The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1460: Red moonlight

The expression on Hasselblad slowly solidified.

He began to observe the surrounding environment. This grassland deep in the dreamland is so vast and has a very similar environment to the real world. It is completely different from the black and white two-color Shadow Fortress, so Hasselblad was completely unconscious when he woke up. It is different from the real world here, but at the moment, Hao Ren’s reminder calmed down and finally felt the ubiquitous sense of violation from the surrounding breeze and the wilderness.

The wind is always boasting, and there is no change from intensity to direction every minute. The green grass in the wilderness swings gently in one direction, and it keeps changing. The moon in the sky seems to be fixed in the sky background. The light of a light didn't move at all, and it looked much brighter and bigger than the normal moon.

It even makes the entire grassland shine with a faint silver light.

The old hunter is certainly not stupid. He is just like all the demon hunters. He will be judged by the strong impulses of hunting instinct. At this moment, only Hao Ren and Li Li are in front of him. One of them will not cause hunting instinct. Another induced impulse to fight can resist the past with willpower, so after deciding to calm down, Hasselblad quickly restored control of himself. He confirmed that he was not in the sleeping space of Vivienne. In the anomalous field that is isolated from the real world, I look at Hao Ren’s eyes with a little calm and seriousness: "What do you want?"

"I said, I have the same purpose as your hunter, I want to stop her before Vivian's crazy out of control," Hao Ren shrugged. "But I didn't expect another hunter to hold the same purpose. Come, you and I are very clear that there is an endless relationship between the demon hunter and other races. Therefore, even if the purpose of both parties is the same, it will still be a big hit after the meeting. This will definitely be a bad thing. In the end, no one will take advantage of it. Instead, let the situation completely out of control. You are a smart person, you should know that I am forced to tie you up."

Hasselblad frowned, and he logically could not refute the facts that Hao Ren said: the war between the demon hunter and other races is an unreasonable killing and carnival, in the era when the innate hostility is completely unavoidable. Even if a few people can realize the ridiculousness of this war when they are alone, they can't do anything about it. Even in the face of other races, they themselves will join the battlefield uncontrollably.

At this moment, in the state of calming down, Hasselblad admitted that Hao Ren said it makes sense.

But he is obviously not happy with his current treatment.

"Your thoughts are naive," he looked at Hao Ren's eyes. "Even if you say this sincerely, I must tell you that you are too naive. Are you trying to seek a reconciliation between the demon and the alien?"

"I didn't say that I have to reconcile from the beginning," Hao Ren shrugged. "I just said that in this state, at this moment, we can cooperate to deal with Vivian's violent, but after that, we have two dials. People can still fight if they can play. You can start thinking about how to be appropriate."

Hasselblad did not speak. He just looked at Hao Ren, and then his eyes gradually crossed Hao Ren’s shoulder and looked into the sky.

The bright and bright moon of the round hangs high in the sky, but I don’t know when, the original silver-white moon plate has a red **** red, and the red-red lines are spreading from the moon to the middle. Let the whole moon be like a huge eyeball filled with bloodshot eyes.

"It seems that I don't have much time for you to consider," Hasselblad smiled. "She has noticed us."

Hao Ren also noticed the direction of Hasselblad. He turned his head and glanced at it. He was seeing a scene in which the moon was gradually infected by the blood.

"Would you open these cockroaches with confidence?" Hasselblad raised his hands, two metal rings stuck on his wrist, and the faint blue light from the metal ring kept pressing his power, making his ability to move at the moment even for ordinary humans. It’s not as good as it is. “Once you open it, it’s not so easy to put them on.”

"I don't have to open them, just reduce their power."

Hao Ren smiled and slammed his fingers. The metal rings bound by Hasselblad's hands and feet immediately burst into a subtle humming, and then Hasselblad felt his strength return to his body, but the metal rings themselves still did not. The signs of loosening, it is clear that these things will re-seal all his power in a moment when the situation requires it.

"Don't think about using violence to get these rings down," Hao Ren saw in Hassel's mind. "These things are definitely stronger than anything you can imagine. If you want to compare them... they are like a branch." The bricks of the ancient temples in the Perth space are as indestructible."

Hasselblad, while realizing the working mechanism of these rings, gave up the plan to drill the hole. He stood next to a werewolf, the fastest-reacting race in close combat, so he knew that even if he suddenly burst into trouble, It won't take advantage of any raids, and after a delay of one or two seconds, the metal ring will be reactivated, and its resistance is doomed to be unsuccessful.

After hearing what Mr. Hao said casually, he even widened his eyes: "Who are you? Why do you know so much about Colperth?"

"I don't know where your Colperth is. I also know that there is a tower of stars as the inner and outer passage of Colperth. I know that your ice fortress has twelve barracks and seventy-seven towers. There are three spires on the main entrance of your frosty temple. You have an elder named Gregory, which is bigger than your age. You have a very good personal relationship with him, and your Gregory elder is a bear child when he was a child. Once in the barn...cough, we won’t say anything about this topic."

Hao Ren’s bombing turned Hasselblad’s stunned head, and the old hunter was directly circled: “Have you been to Colperth?”

"I want to know? It's very simple. After we get the crisis in this place, I will tell you all about it." Hao Ren deliberately said a lot of information that can definitely make Hasselblad scratch the liver, but bone. The eye stopped and he looked up at the bright moon in the sky. At this moment, the moonlight had already received a distinct red color. "Now, when you open your mouth, don’t tell me that you are leading an elite hunting group, but A little bit of intelligence has not been investigated. Now that Vivienne has not woken up, we can't even see where she is. How did you plan to fight her?"

Hasselblad looked at Hao Ren’s eyes and finally sighed reluctantly: "... well, although in our initial plan, we had to wait for the Countess to wake up and enter the real world before we started, but we also have plans. If the situation is forced to enter the shadow world before the female count wakes up, what should I do?"

"The Countess will wake up from the two worlds. First, she wakes up in her own dreams. Her incarnation in the dream world is the shadow in the moonlight. Then she wakes up in the real world, and everything in the dream world will collapse. In the real world, if we have to face her in advance, then we must not let this process be carried out completely, otherwise she will be strong in the shadow world to the extent that everyone is desperate," Hasselblad said while In the eyes of Lily’s vigilant, in the eyes of Lily’s vigilance, he scratched his fingers with a short sword, and a drop of bright red blood with a slight silver light overflowed from the wound, and then suspended in the air in violation of common sense. "This is the knowledge that many hunters have exchanged for their lives. In an action more than a thousand years ago, dozens of warriors who were war-torn were annihilated in the process of dreams collapsing into reality, but they are coming I sent back this information before I died... By holding a blood sacrifice ceremony, I can let the Countess wake up in advance."

More and more blood is suspended in the air, and under the traction of magic, gradually form complex and mysterious patterns. These patterns rotate around the three people, reflecting the brighter and brighter red blood, which seems to have reached a certain wonderful. Resonance.

The speed of the moon in the sky suddenly increased.

A large expanse of red began to appear on the moon plate, and it began to appear as a constantly accelerating line, but it quickly became a continuous color spot. The huge color spots were as visible to the naked eye as the ink on the rice paper. The speed spread to the entire moon, almost within a few breaths, the original bright and bright silver moon became red!

However, this red moon is not the "red moon" that Hao Ren knows. It is only with an evil atmosphere, but there is no power that can make any creature fear and go crazy.

At this time, Heather Anna’s voice suddenly sounded in the communicator: “There is no control of the Soul Guard.”

Hasselblad immediately turned his head: "What is that?"

“It’s just a little thing to keep in touch,” Hao Ren said casually. “What have you done?”

"I let the Countess wake up in advance," Hasselblad said. "Before she enters the state of prosperity."

It seems that although the Demon Hunter has been tossed by Vivian for so many years, they are not a little progress.

A little black shadow appeared in the moonlight.

At the beginning, Hao Ren thought that he was wrong, because the shadow was extremely thin, and it was hidden, but it didn't take long for the shadow to be enlarged and solidified to the point that it could never be ignored. At the same time as the black shadow appeared, the red moon began to overflow with some kind of "things" like red blood. They were like the blood and tears of the red moon, forming a circle of dithered red aura around the moon.

After a while, the red blood of the blood poured down from the overflowing "blood tears".

This is a scene that is beautiful and difficult to describe in words. The red moon condenses blood, and the blood pours directly from the distant night sky to the earth. The boundary between reality and illusion seems to be gone at this moment. Hao Ren can hardly tell the difference. The sky is pouring down into the moonlight or the blood. He only knows that the black shadow that appeared in the center of the moon has descended along the "light column" that poured down.

Sure enough, as he expected, it was a cult that just woke up.

"Oh, in my original plan, I will lead seventy-five warriors who have fought in battle against the countess," Hasselblad sighed, put the shorts away, and took out the handcuffs and runes. Card, "But now I have to fight against both of you, can you two 75 demon warriors?"

"More than that," Hao Ren smiled and took out two long swords that were dark as cosmic fragments from the portable space. At the same time, various turrets and missile launchers gradually emerged from the emptiness behind him. And we have reinforcements."

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