The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1402: Wake up guard

Lily bowed slightly and looked at the corridor in the direction of the corridor. A pair of pointed dogs were standing on the top of the head and constantly turned to all directions. She had been warning for a few seconds, even though the enemy had not appeared yet, she Still whispering when a beast is threatening from the throat: "呜"

"Attention alert!" Hao Ren has drawn his own rifle, trying to find the dead corner that the enemy may have come from all around, and then his sight suddenly fell on the ancient stone statues as "ornaments."

A doubtful point suddenly emerged: the entire city has collapsed under the erosion of sand and time, why are these stone statues almost intact? Even the most serious stone statues outside the temple outside the temple are not collapsed!

Almost at the moment when this doubt became a warning sign, he suddenly heard a gust of wind coming from the top of his head. When he was ready, he immediately flashed to the side, while turning the pistol in the direction of the wind. !

There was a tremor of tremor in his hand. The sound of the stone experiencing high temperature and strong impact and cracking came from behind. After Hao Ren landed, he turned and saw a giant statue with a lion head stepping from the wall of the stone wall. I walked down!

"These stone statues are alive!" The little devil girl sitting on the shoulders of Izax screamed loudly, then waved a green evil fireball with the size of a wheel to the stone statue. The stone statues on the top are all alive!"

The karaoke of the flaking stone fragments came from all directions. The strange Guardian stone statues of the people and animals in the corridor were “resurrected” one after another, depositing thousands of years of dust from their rocky shells. The cockroaches fell and rolled up a piece of smoke in the temple corridor, and the heavy footsteps of the stone statues as they walked down the platform made the whole ground start to shake. Between a few breaths, the entire corridor was completely blocked by these "stone statues" that came alive. They paused a little, and then they took a big step toward this side.

Looking at the various weapons in their hands, they know that these stones are not coming to explore the building of socialist spiritual civilization.

The first stone statue that made a sneak attack flew out a dozen meters from the huge fireball of Elizabeth, and smashed through a partition in the temple, but after a few seconds it struggled from a pile of gravel. Climbing out of the rubble, an arm of the lion's first person has been cut by Hao Ren's plasma lance, and its entire right body is cracked by the fierce fireball. The khaki stone is smashing from the stone statue. The body fell down, revealing a dark, metallic lustrous body, with various runes and lines shimmering on those black matter.

"What is that? Obsidian?" The little devil Elizabeth was shocked by the tenacity of the stone statue. She was the first time she saw her felfire fireball in such a close-knit "stone" Why the use of the big fireball is "砸" is not discussed for the time being.

"It's a kind of thing with metal composition, obsidian is not so hard," the data terminal has scanned some of the components of the cracked pieces in a flash, and said quickly, "Attention, there are more The stone statue woke up! The stone guards outside the temple also started to move, and we were in danger of being besieged!"

Hao Renfei flashed a blade of stabbing stone, and cut the right leg of another stone statue with a plasma pike, followed by the direction of the exit of the temple: "First rush out from here!"

The people present in the game, except for the rolling experience, even the one-and-a-half-year-old Lorissa has a lot of actual combat memories inherited from the magic emperor, so it is clear that once they are blocked by these heavy stones The words in the temple will be greatly passive, so they waited for Hao Ren to finish, they have begun to break out in the direction of the passage, and Hao Ren looked back at the direction of the murals: "The terminal, the patterns of these murals are Is the scan saved?"

The terminal whistling and fluttering from Hao Ren's ear and shouted loudly: "Of course, you can rest assured that this machine is working!"

Hao Ren: "..."

Tmd a data terminal is actually more decisive than he ran!

Everything happened between the lights and the fire. When the people pulled their legs and rushed to the exit of the passage, the stone guards that Hao Ren cut off one leg with a plasma gun blade just squatted back, because the body was too heavy, plus perhaps intelligence. Limited, the stone guard struggled after breaking a leg for a long time and could not get up, but when the intruder was about to run into the ramp, the stone monster’s eyes suddenly glowed red, then it suddenly raised an arm and pointed The direction in which the intruder retreated.

With a loud bang, the arm of the stone statue burst from the center of the circle. The huge fist made of rock flew like a rocket bomb to the ramp under the push of white light. The high speed even twisted the air around it.

Lily instinctively noticed the danger after coming to her. She suddenly turned around, and the slate ground under her feet was suddenly stepped on by her cracks, and at that moment the stone fist had already flown to her eyes.

Lily didn't want to raise her hand and punch it.

There was a loud bang, and the stone fist was broken in the earth-shattering explosion. The shock wave spread out and even formed a heavy air wave in the air. Lily banged the stone and didn’t look at it and ran. The explosion squatted far behind, and when he passed by Hao Ren, he rubbed his arm and groaned: "It hurts..."

Achieved the perfect blend of handsome and awkward.

More and more stone statues appear in front.

All the guards have been awakened. These monsters that wake up from their deep sleep are obviously the guardians of the ancient temples. The intrusion of Hao Ren and his entourage severely angered these loyal guards. Even the stone statues outside the temple are also on the high platform. Down, taking a heavy footstep towards the direction of the pyramid, in fact, it is not just the guards of this temple that are awakened.

All the temples in the entire lost ancient city are rumbling, and numerous giant statues have emerged from the ancient buildings that have fallen and weathered. They are assembled on the streets like an army striding out from the mythological scrolls. In an orderly manner, he began to surround the pyramid temple where Hao Ren and his party were located.

In the martyrdom in the Temple of the Pyramid, Lolissa has once again become the "inflammation of the Holy Flame" form when the experimental base first appeared. A flaming silver-white flame flutters like a flame elf in the air. Constantly aggregate, disperse, and sprint, and exert the powerful destructive power of the Holy Flame in all kinds of incredible ways.

Although the stone guards are sturdy and have no obvious Achilles heel, they are obviously some kind of structure like a Golem. The structure naturally has a crack that can be invaded: With the constant activity, each stone is covered with a khaki The outer shells have been broken and shattered, revealing the dark and real body inside. On the body of the rune, you can see the joints of the joints and the openings that are suspected of venting. The flames of Lolita’s incarnation are from these. Drill in the tiny gaps and then remove the stone from the inside.

The effect is significant, but it seems to be quite labor and effort.

The flame of the sacred body swelled around Hao Ren, and the upper half of the flame became the form of Lolissa. She gasped: "These weird things have a very strong core, slightly below the center of the chest. In addition to the kernel, it is very difficult to completely stop them from destroying anywhere. In addition, the core is very resistant to high temperatures, and it takes a lot of effort to melt them with the Holy Flame."

"It's easy to know where the core is!"

Next to Izak, he said loudly, then suddenly slammed a few steps and jumped up to the black giant statue of a wolf's first person. The giant statue had raised his iron rod when Izacks came. But its speed is still a step slower. The big devil has already slammed into the chest of the stone at the moment, and the huge impact makes the giant elephant almost fall down on the ground.

After a punch, the stone fragments splashed in the chest, and countless sparks burst from the giant body with the humming noise. As the "slate" on the surface was broken by a punch, a shimmer appeared in front of Izax.

Izak raised his fist and the second punch directly penetrated the protective shell of the giant chest.

Then a piece of brass-like luster like a mechanical ball was pulled out of the giant statue.

The stone statue guard violently trembled a few times, then slowly fell to the side, and Izak maintained a foot on the chest like a chest and landed together, and threw the mechanical ball back to Hao Ren: "The landlord! You See how this solution is solved faster!"

Hao Ren took over the "core" of the size of the basketball. When he first started, he felt that the heat of this thing was amazing. If it was not physical strengthening, I am afraid that the temperature of the sphere is enough to bake his hand.

The sphere is made of metal. Although it has the luster of brass, considering that it can last for a while under the flame of the flame, it is definitely not copper. It has many hollow structures on the surface, which can be seen through the hollow. Numerous ingenious mechanical gears and chains operate inside it, and the sound of the mechanical movement of the cymbals continues to come from inside the sphere, just as a living steel organ is squirming and generally gives people a strange feeling.

At this moment, the exit of the temple has appeared in the front, but the light from the exit has been blocked by the huge figure that has been shaking.

The data terminal swiftly circled the mechanical ball in the hand of Hao Ren for two laps, quickly completed the analysis of the "original device", and then quickly said: "It is magnetic!"

"This thing is afraid of a strong magnetic field!" Hao Ren explained.

Vivienne summoned the overwhelming bats in the moment when Hao Ren’s voice fell. The bat group quickly formed two swirling rotating clusters in the air, and the powerful current began to flow in the bat group.

"Oster told me that year," Vivian opened his hands, and the glare of the lightning storm surged behind her. "Electricity!"

Hao Ren looked up and looked at the electromagnetic storm that was about to form in the sky, and looked at the magnetic oscillation bomb that had just been pulled out.

He felt that he did not need a magnetic oscillation bomb.

He needs a Faraday cage.

Vivian's lightning storm has always been taken away by opponent teammates!

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