The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1470: Temple of Apollo

Apollo, this is the only "god" that retains its original name after being transferred from the Greek system to the Roman religious system. Many people in later generations only know that he is the sun **** in ancient Greek mythology, but in fact the original "God" was only the **** of art in the legend of the Greeks. He was not given the sun until the fifth century BC. The function of God and the **** of light, after the Romans included this **** in their own religious system, they did not give them a new name like other Greek gods, but directly retained the title of Apollo. In the later evolution of mythology, he was given various functions of music, medicine, prophecy, light, and the sun... In the mythological system of Rome, Apollo has a lot of priesthood, which fully reflects this. The brain power of the working people in the first period, and...

The collapse of the kingdom of gods.

The reason is very simple. When the Thunder Giants (also known as the Zeus family) on Mount Olympus are still prosperous, they directly rule the creatures on the earth. Their existence is real and unquestionable. The mortal on the ground. Naturally and plainly know who the gods they serve and what kind of power they have, but as the army of the demon hunters breaks the wall of Olympus, Zeus and his eighteen generations are caught in the war. Getting out of nature naturally leads to innocent attention to things on the earth. For hundreds of years, the connection with the kingdom of God has been intermittent, and the priests on the earth have to find ways to maintain the status and influence of the gods they admire, so there is no good way to create these gods. .

So the original clear and definite gods have become blurred, wrapped in a mysterious veil, and then hang a lot of unclear priesthood.

In the days of no religious activities and celebrations, the temple is relatively deserted. At this moment, the Romans have not yet entered the period of the country’s drunken dreams. The people still need to spend a lot of time on their work. Therefore, the only way to enter the temple on weekdays is to have only aristocrats or encounter disasters and ask for help. The civilians, and today is clearly the day when the flow of this temple is extremely rare. Hao Ren and his entourage stepped into the gate of the temple and saw the empty hall inside. The **** Apollo and the altar of the sun **** stood majestically in front, while several monks were sweeping around the altar.

Heather Anna glanced at the image of Apollo and grinned: "The eyes are carved."

Hasselblad also looked up and said: "This is killed by me."

Hao Ren: "..."

The monks in the temple noticed the group of people who stepped into the holy land but talked about the gods. A man wearing a white edging purple robes came over. He watched the one-eyed Hasselblad with vigilance. It seems to be a long-term service. "God" and let him also have a certain sense of the atmosphere of the demon hunter: "Do you come to seek the great Apollo guide?"

Hao Ren looked at the old man and said: "Who is your main sacrifice here?"

The old man stood up and was as proud and noble as every priest in this era: "I am."

Hao Ren nodded: To talk to Apollo, you can contact us. ”

The old man suddenly stopped, which sounds like a person who came to the temple to pray for help or to worship the gods. In fact, he has been here for most of the priests and has never heard of anyone asking for this. : "Not rude! Do you know that this is a sacred place?"

Heather Anna stepped forward: "Of course I know, so let's find Apollo here, otherwise go to the outer window of Olympus."

The old priest blinked and suddenly thought that these few were barbarians who did not understand the rules of the civilized world, so he patiently explained: "If you mean listening to the revelation of the gods, then you should first..."

Lily was impatient. Suddenly she stepped forward and grabbed the collar of the old priest. On her head, she looked at a pair of spiritual wolf ears: "You can't understand the old man!" We are looking for Abo Luo talks! Look at my ears, you still don't understand what we are doing?"

The old priest stared at the wolf's ear that suddenly appeared on Lily's head. Then he saw a **** energy ball summoned by Heather Anna and finally realized what was born: " God?"

At this moment, the mythological era is not over. Although the demon hunters have already attacked Mount Olympus, the aliens that walk in the world are still often visible. For ordinary humans, these aliens have a unified classification: the gods. !

Although this weird social and religious form is a bit ridiculous for Hao Ren who deals directly with the true God, in this era, this is indeed common sense, even part of human life.

Lily nodded with satisfaction: "Know it, we have something to do with Apollo, but now Olympus is closed, we know that your priest has a sacred object that can establish contact with Olympus, so come Looking for you."

Hasselblad added a sentence next to it: "This is a great glory."

The cold sweat on the forehead of the old priest fell on his shoulder, and then he suddenly reacted and shouted loudly at the lower priests and monks: "Fast! Close the gate of the temple!"

The solemn and heavy door of the shrine is suddenly closed during the day, which may cause speculation and discussion by ordinary people outside, but for Hao Ren and his party who are just passing passengers, these things are insignificant. They led by the old priest to the depths of the temple. There is also an Apollo statue and an altar, but there is no open space for the worship of the generals around the statue. Obviously it is a place dedicated to the priests of the temple.

The old priest took out a delicate brass box from the dark space below the statue, opened the box and took out a gold badge with a sun relief, his face with a complex expression of excitement and awe. Deliver this badge to Hao Ren’s eyes.

When Hao Ren reached out to pick up the badge, the old priest suddenly took a deep breath and said: " may not be able to contact the great Apollo."

Hao Ren's eyebrows pick: "Why?"

The old priest seems to have done a psychological struggle as a humble "mortal servant". He does not really understand the world of "the gods", nor does he know whether his actions at this moment will please the gods or anger them, but After some thoughts, he still said: "In fact... even now we are hard to contact the kingdom of the gods, perhaps the degenerate behavior of human beings has already angered the gods, since they were decades ago, they It is rare to drop the will directly, and our prayers can only be answered occasionally... Especially in the last ten years, I have never heard the sound of the great Apollo, maybe... maybe we have lost God’s care... ..."

The tone of the old priest was a little scared. On the one hand, the uneasiness that the gods lost their response to him, on the other hand, they were worried that they would anger the "spirits" of unknown origins.

Heterogeneous gods have never been sympathetic to the good people of the people. They only need human beings to continually offer them and provide them with entertainment. In this era, human beings are more awe and fear of the "God". Feelings, like the Olympus, the Nordic gods, and so on, the rules and spirits of the gods are better. If you want to face some wandering gods, it is not enough to be cautious and humble.

"God" can be angry at any time, even if it is not anger, just to "be happy", they may also kill humans in the whole city. The old priest does not know whether these people are good gods or evil gods in front of them, naturally uneasy.

Hao Ren looked at Hasselblad after hearing the other party's words.

The war born in the "Shen country" will not directly affect the human world, but its influence will inevitably spread to the human world.

The first to be affected is the people who live in the temple: because of the faltering of the kingdom of God, most of the temples in the world have lost their connection with the various "sacred countries."

However, Hao Ren did not care about this. As long as Mount Olympus is still there, he naturally has a way to contact the other side.

In the horror of the old priest, Hao Ren took the badge and then explored his spiritual power.

The gold badge is just superficial. This small metal device has a delicate magic structure inside. Its function is to read the spiritual signal of the holder. After simple decoding and transfer, it is connected to the space. Olympus communication center.

It is a magic version of the walkie-talkie.

And in order to make the mentally weak and lack of magic skills available to humans, this communication device also deliberately simplifies the function and reduces the difficulty of use. Even so, only a small number of trained and talented humans can activate its power, but At least the priests in the temple can use it.

Even ordinary people can master it after training. It is easier for Hao Ren to crack the decoding rules of this gadget.

With almost no effort, Hao Ren erased the anti-theft chain module of the gold badge, and then activated its function, the surface of the badge began to glow with a touch of golden brilliance.

The old priest looked at this scene in awe. He used his whole body to make the badges respond a little bit. The response was completely different from the glamorous scene at the moment. He realized the power of several "spirits" in front of him, and he lowered his head more humblely.

"Your power is amazing."

Obviously, in the case of the Olympus gods being entangled by the demon hunters and taking care of the human world, there is no more "devout" left in the priestly hierarchy under their hands. It was originally a violent intimidation rule, and naturally no How much sustainability.

"You go out first," Hao Ren thought of, so he made a speech and let the old priest leave first. "What we want to say is the secret between the gods."

The old priest is still a little hesitant about this request: "Yes..."

"Don't worry, Apollo won't blame you," Heather Anna glanced at the old priest. "But if you don't want to go out, we must blame you now."

The old priest immediately snorted and hurriedly left the place.

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