The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1455: The door to the shadow

As Hao Ren guessed, the castle on the hill is Vivienne's sleeping place. ?

Strictly speaking, it is the entrance to the sleeping place.

After a rigorous deduction and discussion, Hao Ren and Heather Anna re-planned the entire process of opening the seal and entering the shadow world. In order to avoid night dreams, those hunters may track them at any time. They decided to enter the castle before dawn. . Although the shadow power at night is very strong, it will cause some difficulties in opening the seal, but Heather Anna has decided to replace the key with her own shadow magic, and her strength will be strengthened at night, so it does not matter.

Harlow Castle was once the property of a human aristocrat, but in the end it was turned into a vampire possession, even though the ignorant young vampire was later squandered by Vivienne’s aura of haunting, but most At least when he first took over the castle, his family was quite strong, so he carried out a lavish renovation of the human castle, which was still a glimpse after the castle was abandoned and the wall collapsed. The entire castle consists of four huge towers and two main structures. The two rectangular main buildings are a wide corridor. This structure makes the whole castle look like a "work" from the sky. The four towers are located in the four corners of this I-shape and look very magnificent.

Of course, the structure of this style has now collapsed more than half, and the superstructure of the entire castle has basically become decadent with the weathering of the years: the original fortress built by a stone will not decay so quickly, but it lingers here. The dark power on the land adds to the decay of everything. Even after only a hundred years, the rock structure of the castle has been as riddled with four or five centuries.

“There are a lot of ghost legends about this castle in the local area,” Heather Anna has been in this area for a while, coupled with deliberate intelligence gathering, she knows a lot about the castle, with everyone in it. When I stepped into the ruins of the castle, I introduced it by the way. "Some daring guys will venture in and try to find some noble relics or the money that can be sold, but there are very few people who can go back intact, even if they are lucky to go back. Declaring that they encountered ghosts and other evils in the castle, in fact, it is the power of the shadows."

Said, the little bat smacked his mouth: "Hey, I still hope to find a baby here. I don't know if this territory was poor. That Harold could not find a copper plate in the castle when he left." ""

Hao Ren did not respond, but looked up at them: they were passing through the main building in the first half of the castle. The tall Gothic roof had collapsed and collapsed, leaving only a few skeletons hanging in the sky, tattered and tangled. The strips and cobwebs stretched from the tall skeleton to the walls on either side, looking desolate and gloomy. Due to the collapse of the dome, the moonlight can almost shine into the vestibule of the castle without any cover. The bright and bright moonlight seems to have some mysterious change when it passes through the castle: it presents a dead grayish white The cold is terrible, it is a real cold, Hao Ren can even feel the true cold touch after the moon shines on his skin.

Before entering the castle, the moon had sunk near the horizon, but after entering the castle, it was hung in the center of the sky, which is also a fairly obvious anomaly.

"The moonlight is never normal in the place related to Vivian." Heather Anna noticed Hao Ren's gaze and explained with a mouthful, "We should be glad that the moonlight is at least not red, otherwise we have to turn around and run." ”

"Vivienne would find such a gorgeous place to sleep," Lily followed Hasselblad in a deep coma and followed the team. At this time, she said with amazement, "I thought she could only sleep in a cave. Where is the place..."

"She came in after the first abandoned of the castle," Heather Anna sighed. "At the time, the place was already in ruins."

Lily: " makes sense."

“Where is the entrance to the Shadow Fortress?” Hao Ren looked around curiously. He could already feel that the castle was being controlled by powerful shadow forces, but did not observe obvious space breaks. Apparently, Vivienne was quite prepared before she slept this time. Her sleep was not as easy to deal with as the cave in Siberia.

"The castle is divided into two, the real world castle corresponds to the light, then the 'shadow' castle is of course on its 'back'," Heather Anna smiled. "In front, there is a pool in the castle garden." The reflection in the pool is the entrance."

Lily listened and screamed: "It's such a god-like thing... I'm not good at dealing with this kind of thing."

Her voice did not fall, she felt Hassels on her back suddenly moved slightly, then the old hunter woke up from the coma, saw the witch around and the Heather Anna who led the way, Hasselblad subconsciously I want to get my own weapons, but now my hands and feet are bound by a weird energy field, and even the slightest effort can not be made, suddenly yelling: "You..."

"Oh oh!!"

"I still feel embarrassed to say that," Lily vomited and said, "I feel so pitiful."

The witches were shocked by the sudden awakening of Hasselblad. Even Heather Anna was no exception, but when she saw Lily and stunned the latter, they suddenly showed a strange expression, Mrs. Mary also I sighed: "This is probably the worst hunting demon person I have ever seen in my life..."

Hao Ren looked up at the sky and didn't know what to say. He wondered how Hasselblad would explain to him the things that happened on the road after he was "pulled in"... The old hunter wouldn't be ashamed and arrogant. ?

Under the leadership of Heather Anna, everyone soon arrived at the back garden of the castle and saw the pool that could serve as two world passages.

It is located in the west-centered position of the "work" structure of the castle. It is surrounded by a large withered thorns and tangled vines. The pool has a circle of marble texture. However, in the depression in the center of the pool, it has not seen one. Dripping water.

Without water, there will naturally be no reflections.

Hao Ren cast a question to Heather Anna. He knows that since the little bat comes with everyone, the pool must be another clever. Sure enough, Heather Anna had no surprise after seeing the dry pool. She just stepped forward, biting her finger and dropping a drop of blood into the dry pool.

Then she stepped back and looked up at the gray-white moon hanging in the sky: "Without the key, you can only borrow the power of moonlight... Vivian, if you can hear it, wish me success. ......"

After that, she took a small step and began to walk around the pool at a very slow pace, and whispered an old spell.

Unbelievable things are born.

The already dry pool suddenly began to sway a thin layer of dawn, the gray-white moonlight seems to be bound by the invisible force, and it is converged into a beam of light and illuminates directly at the bottom of the pool. The light seems to condense into a liquid, along with the sea. Thurna walked slowly, and it began to accumulate in the pool with the visibility of the naked eye. Every second was more solid, and eventually became as real as the real water!

As Heather Anna finally fell, she returned to the starting position, just around the pool, and the "moonlight water" in the pool was just full, the water surface was almost the same as the edge of the pool, as if it were mirror-like Still.

Hao Ren saw a clear reflection in the mirror-like water surface. There were towering towers and solemn castles in the reflection. However, in the real world, the towers and castle structures were already decaying and collapsed.

Obviously, the reflection reflects not the real world, at least not the real world of time and space.

"The shadow channel has been opened, and the water is another space." Heather Anna wiped the sweat from her forehead. "Because it was opened by abnormal means, I am not sure what the situation is now. Fortunately, we are lucky." I won't hit the patrolling soulless guards, but if the wizard Barn has activated the defense of the Shadow Fortress with the key...just ready for a bad war, I need to spend a lot after entering the Shadow World. Kung Fu can get control of the Soulless."

"This is all expected," Hao Ren nodded. "What should we do now?"

"It's very simple, just follow me."

Heather Anna said as she stood on the edge of the pool.

Then she dumped straight toward the “water surface”.

There was no splash of water, and there was no sound of falling water. She seemed to be in the water, and disappeared into the water silently at the moment of contact with that layer of reflection, even without arousing a trace of embarrassment.

Hao Ren and Li Li looked at each other, and then Hao Ren took a step forward, and also learned that Heather Anna’s action straightened down the water.

He also successfully passed through the "boundary" of that layer.

"You are advanced!" Lily fangs a group of witches, "prevent you from running away!"

The witches had no choice but to go to the water one by one and then “fall into the water” straight.

Lily finally came to the pool and looked at the calm, waveless moonlight, and the Huskies wrinkled her nose.

"I don't like water..."

Then she closed her eyes and jumped. 8

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