The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1194: Hathaway

The female voice that suddenly sounded was empty and ethereal, and everyone had heard her voice more than once here. [[?{<郝仁 turned around and saw a white woman standing less than five meters behind her. She wore a long skirt of a high society woman more than two centuries ago, a light brown roll. The disc is smashed, and the two drapes hang from the ear behind the chest. Her appearance is noble and dignified, with the aristocratic temperament, as seen in the portrait before.

Hao Ren’s gaze stayed on the other side for a while, and saw that the woman’s body edge showed a slightly dithered translucent shape: just like the information I had before, this is a dead soul.

Undoubtedly, she is the ghost of the mysterious secrets of the police.

"Are you finally showing up?" Hao Ren looked at the woman not far away. "I thought you were going to watch it."

"Not that I finally showed up, but you finally came to my place," the undead female's expression faintly opened, with a ethereal voice. "I didn't expect you to find it here, very few people can reach this space." ...who are you guys?"

Hao Ren couldn't help but think of the little sinister body that was staying in the canned bottle. He also remembered that the space was only deflected after the sudden violent rush of this little point, and his team of talents could enter this “second-level field”, although very It is difficult to explain how a weak chicken evil spirit will have this ability, but the things in front of it seem to be related to the little one.

But he couldn't explain this to the undead in front of him, just nod his head: "We have our own way."

The female undead seems to have no interest in this issue. She curiously looks at Hao Ren: "Why are you coming? I can feel that you have a strong goal, but not a treasure, nor a magical knowledge, nor a Simple curiosity... There are many people coming here. What they are pursuing is nothing more than these three things. What are you pursuing?"

"Let's come to Hercules," Hesperias stepped forward. "We are looking for the artifact that he took."

"Ah...the worst of all the bad answers," the female undead sighed. "You are chasing the most dangerous things, and there are still people chasing that thing..."

Hao Ren waved the words of the female undead: "Wait a minute, you better not to rush to the conclusion, first understand who we are and say the one who just opened, she is the only survivor of the Olympus family. First, Hesperes."

"Olympus's ethnicity?" The expression on the face of the female undead seems to have finally changed. "Why, why did the survivors of Olympus suddenly run out to find Hercules and the artifact?"

"Not what I am looking for, my friend," Hesperias raised his finger to Vivian. "Do you know who she is?"

The female undead saw Vivian for a while and shook her head gently: "I don't know, even if I have known it now, I don't know... Ah, I have been dead for more than two centuries, and there are not many things to remember now."

"Vivienne? Ansesta, the most ancient kind, you should always remember," Vivian faintly opened, and the atmosphere of an elder slowly opened. "The piece of Hercules Artifact... Now I suspect that it is stealing some of my strength. I found the artifact in the file of your hunter, and traced it to this point, but now it seems that this thing is more than I imagined. It's more complicated."

"The female count who recruited the Red Moon?!" The female undead was really impressed by this name, "You said that you found the record from our hunter's file... How is this possible? That information should be in Colperth. ......"

Hao Renqing coughed: "Cough, we went to Coopers more than once. The outside world has been turned upside down. The war of the demon and the aliens has just ended. We have found the roots of innate hostility and hunting instinct and have completely lifted this. 'Curse'. Ah, now is not the time to say this, if you are interested, we can explain it slowly later, now you tell us about this place..."

"No, you first tell me the changes outside," the female undead suddenly got up and floated to the place where Hao Ren was less than a metre. The face was like a frost. "What you said is like a fantasy, which makes me even more Can't believe you. You are approaching a dangerous secret. I don't know if you are looking for a dead end or a well-being, so convince me, let me believe in you!"

The stubbornness and moodiness of the undead are well known, and Hao Ren also knows that if he wants to understand the things here, he must gain the trust of the female undead in front of him, so he did not shirk, sighed and began to explain his identity as a group, and now hunting The situation between the devil and the alien has focused on his own adventures in Colpers, which is a huge reliance on persuasiveness.

Of course, some secrets that should not be told to outsiders are still well preserved.

The whole storytelling process lasted for nearly an hour, because the female undead always interrupted and raised some questions from time to time. In the end, when Hao Ren said that the establishment of the Shadow Council and the situation of Colpers was a waste of time, the female undead Finally no longer asked questions.

"The sky is overturned, and the sky is overturned..." The female undead whispered, "If you haven't experienced similar things in person, how can I believe that 'hunting instinct' is a shackle that can be removed... but your understanding of Colperth It is impossible to make a fake. The scene in the spiritual clock tower is unimaginable if it is not personal experience. Then, I am willing to believe in you, 50%."

Hao Ren breathed a sigh of relief. He said that there are five achievements that are already good. He also pressed the first saint to reincarnate and became a huskies. The thirteenth saint is not the same thing as the vampire ancestors. If you say it, I am afraid that it will take more effort, because the demon hunters who have normal brains and have not experienced the Battle of Colpers will certainly not believe this. It is better to temporarily press it instead of wasting your tongue.

For this, he just pressed Lily's head back three times in a row: the dog girl had just wanted to interject her, she especially wanted to let people come to see the emperor...

"My name is Hathaway," the female undead finally said her name, and this is a signal of willingness to cooperate. "If you have any questions, please ask. I have a lot of time here."

Vivian first said: "Why do the demon hunters go with the aliens? Your hunting instinct and the innate hostility of Hercules have disappeared. Is it really the power of the artifact?"

"It seems that you really don't know the 'artifact' situation," Hathaway looked at Vivienne's eyes, probably because she was quite a bit broken after she died. She didn't have ordinary young when she faced Vivian. The demon person or the alien is as nervous as it is. "You only know that it carries your strength, but you don't know that it still contains a secret far more profound than your power. We were originally responsible for hunting Hagris. Team, we have twelve people. On the west side of France, we set traps and carried out ten nights and nights with Hercules holding artifacts. During the battle, we were hostile to each other. It disappeared. Master Mohaben was the first to have a different situation, and he happened to understand the research on 'hunting instinct' inside the Order... The details after this need not be described in detail. In the end, we and the sea Gris made an armistice agreement."

Hao Ren thought of the news from the white fire: "Oh, I remembered, I saw your records in the demon slayer's file: there were twelve of the last hunting of Hercules. The whereabouts of the demon hunter is unknown, and it is suspected that it is the same as the goal of hunting. Is that you? Is it your fake?"

Hathaway nodded silently, acknowledging.

Hesperes asked: "Because you know that you will become a 'hereic' when you return to the Order, and you are not willing to continue hunting for aliens if you know that there is a problem with the hunting instinct, so you simply choose. Defection?"

"We have not betrayed the Order," Hathaway attached great importance to this issue. "We are just hiding our name and using our own methods to trace the truth."

"Well, we don't discuss this kind of problem. After all, the Demon Hunter's Order of the past two centuries was not the same as Hyundai. At that time, there was no big thing to hunt instinct," Hao Ren waved. "Our topic Going back to the 'artifact', I want to know what it is, what is hidden inside it, and... What have you done to this place?"

"We built a prison in order to hold a mad monk," Hathaway turned and looked at the narrow window, which is the direction of the village. "You may have seen its surface shape in the real world. But here, this is the real place of the prison. As for the artifact, it is said that the core of the thing is not the thing that Olympus 'God' created itself, they are only from some older, more The powerful existence steals it in the hands."

Hathaway said, looked at Vivian and said: "Not from your hands." (To be continued.) 8

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