The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1469: The end of mythology

Although Hao Ren feels that this retrospective will be more pleasant than the previous ones, he himself knows that there is no really relaxing journey in this distorted time and space.

There are always a variety of unexpected or unexpected troubles waiting for them.

In the jungle of the Amazon, they met Vivienne who was wandering in the jungle for the first time. However, before they could talk, Vivian went into the violent state before going to sleep, and almost led to the destruction.

On the prairie of Mongolia, Vivian's mausoleum is in front of him, but I don't know where it came from hundreds of hunters and a large number of werewolves. After some involuntary involvement in a melee, Hao Ren is driving. The shield lost half a life.

In ancient Rome, which was in the last rays of the mythology, God knows that there is something waiting for them.

After changing into a costume that conforms to the background of the times, Hao Renyi walked in the ancient Roman city more than 2,000 years ago, while chatting and gathering.

This ancient city with the name of Hehewei gave Hao Ren a great surprise. Compared with the barren American tribe settlement and the rotten dark European medieval, the neatness and grandeur of the Roman city is like a miracle that happened in ancient times. From a municipal point of view, it is even more beautiful and livable than the medieval European cities of more than a thousand years later, at least you can't smell the rotten smell that permeates the city's bones. The tall houses on the side of the road, the exquisite stone carvings everywhere, and the decorative pillars of the Roman power, these things together form a prototype of a strong country. Although Rome at this moment is only the Roman Republic and not an empire, it has already It highlights some of the qualities that belong to the empire. These qualities are in the grandeur of urban architecture, and in every resident's face of pride and confidence.

Oh, proud of the Romans.

Although Hao Ren is very clear that human productivity on Earth at this moment is far from being comparable to later generations, he still highly praised the city.

"So, history is spiraling, and it will always be a little backward when it is inexplicable," Heather Anna looked at the city that "grows big", and she was very emotional. "Even In the era of the Republic, there was also a perfect urban plan in the Roman city. The drainage system and the pollutant treatment mechanism were all managed by professional personnel, but these advanced things were finally smashed by the Germans from the barren land. Barbarism destroys civilization... Until the fifteenth century, Paris in France did not even reproduce the sewer technology of the Roman era, hehe."

Obviously, the small bats are highly respected for this city: after all, it is the hometown of childhood, this relationship is quite deep.

Lily stretched her neck and looked around. "Can we meet in the city when we stroll around the city?"

"No, but it’s the most useful way to go around," Heather Anna looked at Lily. "First of all, I can’t remember what happened when I was a child. It was two thousand years ago, and now I am still in Rome. I will get lost. Secondly, I and Wei Wei’an lived in a fixed place. We said that we lived in Rome, but in fact we were wandering around Rome with the center of the radius of a hundred miles. Where are you going?"

Lily suddenly widened her eyes: "I am going to... a hundred miles?! Then we are a slap in the face of a cat?"

"So I need to find clues," said Heather Anna with a look that couldn't communicate with this stupid dog. "This is the tip of the mythical tail. The gods have not finished completely. So I and Vivienne at that time." Many of the activities of adults are very open. As long as they walk in the city, they will definitely find movements."

The tip of the mythological era, Heather Anna, is quite appropriate for this historical period.

Hao Ren showed a thoughtful look: "At this time, are the gods on Mount Olympus still there? Hasselblad, tell me about the situation of this period, about the "God"."

Hasselblad is still facing the face of the face: "This is the era of the mythical era, and all the foreign 'God' on this planet are going downhill. The demon hunters continue to eat their 'God" 'It is the main reason. Another reason is that the order of their own ruling itself is not sustainable. At this time, Odin of the Nordic side is still paying time to send Valkyrie to collect the spirit warriors ready to face the dusk of the gods. However, the Zeus pulse on Mount Olympus has been steadily retreating. If I remember correctly, before the Caesar became active, the demon slayer Amrita led a sacrament to break Olympus. The space barrier of the mountains, our army and the defenders led by Ares fought for decades at the foot of Mount Olympus. When I was in Caesar, I led the second team to attack Abo from Olympus. Luo’s position, and all the way to the front of Zeus’s throne, you know, we destroyed the energy furnace and control center of Olympus, and the scene of the collapse of the entire space even in humans. World are clearly visible. "

Hao Ren certainly knows this last big event. He also knows that when the Mount Olympus fell, there was a group of Krakens on the sea. The lovers of the wonderful items collected down the Mount Olympus. When the **** was dumped, a lot of tattered backs were made, including the statue of Vivienne...

"What time is that?" Hao Ren looked at Hasselblad. "Is Rome a republic or an empire? Is Caesar assassinated?"

"Then I don't know," Hasselblad shrugged. "We don't care about the human world, at least at that time. The emperor's replacement and social change in a human kingdom has changed leaders for us and the monkeys." No difference."

Hao Ren: "..."

After Lily heard Hasselblad's words, she kept looking around curiously. At this time, she suddenly said: "As such, at this time, Mount Olympus may be screaming with the demon hunter?"

Hasselblad nodded: "Not only is it a war, but even the ‘I’ in history may be on the battlefield.”

"I can't really see it at all. The world of gods is going to collapse. The human society in Rome is still a little bit moving. You see there are a bunch of monks walking around and enjoying it!"

"Many times this is true. The war that takes place in the 'God' world is always far away for humans, because the aliens use superb technology or magic to open up a variety of different spaces to show their power. And try to avoid living with 'inferior ignorant' humans, but this ultimately protects the human world in the war of the gods, because the main battlefields are all in their different space 'the world of gods'. Of course, the gods The influence of war on human beings is still there. It is often at the end of the war. When the different kind of 'the collapse of the kingdom of God', the fragments will fall into the world, leaving countless legends, just like the gods of northern Europe at dusk, that is not Has it been handed down in the form of myths and legends?"

Lily and Hasselblad discussed the fight of the gods, but Hao Ren’s mind suddenly thought of other things.

He suddenly realized that he could have other ways to understand the movement of Vivienne at this moment.

"At this time, the **** of Olympus is still dead, isn't it?"

Hasselblad looked at Hao Ren: "It's not good, but from the current atmosphere in the city, humans have not seen the scene of the collapse of Olympus. The gods of Olympus should not be completely finished."

"That's simple," Hao Ren slaps. "Let's find a temple!"

Lily didn't react at once: "What are you looking for in the temple?"

"Look for the so-called 'God' to find out the situation!"

In the city of Rome, there are quite a few buildings like temples.

Although it is not a grand scene of the temple, but as a country with great tolerance and acceptability, Rome has never refused to settle in foreign religions as long as they will not shake the foundation of the country and deny the Romans themselves. Values, then a foreign religion can easily find a place to stay in the city (of course, this requires a lot of money) and recruit followers, and this open policy directly leads to the prosperity of religious activities in Rome. There are many situations in the church building.

In the process of this religious fusion, the ancient Greek gods from the Greek peninsula became the dominant. This heterogeneous family, which was most prosperous in the Middle Ages, spread their influence throughout the Mediterranean region. The ancient Greek peninsula, the ancient Italian peninsula, and the vast areas surrounding them, many of the many gods that are in existence are essentially Olympus. The gods of Sri Lanka or their incarnations and variants in the world.

There is a less accurate statement that the Roman gods are the Greek gods. Although they lack professionalism and rigor in archaeology and mythology, they actually have Greek origins behind the many gods in Rome. The shadow of God. As the greatest successor of ancient Greek civilization, the Romans almost packaged more than half of the Greek gods into their own mythological system, and merged the gods together, even if these "the gods" were named, The priesthood has changed, but in essence, the offerings of their temples will eventually be sent to the same place on Mount Olympus.

Hao Ren once learned from Vivienne that the ancient "God" ruled the human world. They lived in the "God country" isolated from the human world, but in order to accept the offering and show their majesty, they must leave a mortal The channel of communication, this channel is the temple of big and small built under their inspiration. In addition to small temples and small religions that are unclear, there are professional priests in large temples (or registered temples) who are considered to have the power to communicate with the gods, and in fact It is true.

At least until the death of the gods, the human spokespersons they chose were able to connect with their own masters.

After thirty minutes of getting lost, Hao Ren found a place that seemed to be appropriate: Apollo's temple. r

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