Time flies, a year has passed in the blink of an eye, the two are still swinging knives on the beach, Karl can already swing a knife every hour, 6,000 times, and Sakaski can already swing a knife 7,000 times an hour because of his age. Karl's height is close to one meter seven, and Sakaski's height is already close to two meters, if it were not for the slightly immature faces of the two, no one believed that these two people were not yet adults.

Kane and Sam were on a beach chair not far away at this time, drinking drinks while watching the cultivation perceptions of the ancestors, and exchanging their thoughts from time to time.

At this time, a tens of meters long sea king suddenly appeared on the coast, a cow-like sea king, staring at Carl with scarlet eyes, the two Kyle and Sakaski, the two saw this, wanted to escape, but found that after a long period of training, there was no strength to run, when Carl and Sam were desperate, Kane, who was exchanging ideas with Sam, took the lead in discovering the situation here by seeing and hearing domineering.

Kane's face changed greatly, picked up the spring snow placed on the table, came to the two people with a t, put the spring snow on his waist, his body sank slightly

, and slowly said to the sea king in front of him:

"One knife flow Juhe"

saw a flash of cold light, Kane put the spring snow into the scabbard and stood up, looking at Karl and the two, and the sea king behind Kane had to split from the middle, and there was ice slag at the crack.

Sam was late with the meteorite at this time, looked at Karl and Sakaski with a concerned look, and the two said:

"How is it? Are you two okay?

Karl replied with a pale face, and suddenly there was a roar, and from the deep sea, dark clouds above the sky came. Kyle and Sam looked at the sea with a solemn look after seeing and hearing it, Kane asked Karl and the two to rest in the distance, and he and Sam stood with knives in hand, standing on the rocks on the sea, looking like a great enemy.

The roar got closer and closer, and a large area of shadows appeared on the sea, followed by a huge sea king class rushing to the surface of the sea, the smallest of these sea kings was more than 20 meters, and the largest one had 200.

Looking at these sea king four people desperate in their hearts, the tallest of the sea king class shark-like sea king, swam to the front to look at the scarlet color in the eyes of the four people, more and more intense, with the roar of this sea king class countless times, the sea king immediately launched a charge towards the coast.

At this time, the sky suddenly thundered, as if God was adding atmosphere to this war and encouraging the four people.

Kane took the lead in attacking, he wielded the spring snow to send a huge slash, carrying an unparalleled chill, slashed towards the sea king class rushing to the front, and was stopped by four sea king classes in a row, and the chill it carried froze the sea king around these four sea kings.

Satsuma also used the meteorite to send out the slash when Kane swung the slash, and the heavy blade of the meteorite seemed to be able to increase the slash, originally very different from Kane, Sam Jin was three points weaker than the slash sent by Kane when he did not use Spring Snow, and the slash passed through two sea king classes in a row, only to be resisted by the third sea king class.

Under the attack of countless sea kings, Kane and Sam's record gradually weakened, looking at the number of sea kings and the unmoving sharks hitting the sea kings, the private heart gradually became anxious, the desire for unparalleled strength, especially Karl and Skars gave the two of them the first time the desire for power is so much, if their strength is strong, killing these sea kings is like slaughtering dogs.

Not far from this battle, an even more fierce battle is going on.

The slave master Carlos felt that he was very unlucky, originally he, as a sea thief with a bounty of 1.57 billion, should be free in the new world, but because of the damn bastard of Lokes, the 50 warships under his command, thousands of sea kings, only five warships and hundreds of sea kings were also seriously injured, unable to gain a foothold in the new world, so they had to flee to the North Sea. What is even more unfortunate is that he was actually targeted by the steel bone, this admiral.

I am no longer qualified to go to the New World Ancestor, if you must arrest me, then we will break the net!"

Carlos stood on the bow of the boat and said with a gloomy face to the Steel Bone Void in front of him.

"Slave Beast Master Carlos, you white dog of the new world, although you are not qualified to make a comeback now, but as the king who once traversed the sea, with your powerful force and terrible slave beast ability, as well as your courage, you can quickly rebuild the pirate group and reconquer the new world, so I now represent the people who helped you mutilate and destroy the country to eliminate you." Steel

Bone Kong looked at Carlos with a solemn expression and said, Kong had to admit at this time that although Carlos escaped from the New World, it was because he lost to Locks, and lost to the Rocks Pirate Group, which was all monsters. Even if he was seriously injured, the senior cadres who survived him would generally have to fold here, so it was necessary for the air to personally solve him. In order to deal with Carlos Kong, this time brought ten elite vice admirals, 20 ordinary vice admirals and 30 elite rear admirals, as well as 400 elite sailors who mastered at least two of the six types of the navy, and the latest sea tower stone bullets specially brought from naval research.

After Carlos listened, he laughed up to the sky, and at the same time released the overlord color domineering with all his strength, Carlos is worthy of being a man qualified to fight with Lokes, his overlord color domineering actually made the weather change, all the elite sailors could not withstand the pressure of the overlord color and passed out.

Kong Yi looked at Carlos with an ugly face, and Kong knew that after this time, he was distressed for a while, originally brought some sailors to reduce the damage of high-end combat power, but as a result, these sailors could not play their role, and there was no point in bringing them here, what was the point, but it became a burden.

Carlos covered his hands with armed colors and said fiercely:

"Steel bones, I admit that you are very powerful, and I may not be your opponent at the peak, but you never imagined that when I chased you again, I had already let hundreds of sea kings attack the people guarded by your navy carrying the so-called justice." It's funny to say that the Draco levyed heavenly gold and made those civilians miserable, but your navy used the Draco's heavenly gold as a fund, which is really funny. Next, let you see my Carlos across the sea, more than 30 years of strength. Little ones, if anyone wants to go to the advancing city to stay for a lifetime, don't give Lao Tzu resistance, and if you don't want to enter the advancing city, all the Lao Tzu rolls!" After

saying this, Carlos rushed to the steel bone space standing on the bow of the warship, and the many rumors behind him did not show weakness, rushing towards those navies, after all, as a subordinate who has accompanied Carlos for more than 30 years, after his rendering, no one wants to push the ghost place in the city.

After listening to Carlos' words, he looked angry, and when Carlos rushed towards him, he shouted a bastard and attacked Carlos, and many of the generals who followed him also found their respective opponents, and a fierce battle was about to break out.

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