The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1184: Time stagnation?

Such a desolate and secluded place suddenly emerged as a great enthusiasm for the village chief. It is quite strange to tell the truth, but it is always more comfortable to find a villager who can communicate with each other than a circle of quiet villagers. When Hao Ren translated the plug-in, he immediately greeted him with the same enthusiasm. First of all, he showed that he was an international friend living here. When he was on the road, he passed by and then began to inquire about the local customs.

The identity of the old man is not the expectation of the village head here. According to his introduction, the village is called "Narim", a small village with a population of several hundred and rarely communicates with the outside world. During the conversation, Hao Ren discovered that the isolation of the village was beyond imagination: the old village chief did not even know what time it was outside. Whenever he mentioned some external things, the old village chief would be vague, and he The most frequently said sentence is: "Ah, living in such a calm and peaceful place, how do you still have to worry about the outside world?"

After a simple conversation, Hao Ren mentioned the matter of finding someone.

"Let's find someone here. He should be called Fernan," said Hao Ren, according to the information provided by Hesperus. "It's a tall, strong man, almost seven feet tall, with a scar in the eye. Ah, maybe it’s another name. I can’t remember it. It’s an old friend of my uncle.”

The old village chief frowned and revealed his look. Finally he shook his head slowly: "There is no impression. We have never had this person in the village, nor have we been to such a guest. So tall men should be very eye-catching, I have only seen I can't forget it."

Hao Ren and Hesperris looked at each other. This situation is not too unexpected, but telling the truth is quite regrettable.

"He may have moved," Hesperias whispered. "It is a common situation to change the place of seclusion."

"Several guests, it is not early in the day, it is better to stay here for one night," the old village chief said again. "It will be safer to find someone in the forest tomorrow."

"Oh, you're welcome," Lily said, "We have a place to stay, and it's good to go along the way."

"Still stay here," the old village chief still insisted on, with an unusual enthusiasm. "The distant visitors are great things for us. It is not good for us to leave the guests in front of the house in the evening. You can Try the muffins we made here with tree fruit, which can't be found anywhere else."

Hao Ren looked at the present day, the old village chief said that there is no problem, but he can undoubtedly feel some unnatural violation in this village, and as night falls, the old village chief Constantly issuing invitations, this violation has become more intense. And just as he thought about how to find reasons to leave, the old village chief’s words made him change his mind: “Ah, the few guests who passed here two days before said that they have not left yet, if you live today, Maybe you can leave with you tomorrow."

Others have found this place?

Hao Ren and his team suddenly became suspicious: this village is not marked on any map, Hesperris thinks that the village is almost dead before three centuries ago, and there is still a forest that has not been developed around the village. In this case, who will visit the village in addition to the special people of this group?

Is it other people who want to inquire about the whereabouts of Hercules?

The people exchanged opinions and decided to stay in this place tonight to see what the village is doing, and see the mysterious visitors by the way.

There are no hotels in the small village, but there is a big house dedicated to receiving guests. This is a two-storey wooden longhouse that is as old and broken as other buildings, but it is still solid and clean. After the old village chief brought Hao Ren to them, they left and left. The premise will meet with you at dinner, and the mysterious visitors mentioned before will also appear at that time.

After the old village chief and several villagers left, Vivian stretched out: "It is mysterious."

"I always feel that the atmosphere in this place is weird," Lily nodded. Although she was second, the beast instinct was really strong. "Whether it was the village head, the villagers before, all of them." There is a very strange breath that is depressed and false."

"Besides, who else will come to this place?" Hao Ren looked at Hesperias. "Does anyone else know about Hercules' retreat here? Is anyone else interested?"

"Only the demon hunters will trace the matter, but now the hunts are over, and they have no reason to intervene again," Hesperias slowly shook his head. "Maybe just an ordinary person who entered this place, after all, although this village Isolated from the world and eccentric, it is physically connected to the outside world, and people who are lost may also come in."

Vivian nodded: "I will wait until the visitors appear and observe it. Maybe it is trapped here. I have a bad impression of this village. Although it is a living person, the village gave me It feels like walking into a grave."

"Hip-hop" a small voice from the backpack behind Hao Ren's backpack is a necessary camouflage.

Now, probably only this little one knows nothing about the atmosphere.

There was still a little time for nightfall, and Lily started to wander around in the longhouse with nothing to do. After two rounds, she seemed to find something and ran to Hao Ren: "The landlord! This place has no electricity!"

Vivian said with a word: "nonsense, such a desolate place, which national grid can not be laid."

"No, I mean there isn't even a wire or a light bulb here!" Lily crossed her arms. "There is no problem in this place to get a small diesel generator, such as a hydroelectric generator. But this place is like There is no such thing as electricity at all. You see oil lamps hanging on the wall."

Hao Ren took a moment, although he felt that Lily’s seemingly plausible reason was still subconsciously picked up: “In fact, many villages in the ravine still have a particularly backward place.”

“The oil lamp is a style three centuries ago, and the furniture for tables and chairs is the same,” Hesperris stood up and looked around. “There is no trace of modernization or modernization. The most obvious thing is the houses outside, three hundred years. They were standing here when I came here, and it is still the same now. Even if the house has undergone renovation, it will not happen."

The situation is getting more and more strange, but Hao Ren's face is not much nervous. He just looked at the ancient lamps hanging on the wall with great interest and whistled: "Where is the time to stop?"

After more than three years of work experience, Hao Ren can now finally say with his chest: I have seen more than one battle, what kind of strange mystery has not been blown up, and the time is stagnation, drizzle !

"If the time in this village is stagnant, then the villagers here," Vivian is frowning, she thinks more. "Is it still those people three hundred years ago?"

Hesperias shook his head immediately: "Obviously not, I am sure."

Hao Ren is not surprised by this: "The village was still normal when you came here, so it must have changed since then. People who don't know it are normal."

Vivian also agreed with Hao Ren: "Well, it should be like this. Anyway, this village may have been distorted from the perspective of time and space. The reason for the distortion is mostly with Hercules who lived here in the past.

Lily’s ear shook a bit: “Hey, someone is coming.”

The crowd immediately stopped talking, and soon the voice came from outside the longhouse. After a while, the old village chief and several villagers appeared in front of Hao Ren and his party.

"I'm sorry to have you waited for such a long time," the old village chief smiled kindly. "It's time to eat. According to the customs here, the guests coming from afar are the good things in the village. Please come with me, I bring You go to the place where everyone gathers."

Hao Ren exchanged his eyes with other people and decided to go with the rhythm of these strange villagers to see how things will develop.

"You said before that there are a few guests from outside who are outside, are they all there?" Vivian asked casually.

“Of course,” said a villager, screaming, “You will see them.”

Under the leadership of the village head, Hao Ren and his entourage left the longhouse and came to the large open space in the middle of the village.

Here is ready for the dinner, the thick wood long table has been arranged, the bonfire for lighting is burning, the aroma of the food is floating in the open space, the villagers in the village seem to be concentrated in this place, now the vocal Noisy, the atmosphere is very warm.

Although the overall atmosphere of the village is still very different, it seems that there is a bit more popularity here.

Hao Ren saw the most striking and conspicuous outsiders among a group of locals at a glance.

The old village chief has not lie yet. There are really visitors outside Hao Ren and his party.

Vivienne showed a strange expression on her face when she saw the outsiders. Then she looked at one of them and picked it up: "Hey, Hao Ren, do you see that person is familiar?"

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