth, whistled hard, with Carlos' whistle, a large number of sea kings exposed to the sea, facing the attack of the navy, the navy instantly fell into a disadvantage, empty saw this, hurriedly punched and rushed to Carlos, but one by one sea kings fierce, not afraid of death rushed to the empty air, helpless, had to fight with the sea kings, Carlos looked at the situation in front of him, and could only smile bitterly.

The injuries he suffered after fighting Lokes in the New World were too serious, and he was finally saved from death, and the injuries were not yet healed, but he was chased and killed by the bastard of Steel Bone Kong, and now he was beaten and re-cracked, the wound was more serious than before, and he estimated that he would not be able to live, but even if he died, he would not die such a waste, he had a general when he died, and it was good to be buried.

Thinking of this, Carlos no longer maintained his original state, he slowly stood up, put down the hand on his chest, and covered his whole body with armed color domineering, and at the same time saw that the color domineering and overlord color domineering were fully opened, and all the sea king classes within a few miles were controlled and rushed to the navy. The reason why he can be called a slave beast master is because his own seeing and hearing color can connect the mind of the sea king class and communicate with animals, and coupled with his unique overlord color, he can force the sea king class to use it for his own use. The reason why they lost to the Rocks Pirate Group was because they were too domineering, and many Sea Kings escaped from their control, ran away indiscriminately, and scattered their own Pirate Group to them, taking advantage of the opportunity. Otherwise, he would definitely be able to lead most of the crew to retreat safely.

Carlos stood on the head of a sea king class and shouted to the audience: "Little Laozi Carlos has been across the sea for more than 30 years, I have destroyed the country to kill, passed the Draco, is stronger than the heavenly gold, and slept with all kinds of women." But since I was defeated by that bastard of Lokes, and the companions who got along with me day and night were killed and wounded, I suddenly found that I was tired, and I couldn't live today, do you dare to go up with Lao Tzu and let the navy of these bastards be buried with us!"

After listening to Carlos' words, everyone reflected that different navies were angry at his arrogance, and the pirates were all excited, and they could follow his subordinates when Carlos was down, which was not the diehard crew who accompanied him from Weibo with Carlos to the peak, and saw their former captain full of confidence and strength return, of course, they would be excited, they were already ready to die in battle, after all, there is no shortage of loyal people in this world.

"Captain, I have killed ordinary vice admirals, but I have not killed elite vice admirals

, it is my honor to die with elite vice admirals before I die, it is my honor to die with you" The one who spoke was the captain of the third team on the Carlos Pirates, the Hand of Destruction Aoun with a bounty of 850 million, and the bandage around his hands was the wound left by Kaido, a trainee crew member on the Rocks Pirates.

"I, Shurs, am willing to fight for you to the death with the Silda in my hand, but it's a pity that I can't go back to my hometown with you to see the cherry blossoms"

This time he spoke, it was the deputy captain and strongest swordsman on the Rokes Pirates, and the 1.24 billion Shuls, one of his arms was cut off by Shiji, and the other deputy captain Curry was also a great swordsman, who was killed by his imperial swordsmanship in the battle with Wang Zhi.

Captain, I...

With the oath of these crew members, Carlos Humu looked at the steel bone empty who was fighting with the sea king class with tears and said: "Steel bone empty, Lao Tzu is not defeated!" After speaking, the sea king class controlled by Carlos rushed to the steel bone space.

The picture turns to Karl

, over time, physical strength has recovered, Carl and Sakaski joined the battle, but Kane and Sam, who are the main combat forces, have gradually detached, only relying on their will to fight, the four have retreated to the forest level, taking advantage of their small size to deal with the sea kings, but this is not a good way after all, soon, Sakaski was pumped out by a sea king with its tail.

Sam was also knocked out by the Sea King class because of Sakaski's being pumped away, and lost his ability to fight, leaving only Kane and Carl on the field to fight.

Suddenly, the shark-like sea king who was watching the battle moved, and he quickly rushed to the shore, opening his mouth and biting Kane, who was struggling to support because of his exhausted strength.

Karl looked at Kane about to be swallowed by the shark-like sea king, only to feel that the world began to slow down, the brain was blank, and then it seemed that the shackles were broken, and a dominating momentum, centered on Carl, spread out to the surroundings. All the smaller sea kings, all fainted, and the large sea kings' eyes returned to clarity, looking at Carl who was releasing the overlord domineering with a panicked look and fleeing towards the sea, the shark-like sea king, because he was taken care of and fainted, seeing that Kane was safe and sound, Carl closed his eyes with a smile and fell down.


Although the empty fist pierced Carlos's heart, this pursuit of the escaped pirates in the New World, after the prologue, Carlos's body was thrown to the side at random, sitting on a warship that was still intact, allowing the wounds of the medical soldiers. Looking at the wreckage around and the navy that was cleaning the battlefield, the steel bones were empty, and I felt very distressed. Although this battle completely annihilated the Carlos Pirates, the losses were great, four elite vice admirals were killed, three were seriously wounded, and one lost his ability to fight, and he could only take a back seat to teach the navy. And the casualties below the vice admiral are even more heavy, when coming, the number of five warships, it is already very good to have three when you go back.

At this time, a navy man came over with a phone.

"The General Headquarters called to ask you about the situation.

"No, I'm empty, and now, the battle is over... What Marshal Siddhar, that guy went to the decisive battle with Lokes!!。。。。。

After hanging up the phone, he said to the navy next to him:

"Hill ordered the whole army to hurry up and put away the bodies of his compatriots, search for Carlos' treasures, and then look for nearby islands to recuperate, and wait for the arrival of headquarters support." "

Received, General. "

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