The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1155: The new owner of the nine kingdoms

When the Midgard continent was freed from the erosion of the magical energy, and the people of the Twilight capital began to build their new home in the wilderness, Odin returned to his home, which was two thousand years away.

Asgard "Divine", Asa Garden.

Despite having received a series of emergency treatments, Odin is still very weak at the moment. He has been unable to stand for a while since Anthony's spherical aircraft, but he refused to take a restful offer, but recovered a little bit of energy. Then he walked into the depths of the ruins of the Asa Garden.

Facing the former home country, which has been a thing of the past, this powerful alien, once called the "king of the gods", has fallen into a long silence, and the cool cold wind of Asgard has blown through the ruins. After moving a white hair of Odin and silently in the wind for a long time, he took a deep breath: "Not at all."

Hao Ren said casually: "There is a Valkyrie still."

"But there is only one Valkyrie left." Odin seems to have a bitter smile, but the expression changes so subtle that it is hard to detect.

“Asgard is the best preserved ecosystem in the nine kingdoms. Although it is the starting point of the chain explosion, it is the least affected.” Vivian looked at the lush forest outside the city of Asa, “with other Compared to the nine kingdoms, this is a paradise. How? Have you regretted leaving this place in a hurry? If you were looking for a place to hide in Asgard for a few years, you would not have to go to Midgard for the 2,000 years of sin. ”

Odin looked at the ruin of the lonely city and showed a smile that was relieved: "The nonsense, the intestines of the repentance are all green."

When Hao Rengang saw the other face's face with a frank expression, he thought that he would say something like "there is no regret in the old life." But I didn't expect the old man to be a bachelor to this extent, and he suddenly praised it in his stomach. If you haven't exported yet, you will become a beggar in the eyes of the blind man. He coughed and coughed several times before he slowed down: "Coughing... Can you say this straightforward?"

"I have seen it, I have experienced so many things, what else can I make a gesture?" Odin grinned. "If I knew what the nine kingdoms would become after the explosion, I would How could it go all the way to Midgard to absorb the two thousand years of radiation exhaustion? Even in this place, even if life is more difficult than in the Iron Throne, it’s much better..."

Everyone: "..."

"Of course, this is not all," Odin said at this time. "I did regret that I didn't look at Asgard in the past, but if I really let me give up the millions of lives in the Twilight Capital, I am afraid I am I can't do it. I stayed in Asgard, I will live very comfortable, but stay in Midgard, I can save millions of people for two thousand years of peace... How to choose these two... It is really difficult what."

Listening to the father's so straightforward analysis of the heart, Hao Ren began to spit out ** unconsciously disappeared.

He realized that the only thing in front of him was that a living Odin had faded away from the aura of the so-called "God", fading away the reputation of the ancient millennium, fading away the merits of sheltering the Twilight capital and the black history of enslaving mankind. After all these external things are thrown away, the rest is a flesh-and-blood mortal. Odin, he really is not a "god", he is just a stream of the earth, experiencing extraordinary alien leaders.

Deep in the palace of Valhalla, the crazy Valkyrie is still standing on the post.

This time, the pedestrians came to the deepest part of the Yingling Hall without any interference, and found the Valkyrie who was waiting for everyone in the monitoring hall. When Hao Renyi took the lead into the hall, he saw that the Valkyrie was holding a long-skinned sword on a console, like a fierce female who was in extreme alert, her hair. Still cluttered, the expression is still irrational, and the look of the grin is completely a madman, but the armor on her body has obviously changed a little better. This is to meet the new order. She turned from a corner. New clothes coming out.

Although crazy, but this Valkyrie seems to have a little logic.

"Don't go any further!" The Valkyrie clutched the long sword and looked at Hao Ren nervously, threateningly groaning in her throat, "Standing there!"

"Let's relax and relax. Don't you remember me?" Hao Ren quickly waved his hand. "I am Hao Ren, help you to find Odin..."

"Oh, I remember you," said the female Valkyrie, her brain was unclear. She frowned and thought for a long time to remember this thing, so she took the sword up. "You go to our Father, you promise me." Bring new orders, are you doing it?"

"I have brought Odin." Hao Ren smiled and flashed open, letting a person come in from outside.

Odin walked into the hall, opposite Valkyrie.

The two of them did not speak for ten seconds.

Lily’s thoughts suddenly opened up: “Ah, there is a problem. Odin is now thin and out of phase, will Valkyrie not recognize his boss?”

This husky does not look normal, but it is not reliable, but only when the sudden thoughts are opened, it is really a sentence that makes people feel irritated, and Hao Ren is nervous, for fear that the second goods will be given a sentence. But when everyone was ready to deal with the accident, the opposite of Valkyrie finally made a sound: "Certification completed Valkyrie waiting for the order!"

Hao Ren wiped his forehead and sweated coldly, and took a slap on Lily's head: "Don't scare people in the future."

Lily also grievances: "I just made a comment..."

On the other side, Odin and Valkyrie have successfully completed the certification. The mad Valkyrie squats after a moment of sluggishness. She looks up at Odin and looks with enthusiasm and joy in her eyes: "The great Father! You finally come back to inspect your barracks! The battle outside is over. The sisters of Valkyrie are fighting hard, and they have finally defended this line of defense. Valkyrie and the British Army are ready to accept new instructions."

"Her memory is a bit confusing," Hao Ren whispered in Odin's ear. "She doesn't want to believe that the dusk really happened, so I still believe that Valhalla's defense has not been broken. Vivian has already thought The method has been restarted once, but it seems to be useless."

Odin's face changed a few times, and his look at Valkyrie became more complicated.

And across from him, the loyal Valkyrie still bowed his head respectfully, waiting for the next order.

As long as new orders are issued, the meaning of the existence of Valkyrie can be continued.

Hao Ren couldn't help but slow down his breathing. He looked at the scene in front of him nervously. He didn't know what order Odin would give.

"The Yassa Garden has been destroyed in the war."

Odin calmly sprang up, and the first sentence made Hao Ren take a cold sweat.

Lily couldn't help but almost screamed on the spot: "Don't be like this..."

Vivienne’s eyes quickly caught the huskies and listened to Odin’s still calmly:

"There is no victor in the war on the plains of Wignate. The era of the **** of Asa is over. The nine kingdoms are completely destroyed in the dusk of the gods. The situation in other places is worse than here..."

Valkyrie’s body trembled slightly.

But at this time, Odin suddenly took two steps forward and reached out to help the female Valkyrie.

"But your mission is still very good, and it is very important. Valhalla's defense is kept, you have saved the last group of the British Army, so the strength of the Yasa Garden has not completely disappeared, it is your efforts, Let us have the hope of reconstruction. Midgard also has a group of human survivors, Yugudo Lahir is also starting to regenerate from the roots, the war is over, now is ready to rebuild, your spirits can help Very busy."

On the head of Hao Ren’s head, this cold sweat finally stopped. In May, Nangong patted his chest next to him: “Call... Father is talking and gasping.”

Odin took his ring and gave it to the Valkyrie as a token: "Integrate the spirits that can be active, activate the pits to repair their damage, and then send half of the spirits to Midgard to assist in the reconstruction. You bring the rest. Half of the people stayed here, cleaned up the ruins, and cleaned the battlefield. There are still many things to be used on the plains of Wigand, and when some souls are called back, we can have more people."

The female Valkyrie took the martyrdom and solemnly nodded.

Odin spoke again: "There is another order."

The female martial arts listened attentively.

"I want to abdicate," Odin sighed. "I am too tired to bear the rule of the nine kingdoms. From now on, your master is her."

As the old man said, he slowly raised his hand and pointed to Vivian, who stood behind Hao Ren.

Vivian: "Hey?!"

"Old friends, don't shirk," Odin waved his hand after seeing Vivienne's expression. "I know that you can take this responsibility. I am old, and the Yassa is not really a god." The Great Kingdom needs a nominal master. The ancient artifacts in the Rainbow Bridge and the Asa Garden are still powerful things for human beings. They always have personal control, and there is also the English Army here... You should be Help me with this old man."

"Are you sure that this bat can take on this responsibility?" Lily couldn't help it. "Don't talk about the forgetfulness and the habit of sleeping for two cents. If you are lucky, you can rest assured that you have nothing at all." Alright."

Vivian: "!!"

Odin thought about it and felt that Lily said it makes sense!

So the old man thought about it again, and finally pointed his finger at Hao Ren: "Would you like it?"

This time it was Hao Ren’s turn: “Hey?!” (To be continued.)

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