The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1183: Isolated place

The environment in the depths of the jungle is almost primitive. There are hardly any "roads" in the rugged forest land. There are signs of unexploited everywhere. This situation makes Hao Ren wonder if this environment is really true. There will be settlements of modern humans. The answer from Hesperris confirms Hao Ren’s question:

"It was three centuries before I came to this place. At that time, it was already a forgotten place."

"Three centuries? You haven't confirmed the life of the attendant for three hundred years?" Vivian looked at Hesperus with surprise. "Is he still hiding here?"

"To be honest, I am not sure, but the demon hunters have not found this seclusion in the past three centuries, so the possibility of the guy staying here is high," Hesperias led the way. As one said, "Human colonies may die, but the recluse will stay, because the dead human towns are excellent camouflage, many old guys who survived the mythological era and lived alone chose to be near various ruins. When you settle down, life will become very inconvenient, but you can escape the eye of the demon hunter."

"What is the name of the 'servant'?" Hao Ren discovered that until now he did not know the name of the target person, the Olympus who survived the mythology and turned over the two-hundred demon hunters with ancient artifacts. The "Protoss" has not even had a name yet.

Hesperus paused slightly: "He used to call Hercules."

Hao Ren snorted, but just stepped forward and reacted suddenly: "Wait, yell?!"

This time, Lily opened her mouth: "She said that Hercules, if transliterated, is also called Hercules."

"I am going to be him?!" Hao Renwan did not expect that the "servant" has always been such a famous figure, "the ancient Greek legend that half-god hero? The one who challenged the twelve trials It seems to be a big bull, how can you become a Zeus attendant?"

"A hybrid of the Olympus and the Earth's human beings, why can't it be a servant of Zeus?" Hesperus said slightly. "Ah, he really has a great name. Although it is a mixed-race, it was quite awkward." Huge reputation, many 'the gods' on Mount Olympus are very embarrassing to him. Later he was taken to the mountain, Zeus personally gave him identity, he officially became the Olympus 'the gods' One of the members, because there is no extra 'God' can be divided, so he has long been waiting for the demon to stay with Zeus, so it is not wrong to register him as a Zeus attendant."

Looking at Hao Ren and a little circle, Vivienne reminded me next: "The real history and myths and legends are always somewhat biased. But to be honest, I am a little surprised."

"Herris is such a fierce person, and it can be said that it can survive." Lily touched her chin. "If you are a normal attendant, holding an artifact will not necessarily produce a lot of combat power. In the end, it must be psychological." The quality is very good. It is much more reasonable to contact a lot of things. When Mount Olympus collapses, it will be evacuated with ancient artifacts and a large amount of research materials. This is probably what Zeus specially entrusted."

Hesperus nodded lightly and mentioned another thing: "Right, like many survivors, Hercules does not use his real name in front of ordinary people. His last pseudonym is 'Fair.' South, if he hasn't moved in so many years, maybe he still uses this name..."

Her voice did not fall, and suddenly a small voice was heard from the side: "Hip Hop"

"What..." Hesperias screamed subconsciously. As soon as he turned his head, he saw a black-red energy arrow approaching in his sight, and then slammed into his face. "Wow. !What is this?!"

The little energy arrow didn't cause any damage at all. Hesperris was shocked and saw that it was a slap-sized Vivian who was flying beside him and flying to himself. Out of a variety of deterrent spirits, she was stunned when she arrived: "Vivienne? Your little bat again..."

"This is not the same as Heather Anna," Vivienne just wanted to say how suddenly this little thing woke up, and the words quickly explained, "This is what I split!!"

Suddenly Hesperes saw Vivian's eyes more strange than before: "Split? How did you develop new features?"

At this time, the little evil spirits still continue to dance and fire the energy arrow on Hesperris's face, while the side of the launch is also dubbed: "Intimidation!! Hey!"

Hao Ren quickly grabbed this little bit and grabbed it. He took a glass canned bottle from the portable space and stuffed her into it: "Good guy, just fainted to die, how to suddenly wake up. Amount, Hess Perris, this is a bit more complicated to explain, so can you pretend not to see her? In addition, Vivian's split is not a new feature, in fact she always will..."

Hesperias: "?"

After some tossing, the chaos caused by the little bit finally calmed down. Hesporis still didn't know what happened, but she also knew that Vivian was a secret guy, so she didn't ask too much. It’s just that the line of sight still floats from time to time to the canned bottle in Hao Ren’s hand: Xiao Weiwei Wei Wei’an is dancing angrily in it, constantly launching an energy arrow on the surrounding glass wall, which is like a mad little devil. This scene is simply too tm magical. Up...

Vivienne transferred the attention of her old friend: "Cough, let's say we should be here soon."

"Just in front..." Hesperias looked up and looked forward, his eyes suddenly a bit strange, "Well? Still?"

Through the layers of trees in the front, some intermittent smoke and wooden houses are faintly visible. Although there is still a distance, it is already possible to see the appearance of a human village.

Hao Ren was as surprised as Hesperis: "This village has not disappeared."

Vivian couldn't help but look at the original jungle around her, and the strange feeling came to her mind: "Not quite right. Look around, the forest around the village should not be this scene. It seems that there is no human activity at all."

Things related to ancient supernatural creatures always look very different. Obviously, in the depths of this forest, some supernatural forces are also subtly acting, a hidden one that was forgotten three centuries ago. Shi Xiaocun still exists today, and there is no road connected to the outside world around the village, which makes Hao Ren could not help but raise his vigilance.

“Unstable space readings can be detected nearby, but traps are not found yet.” The data terminal immediately reported.

After confirming the situation around the village, the pedestrians crossed the forest and stepped into the village that had been isolated for centuries.

The forest was artificially cleared of an open space. The small village was surrounded by a short wooden fence with a height of only half a person. It is quite suspicious that this broken and low wooden fence can play a protective role. It seems that its The role is to calibrate the boundaries of the village, not to defend against the beasts in the forest. In the village, you can see the distribution of quite old wooden houses. The uneven layout of the buildings shows that the place has never been planned, and the houses are covered with gravel and brick roads. The roads are narrow and narrow. It is curved and it seems that it has not considered the convenience of transportation, but only to connect the houses in the village.

Even from the perspective of three centuries ago, this is a bad place.

And Hao Ren thinks that the most surprising part here is not the house, but the villagers.

There are really villagers here. Some people live in this closed, ancient, ghostly place where there is a sense of musty and corruption. They wear rough clothes that don’t look like the ages, have weather-beaten appearances and numb expressions. They are seeing Immediately after the stranger appeared, he curiously surrounded him and pointed out Hao Ren and his party far away, rude.

It is really hard to believe that there will be such a group of people living in the depths of the forest. They are like being completely out of the world outside.

"This place is exactly the same as when I last came three hundred years ago," Hesperris whispered in surprise. "Except for this wall... there was no such thing."

Lily poked Hao Ren’s arm: "Someone came to us."

The rough villagers who were far from the crowd were separated from each other. A man with a slightly neat and tidy face and a smile on his face came over with a cane. The old man bent over and his feet were vain, but his head was very good. He went straight to Hao. Ren, greetings in French with a serious dialect: "Oh, guest, no visitors have arrived for many years, friends coming from afar, come in for a rest, what can you help?" (~^~)

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