The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1195: Cursing the truth

According to Hathaway, the "artifact" in Hercules' hands is actually a poor shell. The real power of the artifact comes from its core, and the core is far from the power of mortal people.

"That is a scepter. I think you have seen the description of the scepter in other places." Hathaway stood at the window and said these ancient secrets in a gentle tone. "But actually The scepter itself is nothing at all. It is just a shelf. It is used to bind the real core of the artifact. The Olympus does not know where to get a core of power. The core is the essence of the universe, and it can be subverted. The power of the whole world, but Zeus and Athena did not know how to control this power, so they used the most stupid way to make it into a weapon with red crystal and enchanted metal and core combination."

Hao Ren didn't think that this suddenly came up with a "core" and couldn't help but curiously ask: "What does the core look like?"

"I haven't seen it," Hathaway shook his head. "It is said that people who look at it will be plagued. The thing is sealed inside the crystal of the scepter. Since the scepter was cast, no one has seen it. Whatever things look like, Hercules once described it as a pure darkness, but he just listened to what others said."

Lily followed with an enquiry: "Hercules was countered by the artifact because you were playing too much to get the thing out of control?"

Hathaway nodded lightly: "Yes, but not all. Since Olympus was destroyed, Hercules fled with that artifact. He has suffered numerous crises, most of which are from the hunters of the hunters. All can only rely on the power of the artifact to save the danger, which leads him to rely more and more on the scepter, but the energy of the scepter is limited, too much to draw strength from the scepter, and finally led to the core change. In his last battle, the crystal on the scepter broke, and all kinds of power came out from there. Part of it was positive. It removed our hostile curse from each other, and part of it was negative. Damaged the mind of Hercules."

Hathaway said that after a pause, he went on to say: "At the beginning, this reversal is not serious, but as time goes by, the power leaked out of the artifact seems to find an invisible pipe that erodes continuously. The body and spirit of Hercules. We jointly studied this erosion after signing the armistice agreement, and finally found that it does not belong to any magical power known to the world. After a period of meaningless trial and research, we and Hagrid Sri Lanka reached an agreement: he has since been buried, find a place to live in seclusion, try to fight the shadows in the spiritual world, and we go to the rest of the world to find clues related to the evil forces."

Hesperus asked: "Have you found it?"

Hathaway shook his head: "Nothing."

"Why don't you just throw away the artifact?" Lily scratched her hair. "Isn't that the power that it leaked has been drilling into Hercules? Is it not useful to throw it away?"

"We have tried, and have not connected the core of Hercules and artifacts with some kind of connection across time and space. No matter where we throw the artifact, its power will appear in the nightmare of Hercules. In this way, it is better to leave it with him, so that at least it can be used as a self-defense weapon, and it can monitor the changes of the artifact at any time."

Vivian whispered: "The things with curses are basically this style."

Hao Ren has already tossed the ins and outs of the matter: "The last thing is getting worse and worse, and your efforts are nothing. One day, Hercules sent a message to you, saying that the situation is too serious to be able to clean up. You have come to this place." I actually know almost everything. It seems that although you have not found a way to lift the curse, you still have a certain understanding of the core."

“Yes,” said Hathaway. “As the power in the artifact becomes more and more out of control, the essence of the core is gradually revealed, and our research has become much easier. Xavier is a researcher among us, she Eventually, it was discovered that it was actually a door leading to a dark and horrible world. The world is hidden in the depths of the real world. It is the dark side of the universe. The great power of the artifact is precisely because it is such a world. The power of the vent is venting, and no matter how great the power is, it is impossible to compete with a world."

What Hao Ren thought of this moment is the dream plane.

However, it is clear that the dream plane is not as terrible as Hathaway described. Apart from a lurking behind-the-scenes black hand and a group of mad guardians, the dream plane is just a normal universe. How can it leak? The power of such evil and horror?

Is the crack in the core of the artifact leading to another place? A true dark chaos universe? Or Hathaway and her Demon Hunter compatriots are wrong. They don't understand the concept of the universe and the world's barrier. The "dark side of the universe" they describe is actually a slightly larger twisted space.

"What's in the dark side of the universe?" Vivian's brow was slightly wrinkled and his tone was serious. "In addition to the original energy."

"There is also a frenzied will, an evil force that cannot be described by the real world, without any reason, trying to devour the whole world." Hathaway can't help but shake the body when talking about these sentences, and the undead body appears. Fluctuations, obviously these things have caused a huge shadow on her, even if it is life and death, even if it is guarded by this place for two hundred years, it can't calm her down. "That thing is irresistible! Even just knowing its existence will make people lose. Mind. Shewell, she was too deep in research, and she was fascinated by the darkness on the other side of the border. She privately opened a passage to send herself to the border, but she ruined herself and let the monster in the dark Perceive the existence of the real world, step by step to open the border door"

Hao Ren interrupted before the other party's spirit was too fluctuating: "So you finally built this prison?"

“Yes, we built this place,” Hathaway’s look stunned and raised her finger to the window. “It’s ironic to build this place with the help of the power of the artifact, which can tear the barrier, heavy Plastic space, we use this to divide the real world into two. In this parallel time and space, we built a huge cage around Hercules, and isolated him from the artifact, not letting them and reality There is any contact in the world, so it is difficult for the border to continue to expand. We have built a surveillance place here to monitor the condition of the cage for a long time. For all this, Hercules became the seal in the cage, and we have nine A companion sacrificed himself to start the ceremony. After that, I and Mohaben became the guards in this house. For two hundred years, the master sat in this place, watching the cage for a long time, and I looked outside. ”

Hathaway’s eyes fell on the old man in front of the window. The demon hunter was still alive, but like a dead Heatheri standing next to her, she still looks good, but in fact she has already died.

"You built prisons in parallel time and space, but the real world outside is still affected," Hesperris said. "The village."

"I know," Hathaway nodded gently. "The manpower is limited. This seal is actually not perfect. Something still spreads from the border. At the end of the ceremony, we almost fell short and escaped from the dark side. The negative energy made some of the companions in the ceremony mad, and Reinhardt even burned the ceremonial scene in the real world, and at that time, I and Mohaben had entered this parallel time and space, and could not do anything about the real world. In the end, we can only make some sacrifices to kill the last part of the ceremony here. The price is obvious: I am dead, become a dead soul, and Mohaben masters become old in the night. The negative atmosphere that escaped a little was smashed in the real world, turning the village into a cursed place."

This is the truth of the whole thing.

At this moment, a sudden burst of voice from the pocket interrupted Hao Ren’s thinking: “Hip!!”

Hathaway curiously looked at Hao Renyi pocket: "What did you bring?"

Hao Ren took the canned bottle out of his coat pocket, but he saw that the evil spirits were starting to frantically collide, and while rushing, he shouted and shouted: "Scared! Hey! Hey wow!!"

This little thing seems desperately trying to convey something, or just into a pure excitement, considering that she has no mind, the first possibility is not high.

Hao Ren also remembered that when the little guy was tossing up last time, it was the time when everyone fell into a different space, so this time he immediately increased his vigilance.

At about the same time, a burst of deep bang suddenly came from the village! To be continued.


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