The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1461: Guild warfare under the moonlight

At the beginning, Hasselblad did not know what the "reinforcement" in Hao Renkou was.

Since he has been in this dark plane since he entered the dark plane, he has been in a deep coma or is about to be in a deep coma. He has never been in front of the Guardless Guard, even though he knows the existence of the Soulless Guard. I can't think of this for the first time in this dreamy, terrifying horror and immortal horrible legion. He doesn't even know that Heather Anna is going to win control of the soulless.

Even if he heard Heather Anna's words from the communicator, he did not seriously put that in mind.

But this is not important, because he soon knew where the reinforcements in Hao Renkou were.

The moon has been completely stained by blood, and the radiance from the sky is no longer clean and bright, but with a **** color that is thick and inseparable. The figure that has come from the sky has already condensed, and she has Wei Wei. An identical appearance, but red-haired flying, blood red is completely without the eyes of the person can not see the slightest sense of reason and emotion. Hasselblad had already prepared for the offense, but before he shot, another force was involved in the battlefield before him: only a black flame suddenly came from afar, accompanied by a weird howl. In the direction of the fire, a skeleton dragon, which is completely formed by the shadows and has only the bone shelf left and right, is tearing the clouds and launching a dive toward the ground.

Behind this shadowed skeleton dragon, more grotesque shadow creatures formed the group army, as if the pouring rain from the sky came down.

The soulless guards are the ones who guard the inner court and are the most powerful among the soulless.

Heather Anna controlled the soulless to enter the battlefield. The shadow bone dragon and the alienated stone ghost first launched a raid from the air, pouring all kinds of scalp and tingling energy storms on the newly awakened evil spirits, while in the air. At the same time as the firepower fell, the entire ground of the prairie began to radiate faint vibrations. Hasselblad looked up in horror, just to see the grotesque beasts appearing in the air like a mirage. Some of them are like the gods of the ancient Egyptian animal heads, but some are like the ancient beasts that devour the heavens and the earth in the ancient horror legends, and even some of them are simply the piles of meat that are piled up by countless hands and feet and countless pieces of meat. Balls, they don't have a unified style. The only thing they have in common is that they are all composed of amorphous shadows and clouds. Even Hao Ren can't help but see when he sees these things:

Fortunately, when he came in, Heather Anna led the way! Otherwise, if he is not cheating, let him and Lily both face up to the size of the Soulless Guards... The real girl may live in the endless corridors and courtyards of the Shadow Castle!

The long-range attack of the soulless person first fell on the body of the evil spirits. The powerful energy fluctuations almost made people think that the outcome was already doomed. The next moment of the evil thoughts would be swallowed up by the shadow bone dragon, but the next second, the shadow breath However, it seems that the ice and snow that meets the sun generally melts away quickly. The cult of ecstasy floating at tens of meters high opens his hands, and at the same time raises his head and makes a silent scream.

She opened her mouth, but there was no sound. Only the numerous ripples visible to the naked eye swept out in all directions. Under the ripples, whether it was the shadow of the bone dragon or the arrow of the stone ghost, or the twisted nightmare creatures. The non-physical bombing of the entities, all burst into the sky, the dust and fog, and even the fastest gargoyles who rushed to join themselves: there is no rebellious process, these powerful nightmare monsters are directly rippled Milled into a piece of smoke.

However, the Soulless Guard is endless. Before the real Vivienne wakes up, these soulless guards will resurrect infinitely, guarding their mistress until the end of the world, or the moment the hostess wakes up.

Therefore, more soulless people emerged from the air, and they rushed into a powerful stock of ecstasy.

"This is..." Hasselblad was stunned, and what happened in front of him was somewhat beyond his imagination. "The soulless are attacking their own masters?"

"This is not their master," Hao Ren said quickly. "You have always made a mistake. The waking up in a violent state is not Vivian, but a kind of avatar-like thing formed by her negative power. This avatar will be born from Vivienne's dream, and sometimes even breaks Vivienne's self-defense, and the body is against the body. This is what you see in front of you. The Soulless Guards have no soul, but they know To distinguish who is the real master, the guards could not be confronted with Vivian's evil spirits because of the gap in the ranks. Even their chiefs were expelled from the cemetery, but our people managed to get it. The control of the Soulless Guards, through external orders, these soulless people finally have the opportunity to return to the cemetery and fight against the pirated goods that have stolen the human rights of their female owners."

"What is the evil spirit..." Hasselblad subconsciously repeated the new vocabulary mentioned by Hao Ren, and then reacted to what seemed to be wide-eyed. "You can get control of the Soulless Guards? This world Can someone actually intervene in the power of Vivian Ansesta?"

"Of course, you can just find the descendants of Vivian's blood," Hao Ren smiled. "It's all a family. Does the prostitute use the mother's private guard to clean and clean the door?"

"The female count actually has blood descendants?!" This time Hasselblad was really shocked. "She can afford it... No, I mean when she is interested in making blood descendants?"

Lily inserted a mouth next to her: "So the big bat is very irresponsible, and he didn't raise it when he was born!"

Hasselblad: "...?!"

Hao Ren hurriedly coughed twice: "Coughing cough... Don't stupidly stand, the soulless Guards can only play a role in containment. The evil thoughts still have to find a way to deal with Hasselblad and take out your twelve points. Come on, let's fight this evil spirit!!"

Without his reminder, the old hunter has also noticed the powerlessness and limitations of the soulless person facing the evil spirits. Hasselblad had already prepared for the battle. At this time, Hao Ren and Lily had already raised their weapons to the enemy. His eyes were condensed and his figure disappeared instantly.

The next moment, he appeared in a place less than a hundred meters near the evil thoughts, and raising his hand was a powerful silver-white flame.

As Hao Ren said, the soulless are powerful reinforcements, but this is limited to let them perform the containment task. It is impossible to expect them to truly eliminate the evil spirits. This is the shadow world, because the evil spirits are the same. It is part of Vivienne. Under these two premise, the soulless person can never cause a real fatal wound to the evil mind!

Therefore, only the intruders from "outside" such as Hao Ren, Lily and Hasselblad can make a decisive attack.

Every cult has different forms of power, and the fighting style is also very different. Therefore, Hao Ren is also constantly analyzing the characteristics of this enemy while he is constantly moving: she is always in the range of the light column under the moonlight, rarely Moving, this may indicate that her source of power is closely related to the red moon above; most of her attacks are silent screams, which seem to have the effect of vibrating space and destroying the energy structure, which can not only invalidate most long-range attacks. And there is also the horrible physical killing ability. Even Lily’s powerful body and Hao Ren’s rigid shield can’t stay in the scream for too long, but must constantly open the distance to fight; the third feature of the cult It is all her attacks are range attacks, whether it is silent or directional shock waves, which makes her single killing slightly weaker than other cults, but it caused great trouble for the siege.

The more analysis, the more I want to marry my mother.

Two of the three characteristics of the evil spirits are obvious advantages, and these two huge advantages have made Hao Ren greatly affected regardless of melee or remoteness. Even if he does not talk about it after two points, the evil spirits always hide. It is also a problem in the scope of the "Moonlight Pillar": the moonlight has a mysterious connection with the evil spirits, allowing the latter to disintegrate or reorganize freely within the scope of the ray, even to do things like resurrection: Hao Ren uses it more than once. The sacred sword decapitated the evil spirits, and even smashed the enemy's half body with a sinister gun. However, all these injuries were diverted by the moonlight, and the evil spirits were torn apart in the red light column, but they reappeared with the moonlight in the next second.

I just don't know how much this "rebirth" needs to be paid, and how many times the cult is reorganized under the moonlight.

Hasselblad's figure flashed in the air. He quickly shot a series of smashing arrows, and then the time difference between the smashing arrows and the smashing arrows was quickly transmitted to the enemy. The silver stiletto crossed a curved arc and put the one. The violent "Wei Wei'an" is divided into two.

The cult of the cult that was cut in half disappeared like a broken glass in the moonlight, but in the next second, the red moon once again sprinkled with brilliance, and the sacred figure re-condensed in the light column.

The negative energy concentration of the entire prairie has risen again.

"It’s endless to play like this," Hao Ren said, pulling the distance slightly and shouting at Hasselblad. "You used to have only a drag on your previous tactics?"

"There is no way to delay the time," Hasselblad also shouted. "She has no Achilles heel, understand? There is no fatal point! It is killing!"

No, the evil thoughts can of course kill Hao Ren in his heart and say silently, he himself has personally killed more than one evil mind, and knows that killing this thing is just because the equivalent is not enough, just give him enough time to pour firepower. He can get rid of this weird and terrible "biological", but what he is most worried about at the moment is not **** this cult, but the urgency of time.

He looked to the border of the prairie, where the distant scene had been distorted and blurred, and the edge of the earth seemed to be falling apart and turned into countless floating debris, which shattered into an impending dark border. The latter is swallowing this space quickly.

This shadow world is about to collapse, but Vivian has not had any signs of awakening, and she hasn't even said that she has not sensed her slightest breath.

If Vivienne still does not wake up after the entire shadow space has completely disintegrated, and the evil thoughts have gone to the real world, what would be the consequences?

Hao Renyi couldn't make a conclusion, but even Lily's lack of mind is sure that it is definitely not a good thing.

Maybe the "sandbox system" that is not stable in itself will be greatly impacted, and then... I am afraid that even the Raven 12345 will be a mother.

At this moment, the space in which the entire "cemetery" was located suddenly trembled fiercely, and this tremor was clearly unrelated to the fierce battle that is taking place now.

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