The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1186: Cursed land

A small village with a population of only a few hundred people held a banquet until the middle of the night. Food and wine seemed to be able to grow out of the ground and continue to be on the long table. Later, Hao Ren even began to suspect that the banquet would not It will last forever, as if the flow of time of the wheel is never ending, but the banquet is finally over, ending when Lily has been snoring with her rice bowl.

The banquet was scattered, and the villagers gathered in the square seemed to be immersed in endless celebrations. Young men and women began to dance an ancient dance around the bonfire, while others were loud and noisy, drinking the rest. Fine wine, these villagers who seem to be numb and vulgar during the day arrive at night as if they are getting some kind of spiritual power. It is extraordinarily vivid and vivid. The most appropriate word that Hao Ren thinks is it.

Catherine and the Wang brothers had participated in the follow-up celebrations of the villagers without any gaps. Pierre was also unable to get rid of it. He was dragged by the two village girls to the campfire, at least now it seems to be devoted to In this pleasure. However, Hao Ren and his entourage refused the invitation of the old village chief and other villagers. They demanded to return to the long house to rest on the grounds of physical exhaustion. After some negotiations, this request was satisfied.

The longhouse is a short distance from the central square, but the noise on the square can still be clearly transmitted to the longhouse. The first thing after Hao Ren and his team came back was to check their physical condition. In addition to self-perception, the data terminal made a comprehensive scan of everyone.

"The situation is normal," the data terminal said after finally checking out Hao Ren's body. "The things you have eaten before do have some strange magical reaction. It seems to be something that the magic has spawned, but for your physique. The impact of these magical forces is minimal."

"This unintentional goods eats at least six people's meals," Hao Ren looked at his head and looked at Lily, who was sleeping on the low bed, and said, "She doesn't worry at all."

Lily's powerful and tough biological clock is working. It is currently in a state of thunder and sorrow. After eating, the husky girl has slept in a whole group and has no response to Hao Ren’s evaluation.

"There is nothing in the world that can stop a huskie from stuffing food into his mouth, except the pile of emperors that you took back last time." Vivian looked at Hao Ren and said, "What do you think is the place?" Wouldn't it be Hagrid's eyeliner to avoid the demon hunter, and what strong secret blockade is placed here?"

Hao Ren shook his head: "I still can't see any clues, I can only confirm that the atmosphere in the village is very strange, but I guess we will know the reason soon, the Pierre is obviously still"

His voice did not fall, a footstep came from the outside, followed by a few voices, Pierre's voice sounded: "You have not rest yet?"

Hesporis got up and opened the door, and Vivian threw a small bat outside the window and nodded. "He came alone. It seems that the villagers were opened."

After Pierre entered the room, Hao Ren poured a glass of water on the other side: "I thought you couldn't get away."

At this time, Pierre was quite different from the performance at the previous banquet. He swept the faint and comfortable environment before him. Instead, he was replaced with seriousness and anxiety. He took the oak cup that Hao Ren handed over. Hesitated for a long time or did not drink: "I better not touch these things again. This is the place to be cursed."

"We know there is a problem with this place," Hesperias said casually by the door. "But what is the curse?"

"This is" Pierre sent a curious look to Hao Ren and Vivian. He pointed to Hesperias and Lily, who was snoring. "They are also on your side? I can fortunately know them first." Is it the identity?"

The curiosity of the detectives in the spirit world really does not weaken under any circumstances.

"Oh, you almost saw them last time," Hao Ren did not mind, pointing to the two partners to introduce, "This is the descendant of Olympus, the real name Hesperris, you have to study If you are a myth, you should know who she is. This is sleeping, she is the hegemony of the Northland Snowfield, claiming to be a low-end version of Finlay."

Vivian's words about Hao Ren's essays are a bit inconceivable: "You said that the hunters are better than the low fennel."

Hao Ren grinned: "Nothing, I can't help but think of the collapse of the middle road when I mention the emperor. Although she did collapse in the past."

Pierre doesn't know what it means to be Hao Ren and Wei Wei'an. When he first heard the name of Hesperuis, the whole person got up in a moment, and now he looked straight at the legend. The "Goddess of Dusk", the face expression is 100% is to look at the ancient fossils that will walk: "The descendants of Olympus?! Scorpio! I am trapped here is worth it!"

"Okay, you don't mention the year, I am sad," Hesporis swayed his hand. "You still talk about what the curse you just mentioned is going on. Are you really trapped here?"

Speaking of this, Pierre calmed down for a moment. He first asked Hao Ren and his team about the mental condition: "Do you have any unusual feelings now? Do you still want to leave here? Can you remember how you came from? Where are you here?"

Hao Ren gave the other party peace of mind: "You can rest assured that we have a high resistance. At the very least, this magical erosion has no effect on us. Are you referring to the previous food? No effect."

"Not just food," Pierre looked serious. "From the time you stepped into this place, this cursed land has begun to stop you from leaving. The so-called curse is like this. You must immediately find a way to get out of here. The outside may also be able to lift the curse here. If the time drags on for too long, I worry that even you will be affected."

When Pierre said it, it was a bit difficult to continue. He remembered that this group of people were genuine supernatural creatures, and they really belonged to the "world". The soul detectives who were so half-baked by themselves might not be able to estimate this group. The bottom of the magical creature, he felt that he was a little self-respecting.

Hao Ren certainly doesn't care about this. He is also very grateful to Pierre for his kind reminder, but he is also very confident: "You can rest assured that we know our own skills, and I have fixed the more dangerous places."

In fact, he wanted to say that he was bombarded in a more dangerous place. Later, he thought about it. He thought that this was simply brought to the ditch by the dragon. He had already accepted the setting of the bomb kernel unconsciously, so he swallowed the sentence quickly. Go back.

Pierre breathed out: "Of course it's best. This cursed place doesn't know how many people have been swallowed. If you don't show up, I'm afraid I can't keep going."

"How long have you been trapped here?" Hao Ren looked at the clothes on Pierre's body. "Hey, you can't be in a state of time."

Vivian also added: "There are three other people, they are not a wave with you? Do you know their situation?"

"Here, the decay of things can't be used as a reference for time," Pierre looked at his own line. "Some things can last longer, and some things will rot at a higher rate than the outside world. There is no law." I have been trapped in these two months, and the two Chinese who are surnamed Wang seem to have come a year ago, as for the Catherine."

Pierre paused and frowned. "I talked to her, but she has been completely captured by this land. All her mind is distorted. Sometimes she even thinks she is born and raised in this village. I only heard about the topic related to the outside world from her mouth once, and she thought that the current US president is Bush."

Hao Ren and Wei Wei'an face each other, Hesperuis spit out a sentence: "That was really many years ago."

"Obviously, being trapped here will cause the individual's time to pass and become strange. Catherine always feels that she has just arrived here for a few days," Pierre shrugged. "In fact, if I have not been taking the potion. I have long lost my self."

"Why are you here because of this?" Hao Ren asked curiously.

"In order to find the secrets of the ancient times, isn't it?" Pierre smiled bitterly. "The detectives in the spirit world are the scavengers who run around with the words in the historical shards. I saw this place in some broken ancient books, some ancient families. The descendants call here a place of cursing, so I came, I want to see if there are any relics that can be found here, and I almost put myself in. Oh, I was seriously injured by evil spirits when I was looking for a tower of mystery last year. After that, I just recovered from two months ago, but I didn’t expect to encounter such a place again."

Vivian watched Pierre for a while and suddenly patted the latter's shoulder: "Young people, listen to me, you are not suitable for doing this. You are naturally good at putting yourself in a variety of life-threatening events."

Pierre: "" is not yet to be continued

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