The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1454: Bath's suspicion

Hao Ren took a look around the eye and felt keenly that the number of people on the scene was wrong. ??

In addition to the witch who had been unlucky before the raiders raided, there was one more missing.

A little recall, what he is missing is the wizard who always hides his face in a big hood.

“Bath was separated from us when I rushed out,” said Mrs. Mary. “I didn’t see him after leaving the cemetery, because I’m not sure how far the hunter will catch up, and we’re not daring to go back and look for it. But with a secret sign along the way, he should be able to find it."

"Ban is gone?" Hao Ren brows involuntarily wrinkled, the sixth sense makes him feel faintly aware of this thing is not right.

As if to confirm his sixth sense, the next Heather Anna suddenly exclaimed and exclaimed: "Oh! The guy still holds my key!"

Lily didn't react at all: "Key?"

"It's the key to entering the shadow world!" Heather Anna finally got anxious and scratched her head and jumped. "Before we were not attacked by the demon hunters when we were looking at the keys! The key was right in the hands of Barn. ...what is the useless wizard who has gone away!"

The sixth sense of Hao Ren’s heart is stronger. The “Ban” is becoming more suspicious in his heart. After all the coincidences are piled up together, he suddenly remembers the sentence that the wizard had not had before. words.

"What is Harold's Vigil?" He turned to look at Heather Anna. Although there was no clear reason, he always felt that the little bat would be afraid to know something.

Sure enough, Heather Anna was surprised when she heard the name: "How do you know the existence of this Knight?"

"Do you really know this organization?" Hao Ren was overjoyed. A message that was originally thought to be useless was turned into a clue. "What is this Knights doing?"

"This Knights were delisted many years ago. Except for a few people who have been paying attention to this place, very few people know that they have existed before." Heather Anna didn't seem to have any idea of ​​secrecy, and explained it casually. "Halron The vigil was originally the guardian of this place, composed of a group of wizards and dark knights whose mission was to protect the sleeping place of Vivian from being disturbed."

"Guarding Vivian's?!" Hao Ren was even more surprised this time. "How can Vivienne hire them?"

Heather Anna: "...cough, you really know about Vivian."

Hao Ren: "..."

Heather Anna continued to say it afterwards: "Really, this Haron Knight Vigil is not formed by Vivienne himself, but by a **** aristocrat named Haroun, who is privately established in Vivienne. After asleep, a well-informed dark aristocrat came here. He rebuilt a castle abandoned by humans and displayed the surrounding area of ​​the castle. He and his formed Haron Vigil knight guarded nearly one here. Century, I hope to wait until the day when Vivian is awakened."

Lily said with a long sigh: "Oh, so he wants to please Wei Wei'an?"

"This is normal. In the blood family that values ​​class and blood, the appreciation of an ancient blood family means great glory and practical benefits throughout the race, and most of the ancient blood races are very lonely, and they say goodbye to them. It’s true to say that it’s a good thing to talk about, so it’s true that the good-natured Wei Wei’an is the choice of many **** juniors, especially if Wei Wei’an does not like to owe humanity, if she knows that there is a younger generation to defend herself. A century of seals will definitely reward. Although she has no money, she just writes a note and handed it to any force that is enough for the person holding the note to traverse. Such a big temptation. Who can block it? live?"

"Why did the Haron Vigils then get rid of the name?" Mrs. Mary, who was next to her, was fascinated and couldn’t help but ask, "Is that **** aristocrat unable to hold on? Or was the hunter... ..."

"Then the dark aristocratic investment failure and the natural disasters went bankrupt. The Harold Knights of the Vigils continued to hold on for twenty years. Because the funds were unsustainable, they were dissolved in the same place. The last Haron Knight is near. A place that left this place a century ago, hey, there is a house on the other side of the river bank, that is the last place where the knight is holding... Hey, it’s terrible, it’s said to be going back for dinner.”

In fact, before Heather Anna opened her mouth, Hao Ren guessed what the truth was. At this time, after listening to him, he was not surprised. He just sighed with a sigh of relief: "The bad guys who don’t read more books are not in the pit. In this kind of place, they don’t even think about it. Wei Wei’an’s amiable old blood family can be mixed with no friends. Is it really easy to please Wei Wei’an?”

"Young people are ignorant," Heather Anna shrugged. "And even if I know the "Wei Ming" guy of Vivian, if I haven’t experienced it myself, I wouldn’t think that her old man’s 'power' would be so powerful, too much. People are blind and confident, always thinking that they can resist fate, and they are not self-reliant."

The little bat is so proud that he still has a three-point pride, as if Vivian’s poor **** aura is what awesome power!

And a group of witches have never heard of the story of Vivian Ansesta. They are still the marginalized people of the natural world at this moment. They are not exposed to the great figures of Vivian, so they listen to Hao Ren and the sea. The exchanges of Thurna are all in the clouds.

Heather Anna was too lazy to explain to this group of witches. After she sighed, she looked at Hao Ren with curiosity: "I haven't said it yet, how come you suddenly mention the Haron Vigil?"

Hao Ren tweeted his fingers and rubbed his chin: "I think that the problem with Bath is that he told me the name of the Vigilist, and after realizing that I was not a fellow traveler, he was very cautious and never mentioned this again. thing."

"Does the Bath know the Vigilist?!" Heather Anna immediately narrowed her eyes. "That is... he is most likely to come to the sleeping place of Vivian. Damn! He still holds that." Put the key!"

At the end of the call, I opened the batwing behind my own, and the murderous tone was full: "We must stop him!"

"Wait," Hao Ren stopped Heather Anna. "There was a more important thing before this."

"Isn't that heavy enough?" Heather Anna's scarlet eyes stared at Hao Ren. "The wizard is going to disturb the sleep of Vivian. He holds the shadow key, and the Shadowless Castle in the Shadow Castle stops." Can't stop him, no matter what the guy is, I have to stop him!"

"You don't have to stop it, the one of Barn will die in it," Hao Ren glanced at the little bat. "If I have the right information, he will hit a violent state after he enters." Vivienne 'incarnation'."

He did not directly say "the evil spirits", because Heather Anna did not know about this at this time, and the word "incarnation" was easier to understand.

"The incarnation of the violent state?" Heather Anna frowned. "What does that mean?"

"You didn't notice that there is a strong negative force here. The dark aristocrat Haron has left this place for a whole century. These things are definitely not what he left, but how can the normal situation of Vivienne be casual? Unleash such a powerful negative force? If I didn't guess wrong, Vivienne should have created a 'body' with a powerful force during this sleep, which is earlier than she woke up..."

At the moment, Hao Ren told Heather Anna the news he had heard from the demon hunter, but hidden the intricate relationship between the cult and the body. The little bat is not a stupid person. Moreover, she knows more or less the vicious cycle of Vivian, and may even know some phenomena related to evil spirits, so it does not take much effort to understand these things.

Her expression is serious.

"I know... I used to have a similar phenomenon. When Vivian was sleeping, suddenly there was a guy who was very similar to her. It was a big mess... I always thought it was somehow. The unopened guy is in the name of Vivian, and has been investigating for a long time," Heather Anna waved. "Well, this information is too important, so that we have to re-enact The plan, the first witches must stay outside the shadow world, they face the "incarnation" in your mouth is completely dead. In addition, we must find ways to control the soulless team in the shadow world, those are Vivian Guards created by adults in their sleep, with them, it is much easier for us to deal with 'incarnations'."

Lily blinked: "The shadow key was taken away by Bath. Can you still do this?"

Heather Anna was silent for a moment, taking a deep breath: "It’s just a convenient medium to get out of the shadow key. Without that, my own shadow spells are still not fixed! How can my shadow power come from Vivienne? Inherited by the adults, it is homologous to the 'world over there. Temporary intervention is not a problem."

Hao Ren couldn't help but think of the time when he ignited Vivian in Siberia. At that time, he drilled the "defense system" loop set by Vivian, and used his own magic when the whole system could not be activated. The body-free system destroyed the entire system. Originally, he planned to re-apply this time, but he did not expect that the plan could not keep up with the changes. In the end, he would have to borrow the power of the "No Soul Guard"...8

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