The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1154: Odin returns

Hao Ren’s thought of a good place is not the Erim-Doudou Star that has been classified as “Hao’s real estate gold medal community”. Although there is still plenty of room on the Pedou Star to arrange the nine kingdoms, he feels that he cannot On a planet, too many different civilizations were placed at the same time. The long-term hidden danger was too great, so he decided to place the "Twilight Civilization" in a place that was recently included in the development agenda:

Rift Nebula.

Presumably, many people have forgotten what the rift nebula is. In fact, if it was not recently started to prepare for the construction of a new dream plane, even Hao Ren himself almost forgot the famous space wonder in the world of the watch. The rift nebula is located in the depths of the universe. It is the remnant of an ancient galaxy that has been torn by the walls of reality. Many years ago, the wall of reality collapsed dramatically, and the world and the dream plane once had an extinct fusion impact. The rift nebula is one of them: the annihilation effect of the collisions between the two worlds destroyed most of the celestial bodies there, leaving a huge spatially unstable fissure in space and a magnificent nebula that orbits the fissure. The Raven 145 used to take Hao Ren to witness the horrible consequences of the collapse of the wall of reality. Hao Ren was impressed at that time.

Today's Rift Nebula is not completely lifeless. There is a new exile race where a new home is being built, and the planet that has just settled down is the home of Hao Ren to the Twilight civilization: the Purgatory Star.

Although the planet has completely shaken off the horrible appearance of the past and become a vibrant new world, the word "Purgatory Star" is still registered as its official name. The main reason for maintaining this name is that Hao Ren is too lazy to remember one. New name...

The current inhabitants of the Purgatory Star have only a group of ancient survivors known as the "sun people."

These ancient survivors are still in the early stages of the reconstruction of civilization. They have little idea of ​​the world outside the prairie that they have lived for generations, and the twilight remnants of the nine kingdoms also face this problem: they do not know a planet. How big can it be, for them, their own homeland is only the original twilight capital, and they are all treacherous in the new wilderness outside the city.

This makes it more feasible for two civilizations to live together on one planet: apart from obeying Hao Ren’s orders, the biggest advantage is that they don’t know how big the world is. Hao Ren can let these two groups of people live in different places of the Purgatory Star to survive the early conflict prone period.

Of course, it is difficult to say what kind of collision will occur between the two civilizations. As a reviewer, Hao Ren can only try to arrange a good way for them.

After hearing Hao Ren’s introduction, Gallard and Anthony both became very interested in this planet called “Purgatory”. Anthony is an academic madman. He first expressed his envy and hatred to Hao Ren, who always encountered so many strange "observations". Then he asked with a beard: "The situation of the new planet is not bad, but After the past, the Twilight survivors may have to adapt to it for a long time. Does the planet seem to be completely suitable for the earth to survive?"

"The atmosphere is a bit problematic, and the disease in the world is very threatening," Hao Ren nodded. "But these problems are not big: Yugudola Hill is a powerful eldest son, and there is also a zombie on the Purgatory Planet. The eldest son is under my control, and the two ecological guardians are here. It is not a problem to create an environmental buffer mechanism."

Galajour also asked a question: "The rift nebula is a region that is located in a large crack in the wall of reality. The inner nebula is a 'singular point' between the world of the watch and the face of the dream. Inevitably affected, have you considered this influence?"

“It’s because of this,” Hao Ren explained with a smile. “I just let the data terminal detect the information characteristics of Yugudola Hill and found that he still retains a considerable degree after crossing the wall of reality. It belongs to the information of the dream plane. This is probably because he shoulders the heavy responsibility of the species ark. When transporting the fire to the world of the watch, he needs to retain the legal environment of the dream plane in his own body. In short, Yugudo Lahill itself It is a creature between the world of the watch and the face of the dream. It is a huge point of information entanglement. Sending him to the Rift Nebula is better than letting him float freely in the world of the watch. Living in Yugudola Hill The twilight remnants of 'body', they have produced this change more or less, and it is not dangerous to let them live in the rift nebula."

"There's no problem," Anthony nodded slightly with a beard. "If you need help, feel free to speak."

Gallard Zall also patted his chest: "I am also, I need help to open it at any time, just as the cubs on our side are going to take the final exam. The five-pointer can be exchanged for hundreds of hardies to return..."

Hao Ren nodded while rubbing cold sweat: "Thank you, thank you very much, bothering..."

Twenty kilometers away from the Twilight Capital (now called the ruins of Twilight), there is a wilderness with a rich and resource-rich land. In this unique land of settlement, the Twilight remnants who have just settled in are Busy preparing for their new home.

The first batch of immigrants had already arrived at the destination, and the last team was still in the middle of the road. The “new citizens” who came from all over the place let the steam council and the Twilight Guards responsible for the command and dispatch be busy and exhausted. After the distribution of water supplies and medical security, they decided to solve the problem of housing for so many people with the materials they brought.

In the roar of various heavy machinery and the noise of the dragon bear children, the large shanty towns in the new settlements are rapidly forming at a speed visible to the naked eye. The work team shouting the horns and the large steam is emerging everywhere on the plains. The transportation vehicles, mixed among the human beings, are a group of enthusiastic dragons who are full of curiosity and action. After the dragons complete the transportation tasks assigned to them, they are all like the dissociated Lily. The whole dragon is happy. Although it looks very powerful, it is a group of young dragons. After the work is done, they will have to play. And they play very advanced:

Play to build a house.

Even without magic aids, a dragon can easily carry up to 100 tons of steel materials, so the dragons can be seen everywhere on the plains with huge steel beams, slabs and stones running around. The dragons who are smarter (or learn to be battling in the class) are next to each other, taking advantage of the huge eyeballs to study the design drawings of the human-built houses, while studying and guiding the scums to move bricks in front. The entire construction site is very coordinated and efficient, and it is well organized, fully demonstrating that knowledge is the true meaning of power...

As for the human beings of the Twilight Capital, now they are not afraid of these powerful giants, especially when they see some dragons running into the woods and licking their leaves back...

"The dragons are basically carnivorous," Gallard and Hao Ren and his entourage saw this scene when they visited the scene. The face of the dragon was very delicate. "The amount...but sometimes the meat is eaten more." When you get angry, you will chew on the leaves and leaves of the leaves..."

After Lily heard it, she thought deeply and nodded: "Oh, I am also awkward!"

In a busy wilderness, there is a place that remains quiet, a hill in the center of the wilderness.

The guards of the black robe guarded the hills, and the soldiers of the Twilight Guard guarded the entrances and exits around the hills, and the only building on the hills was a black iron hut that was moved here. In front of the hut, Hao Ren saw Odin, who had been freed from the Iron Throne.

This weak "king of the gods" is still a long way from restoring health.

Odin is still a skinny old man. He is as weak as a gust of wind. He has a thick ash robes to resist the cold wind. A mess of white hair flutters in the wind. There is no majesty of the Lord of the Golden Palace.

But this is much better than when it was on the Iron Throne.

Odin stood on the high ground and looked at a busy construction site. After seeing Hao Ren and his party, he just nodded slightly: "I heard the sound, and the light of the dawn should be gone."

Hao Ren nodded: "It has completed its historical mission."

Odin was silent for a few seconds and exhaled: "There is still people, everything can come back. What arrangements do you have next?"

"The nine kingdoms cannot continue to drift in the universe, but they cannot return to the earth." Hao Ren explained the situation at the moment. "I have found a good place for it. There is a planet under my name that can live for you. But Before that, there was a place where I hope you can go with us."

Odin was surprised to say that Hao Renkou had "a planet under his name", but he did not show it, just asked casually: "Where?"

"Asgard's Asa Garden," Hao Ren replied. "There is a loyal Valkyrie who is still there, to see her." (To be continued.)

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