The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1403: The city is moving

The violent release of current creates a regional magnetic storm, and the power of magic magnifies the magnetic storm hundreds of times. Thousands of bats form a large group of super-strong electromagnets in the air. The magnetic field generated by the rotation is like a myriad of invisible spikes sweeping through the shrine of the whole temple. At that moment, everyone feels a strong stun.

The strong magnetic field even caused a large black area in the ramp: it was a sign that the space was distorted.

In the magnetic field and current sweep, a giant electric squid emits a fine electric spark, and then trembles and collapses. The heavy stone image falls to the ground and the whole pyramid shakes. Hao Ren squinted and tried to confirm the situation in the frenzied electromagnetic storm. He vaguely saw that the surface of the fallen giant elephants had faded, and the runes and lines were gradually extinguished. This should be a complete "downtime". Signs.

And some vaguely translucent shadows emerged from the giant elephants. They are connected to the "heart" of the stone statue at one end, and extend to the void in one end. Under the electromagnetic field, these shadows seem to be invisible. The tentacles of the creature fade away from the ramp as quickly.

Hao Ren blinked, I don’t know if it was an illusion.

The electromagnetic storm only lasted for a few minutes, and then finally subsided. There was only a pile of stone guards still trembled, and a huskies that were smashed with electric hair.

Lily slammed into the head with a silver bang on her head, and a half-black and white tail was erected angrily behind her: "Is there a way to tell Oster that you can still generate electricity!! Didn't tell you that the current is too big to be dead!!"

Heather Anna quickly looked up and helped Wei Wei'an to stop: "Wei Wei'an adults are back! I am going to block this mad dog!"

Hao Ren also hurried forward to pull the persuasion: "Heather Anna, you calm down, these two are not the first day, Lily, you are also calm, that Oster is studying electric magnetic, magnetic generation is the discovery of Faraday And the lightning that Vivienne just released was not made by Magneto..."

Elizabeth held the head of Izak, and screamed at the latter's ear: "Sometimes I really don't know what it means to give someone an enlightenment..."

However, for a fierce husky, the specific content of the persuasion did not have much impact. Lily quieted down a few times, while tidying up her hair and swearing: "I graduated from Peking University four times and certainly know this... ...I am annoyed that this bat does not know how to control his own lightning storm until now..."

Vivien glared at Lily: "I control it! And the landlord opened the barrier to protect everyone. Whoever makes you rushing too far is by the way aoe! You are glad, this time. I put the main magnetic field shock, this is really pure lightning, your dog's head is cooked!"

Lily: "..."

Until this time, the roller was carefully drilled out from behind Hao Ren. The stupid cat had been brave enough to fight when he first saw the giant elephant, and he also used a sharp claw to get rid of it. It was only like the head of the soldier, but after seeing the number of enemies in the corridor, he immediately slammed back and went back to the front. She grabbed Hao Ren’s sleeve: “Great cat, safe?”

"At least the enemies in the temple must have died. The magnetic field of Vivian was enough to cover the entire pyramid area." Hao Ren frowned and walked forward. "In short, let's leave here, I am not very good." The hunch, we are afraid to be alarmed."

Before they broke through, they were already close to the exit of the Temple of the Pyramid. At this time, there was no giant elephant blocking. After a while, the people crossed the stone shackles that lost their ability to come to the square in front of the pyramid, first reflecting Hao Ren. The eyes are a dozen stone statues that fall on the open space.

The stone statues are one size larger than the stone statues inside the temple. They are obviously the guards on both sides of the pyramid trail. In fact, some of these stone statues have already rushed into the pyramid temple, and they have fallen out of Haoren’s line. In that martyrdom, the guards left in the square may be ambushing specifically: in case the guards in the temple failed to solve the invaders, these giant statues kept in the exit can also stand in the intruder to break out and relax. Give a fatal blow Although Hao Ren doubts whether these giants have such intelligence, they are not allowed to leave a similar defense program in their stone heads.

Only Vivienne's magnetic field storm power is beyond imagination. Not only the guards inside the pyramid temple are solved instantly, but even these giant elephants on the outer square are relieved of combat power.

The stone figure of a wolf head at the edge of the square has not been completely destroyed. The rocky shell of the whole body has been peeled off, revealing the inner shell that is dark as if it is obsidian. The intermittent runes and lines are hidden in the surface of the body. The giant statue struggled to maintain a half-hearted posture. Notice that the intruder came out of the temple intact, and the last giant elephant raised his head and raised his arm to direction Hao Ren.

Lily was screaming at the fire and nowhere to vent. When she saw it, she rushed up and the stone road along the way was stepped out by a series of big pits. The giant elephant was smashed by the impact of her shells, and it fell down in an alarming manner. Then Lily raised her fist and fell to the chest of the stone like a rainstorm.

After a while, the stone statue will no longer move.

Hao Ren sighed: "The head dog has killed the kobold..."

Vivienne’s face was awkward: “She seems to be angry.”

"Crap, she's the baby's own tail, you see her tail is now like a fire."

“Do I have to apologize to her?”

"No, Husky has a bad memory. She will forget it when she meets."

Vivian: "..."

"These stone statues are very strange," said Izaks, sulking and sulking. "I feel that they have a unified command. This is because their coordination performance shows that there are very few self-disciplined ghosts." This, and during the battle I did not find how high the independent thinking ability of these stone statues."

Hao Ren nodded and just wanted to say something, he suddenly felt the ground under his feet tremble slightly.

"What is it?!"

Heather Anna couldn't help but change her face. The previous battles have made her quite nervous. The tremors from this moment made her suddenly have a very bad premonition.

"Hey?" Rolled up and looked around, then quickly climbed to a nearby pillar. The cat girl hugged the pillar and stretched her neck and looked at the distance, then immediately slammed it down: "Great cat! Not good. More stone people ran from all sides!"

Hao Renwen immediately let the data terminal fly to the air to provide investigation, and the picture returned will let everyone breathe a glimpse:

The smoke of the lost ancient city is filled with dust, and the vortex formed by the sand dust rises from every avenue. The numerous black beast heads are like the army that came out of the mythology, and marched between the temple and the palace. Every avenue that you can see is packed with these huge monsters!

They are undoubtedly coming to this side!

"I am going to go... We are smashing the stone nest!" Hao Ren couldn't help but scream, then quickly looked at everyone around him:

The sacred shield on everyone is still shining. This shield protects everyone from the ubiquitous red moonlight in the ancient city. It also provides an extra layer of defense. However, the main function of this shield is still In other words, it is a layer of anti-magic shield rather than a physical shield. It can not play as much as the imagination in the battle with the stone statue.

Vivian's electromagnetic storm has a tremendous lethal effect on the giant elephants. The strength of Izax and Lily is also enough to fight more than ten stone statues at the same time. Hao Ren's own guns have to deal with one or two stone statues. The problem, as for other people, even the worst-selling roll can not be defeated when fighting a stone statue alone...

However, if the magic of a whole city is coming, then you have to consider retreating.

Even Vivienne’s electromagnetic storm is to consume magic!

Lily also knew what happened at this time. She ran quickly: "The landlord! What should we do? Continue to fight? I feel that this amount is a bit too!!"

"The situation is not good, let's leave this place first!" Hao Renfei quickly made a decision. "The stone statues are not fast. The war is good for us, but once they are surrounded by trouble, Vivian's electromagnetic storm is not unlimited. of."

Vivienne nodded and affirmed Hao Ren’s statement: “I need to make at least 30 minutes of adjustment for the next electromagnetic storm.”

Hao Ren has already collected the plasma lance at this time, and replaced it with a magnetic oscillator bomb with a hand. The magnetic oscillating bomb has an excellent effect on these magic images without magnetic shielding protection. The examiner's gun can definitely kill the enemy of this size: when fighting in the temple, because of the battlefield environment, he is looking for There is no chance to use the Phantom Pistol, but in this open ancient city street, he no longer has to worry about accidentally hurting the friendly army.

"Terminal! Provide navigation!" He looked up and said loudly to the data terminal.


"The Great Temple in the middle of the city!"

"Would you like to go to the Great Temple?" Lily stunned. "The stone statues are guards of the temple. Shouldn't the big temple in the center of the city be their nest?"

"No, I am afraid the opposite is true..."

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