Perhaps in the field of magic, Pierre is just a plain human being, and the weakest vampire will not put him in the eye, but in investigating intelligence and collecting historical secrets, Pierre is absolutely absolute. Experts, his ability in this aspect may not be worse than Nangong 38: Human beings are a curious race, and the weakness of their own strength will also urge the spirit detectives to attach great importance to the collection of intelligence, Pierre is coming to this The village has already investigated a lot of things before, and in the two months of being trapped, he is constantly studying the broken ancient books he brought, and the things he investigated during the period were much more than Hao Ren imagined. [

The noise of the village square is still going on. This long celebration does not know when it will last until the end, and the strange villagers do not seem to worry about someone fleeing this place, or they have other methods. Surveillance of the village's borders, until now no one has come to the longhouse to check the situation, Hao Ren has some surprises: "I thought they would monitor very tight."

"Who is you monitoring? You? Or me?" Pierre shook his head. "Their mode of action is regular. Although there is nothing to get out of the loopholes, they can find some gaps in accordance with the law. They will be new to the village." Relatively lenient, this is probably to prevent suspicion. After all, people who have just entered the village still have a considerable degree of self-will. If the villagers are too abnormal, they will lead to a series of problems. And as you stay in this village, the more time you spend The longer you come, the more you will accept it here, agree with it, become unwilling to leave, and even forget where you are from where you will be bound by the rules of the village, and you will be happy Accept. At the end, you become a complete walking dead, you think you belong here, even born here, you will have a false memory, the content of this memory is that you grow up in this village, and are destined to be old All the foreign traces on your body will be eroded in your life, you will put on their clothes and stand in their ranks, yes. You will become 'villagers', just as you see the day. "

Vivi was surprised at the time: "You said that the villagers are also trapped here?!"

"If my investigations and guesses are correct, that should be the case," Pierre nodded gently. "When I first came here, I showed up on the 'transformation' of several villagers. They have cats on them. Wang’s tattoos, but after a month these traces disappeared completely, and they became thoroughly “villagers.” The Winston village chief is probably the same.”

Vivian touched his chin: "I remembered the allusion to the tiger."

"There is only a fence outside the village," Hao Ren looked up at the window. From the angle problem, he could see the village border from here. The ruined low fence was clearly visible here. "You have not tried." Going out? The villagers who are theoretically trapped here are unable to leave the land. The chances of you going out are too big."

Pierre knew that Hao Ren would mention this. He smiled and shook his head: "Impossible, no one can cross the fence. The other side of the fence is still a village. I have tried it many times. There is magic here, of course, You may try."

Hesperes frowned. "I was still normal when I came here three hundred years ago. What happened here?"

Pierre immediately looked around carefully, as if what he was going to say would lead to some kind of evil spirit in the dark night. He lowered his voice and said in a mysterious tone: "According to my investigation, I am afraid that with an ancient The family is involved in the evil witchcraft ritual."

"Family? Witchcraft ritual?" Hesperias stunned. She had thought before that she thought that the place was born by Hercules and the ancient artifact, but she did not expect to involve other aspects," What did you find?"

“The earliest record was more than two hundred years ago,” Pierre lowered the window sill of the room and lit up another oil lamp in the house. It seemed to dispel the dark atmosphere around him. “The village was still only A small village in a remote and poor village, although hidden in the depths of the jungle, there is no bad rumor, and the towns outside the forest have occasional exchanges with the village. Later, a lonely aristocratic family moved here, they are French The exiles of life, after losing their power and status, only left wealth, they settled in a small town outside the forest, but this family was quickly excluded and hostile by the town’s residents, and the situation was serious to family members. Life safety is beginning to be threatened..."

Vivian inserted a mouth: "Why?"

"Because of the study of witchcraft, even people returning from other places brought the family's bad reputation. At that time, there were many such aristocrats. Because of the violent social status and the precariousness of life, they began to seek some less legitimate spirits. Trust and strength, I can't find these records in the history, but I found evidence from many esoteric documents. The lonely aristocrat who moved here is a very addicted study of witchcraft, and his family is more addicted than other families: they It’s been a few generations of people who have been fascinated by this. They are different from those who can only take fake magic books around the campfire and they have some real magic knowledge.

"Because of this reason, this aristocratic family that lost its power status was rejected by the townspeople and even risked being sent to the guillotine. So they could only move out of the town, and later they were somewhere between the town and the forest village. The place built a house."

"In the forest? The heart is really wide..." Vivienne raised an eyebrow. "And then?"

"There were multiple versions of the things that followed, and some said that the family summoned the devils in their basements. The devil destroyed the town outside the forest and cursed the villages in the forest, and some said they The family patriarch turned into a devil because of the witchcraft, but my investigation is more inclined to the third statement: a small magical item with a pretty powerful power is hidden in the forest village, and the migration has been here. The nobles themselves came to this magical item. He and his family deceived a hermit in the village, stole the artifact from the hermit, and tried to acquire the magic of the artifact. The hermit was alone before being deceived. To discuss the argument, but the aristocrats deceived him again, pretending to return the artifact, but poisoning the wine. Finally, the weak hermit and the nobility carried out a witch war, the nobles lost, and ignited the fire and burned when they were dying. I had my own house and burned all my family members and wanted to go with the hermits. However, the hermits escaped with the power of artifacts..."

Pierre said that it was paused here. The next words were the key points: "The hermit who escaped from the fire returned to the village with an artifact, but was poisoned in the village. His anger before the death polluted the magic item, so The magical power of the ancient times immediately permeated and cursed the entire village. I guess the hermit’s obsession is 'no one can take anything from this land', so this obsession is distorted by the curse and becomes No one can leave this land. The above is my investigation and speculation."

After Pierre finished, Hesperus nodded his arm and said: "I am afraid that your guess is indeed the one closest to the truth, but only a little is unlikely that the 'hermit' can be handled by ordinary humans. Guy."

As soon as Pierre heard it, he realized that these people might know some truth. He opened his eyes: "Do you know who the ‘hermit’ in the story is?”

"We are here to find him," said Hao Ren. "He called Hercules."

Pierre reacted for a few seconds, and in the end it was a strange scream: "Ancient Greek mythology, the 12-tested Hercules?!"

Hesperris is next to him: "To tell the truth, I think that the 12 trials that were done in the past were quite unreasonable. Too much tossed people. Unfortunately, Hera was stirring behind her. I was looking for it. Zeus reflects a few questions and it doesn't matter..."

Pierre's face showed a strange look. It seemed to be the first time that someone heard the first-person name blowing this ancient myth. It was not very suitable, although Hesperris was not blowing.

"But in any case, Hercules is indeed missing," Vivian touched his chin. "It seems that the key to the problem is related to the family of the year. They are probably touching something that should not be touched. The power is out of control. Pierre, do you know where the family’s former residence is?”

"Outside the village," Pierre pointed to a certain direction. "In fact, it is not far from here. The ruins of the old house have been swallowed up by the forest, but I guess the main body of the house should still be there. After all, it is a house made by nobles. According to the record, it was built with a lot of stone and ancient concrete. I know that the key to lifting the curse should be there, but unfortunately I can't get out."

"Let's go," Hao Ren stood up. "The time and space distortion here should not stop us."

"You'd better wait until dawn," Pierre said. "At that time, there will be some changes in the village." (To be continued.) 8

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