The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 889: Rivers and lakes are everywhere

February 13th.

Li Dong and Wu Shengnan set foot on the flight to Beijing together.

At the boarding gate, Li Dong met Xu Shengzhe and his party.

In this auction, there were also many people from Longhua.

Although Xu Shengzhe said that Long Hua would not shoot, but they can participate in the team situation, Li Dong really did not believe what Xu Shengzhe said.

If it is not possible to reach the critical moment, Longhua will not jump out.

As soon as the two met, Xu Shengzhe sighed: "Li Dong, we may only be able to accompany the prince to study this time."

Li Dong raised his eyebrows, revealing doubts.

Xu Shengzhe explained: "I just received the news, this auction seems to have changed, and the auction situation may change by then."


Li Dong glanced at him suspiciously, he didn't receive the message, you received the message, so bullish?

Seeing Li Dong unbelieve, Xu Shengzhe shrugged: "I'm serious, don't believe it.

We foreigners have always been waiting to be seen. This time we signed up for the auction, many people know.

I heard people say that there may be policy changes above, and the auction may be canceled at that time, and it will be converted into a comprehensive bid evaluation method ... "

"Where did you hear the gossip?"

Li Dong's brows are getting worse, and he doesn't quite talk to each other: "I really want to cancel the auction. How can we, the participating companies, not receive any news?"

"You did not receive it, it does not mean that others did not receive it."

Li Dong's face changed slightly, and so did Wu Shengnan.

Generally, land transfer is mainly based on bidding, auction and listing.

Bidding, auction and listing, among these three, auction is the most fair, mainly depends on the strength, the higher the price.

As for the two situations of bidding and listing, there are relatively more inside stories.

Of course, even so, the three transfer forms of bidding, auction, and listing can all maintain a certain fairness.

And Xu Shengzhe said that the comprehensive bid evaluation method, this stuff is more inside.

The so-called comprehensive bid evaluation means that after two rounds of bidding, the judges score the enterprise's qualifications, scale, performance, integrity, industry attributes, and project design schemes.

The enterprise with the highest score in the end becomes the final winner of the auction.

That's why Li Dong's people changed color.

On the one hand, this model of bid evaluation is too subjective, and it is up to the judges to score.

On the other hand, the qualifications and scale of Dongyu Real Estate are not too good. They really need to be evaluated and the score will not be too high.

At that time, even if the quotation from a distance is higher than others, I am afraid it may fail in the end.

Because the price is not the only standard at this time, the proportion may be less than half.

There will be another problem in the middle, and in the end there will be empty hands in ten or nine distances.

Seeing Li Dong understand the pros and cons, Xu Shengzhe slightly mocked himself: "I told you a long time ago, we don't take action, it doesn't mean that others don't take action.

You do n’t use resources, it does n’t mean that others do n’t use them.

If the transfer method really changes, what can you do with it?

Forget it, anyway, I did n’t put my mind on this one, just look back at the other plots. "

Li Dong glanced at him and sneered, "Don't follow me on this set, let's say your gossip is still the same thing.

I really want to cancel the auction ... "

"How can you?"

"No!" Li Dong flashed fiercely in his eyes: "I really want to cancel it. I'm not going to play anymore! I don't play, others don't want to play so happy!"

Xu Shengzhe laughed, and did not stimulate Li Dong anymore.

This reaction of Li Dong has reached his goal.

After all, Du Anmin is the mayor of Beijing. By then, Li Dong will be in trouble. I am afraid that no one will look good.

Of course, in this way, the distance will only be more excluded, not just the Beijing real estate market, including the Beijing government.

However, it is not Xu Shengzhe's consideration that he is excluded from the distance. The reason why he mentions these is that he is worried that the capital will use this method for land transfer in the future.

If Li Dong makes a big deal, then the Beijing government will also be taboo.

The distant place may be suppressed, but these foreign real estate developers have opportunities.

This reason Li Dong naturally understands, but he has prepared for this auction for so long, if he is eliminated before entering the game, how can Li Dong be reconciled!

It ’s just that you ’re not as good as people, and you do n’t even have a chance to compete. Is this a bully?

The crowd stopped talking and boarded the plane one after another.


Capital city.

City Hall.

The Director of the Bureau of Land and Resources is still stating the pros and cons. This is the second time he has said this.

The first time Du Anmin did not express his position, this time he had to let Du Anmin express his position.

"Mayor, the impact of the financial crisis is becoming more and more serious, and restraining excessive house prices from rising too is also an important influencing factor in expanding domestic demand.

Nowadays, kings of buildings and kings of the market are frequently present, which is inconsistent with our policy.

In addition, in the past two years, many companies have acquired land but have not developed it, mainly for hoarding land.

In this way, no amount of land auctioned can drive economic development.

The bid evaluation has the same advantage, that is, we can eliminate those hoarding companies and let companies that are really willing to develop projects enter ... "

Du Anmin listened for a long time, and slowly said after he finished saying: "In this way, the degree of government intervention will be greater."

The middle-aged man sitting opposite him quickly said: "In extraordinary times, different measures must be taken.

When the impact of the financial crisis is not so great, then we can change the model. "

"It's not a good thing to change from day to day. Moreover, adopting a bid evaluation model, where there are too many subjective factors, how to prevent and eliminate favoritism also requires greater supervision.

Lot Z013 is about to be auctioned immediately. At this time, the auction was suddenly cancelled and changed to comprehensive bid evaluation. Isn't it too hasty? "

The Director of the Bureau of Land and Resources said quickly: "We can postpone, I believe that all companies can understand, after all, we do this to better serve each company.

The plots in the central business district attract a lot of attention and influence.

Changing the mode of land transfer in the central business district has a great influence on the subsequent land transfer.

At that time, various real estate companies and financial institutions could see our determination. What the government needs is a group of companies that can contribute to urban development in good faith.

Rather than those who are under development signs, they are secretly doing hoarding business. "

Du Anmin continued to ponder, and said after a while: "I think about it again, but ..."

The middle-aged man quickly stretched his neck and heard Du Anmin continue: "However, the auction of the Z013 plot is best not to be cancelled. The news of this plot is widely spread and there are many companies involved.

What is the credibility of the government when the auction is temporarily cancelled?

The discussion of patterns is not overnight, we can try it slowly.

Do n’t be in a hurry. After all, we have n’t even come up with a powerful supervision plan, and the evaluation criteria are not uniform.

At this time, temporarily canceling the intervention of several land auctions is of no benefit to us. "

"Mayor, but ..."

The middle-aged man wanted to say that Du Anmin looked up at him.

The vision is not very sharp, but the middle-aged man on the opposite side has his heart condensed, and the next words can't be said anymore.

With a dry smile, the middle-aged man nodded and said, "The mayor is right, I am too anxious. We will adjust the follow-up plan slowly and come up with a perfect plan as soon as possible.

As for the land auction of Z013, we will also hold it as scheduled. "

Du Anmin nodded gently, saying nothing.

When the middle-aged man left, Du Anmin sighed.

He insisted that the CBD be auctioned, not for Li Dong.

Li Dong's not so big face made him do anything against his original intention, mainly because the political situation in Beijing was too complicated.

Don't look at auctions that are just a piece of land, sometimes the impact may exceed your imagination.

The comprehensive bid evaluation method is good to suppress the soaring land prices and allow truly powerful companies to enter the market. In fact, it has a great impact.

It is really necessary to insist on using this model to transfer land, and if there is no accident, after three or five years, the government will breed a large number of borers.

The land of the capital, how much is the benefit, who does not have a steelyard in his heart.

Although there are many problems in bidding and auction, some disadvantages cannot be eliminated, but it is better than a comprehensive bid evaluation.

The guy just thought that he didn't understand anything soon after he took office. If Du Anmin couldn't even see this, he had spent so many years in the officialdom.

Once I agree today, it is my responsibility to have problems in the future.

Du Anmin gently rubbed his temples, where there are people where there are rivers and lakes, no one can avoid this.

Just don't know, who is standing behind this Director of Land and Resources?

Beijing is more complicated than Jiangbei.

Jiangbei is just a Jiangbei, here is the capital of the country, sometimes things are not just at the city level, there may be other people involved.

The land auction is still a trivial matter, and I am afraid that someone will take the opportunity to start a business.

Du Anmin understood a little, no matter whether he disagreed or not, this time the other party had follow-up means waiting for himself.

Agree, there is a high probability of problems.

Disagree, let Dongyu Real Estate enter the market, Dongyu Real Estate does not take this land, it's okay, once won, hehe ...

Du Anmin has close ties with Yuanfang Group, not knowing one or two.

I insisted that the auction was held as scheduled, and it happened to be taken from afar, even if there was no problem in it, I couldn't hold others up.

Nowadays, it is better to let the distant place not get the land, so that the problem is not big.

But in this way, can Li Dong agree?

Even if Li Dong agreed, would those people have no follow-up means?

Du Anmin was upset. At this time, he had many things, but he was not too willing to waste time on these conspiracies.

The opening of the Olympic Games is imminent, and the world is watching.

The financial crisis is getting bigger and bigger. It is also his responsibility to keep the economy rising steadily, but some people still find something for him at this time.

Do you all feel that you have just arrived and can't control the situation?

Du Anmin got up and looked out the window.

For a long time, Du Anmin made up his mind.

Since some people are unwilling to settle down, then don't blame your new official for taking over three fires.

It ’s been a while since I came to Beijing, and it ’s time for him to show off the Thunder.


Du Anmin decided to burn the first fire, and everyone in Li Dong was not sure.

It ’s not clear that it does n’t matter, and Li Dong does n’t want to get involved in politics.

All he has to do is manage his own affairs.

After leaving the airport, Shen Qian was already waiting.

Li Dong did not talk too much and immediately asked: "I heard that the auction is going to be cancelled?"

Shen Qian stayed in Beijing and was always paying attention to this matter. He heard his head and shook his head: "It hasn't been settled yet. Some people have discussed this matter, but I think it is unlikely."

"How to say?"

"It's 13th today, and the auction is about to take place. At this time, the auction is cancelled, which has too much impact.

If it is possible one month in advance, now, the preparations are ready, and the companies that have come are also coming.

Suddenly cancel, do you think everyone will agree? "

Li Dong thought about it and nodded, "This is also true."

The time they spoke, Xu Shengzhe also interjected: "So the auction will not be canceled, and the comprehensive bid evaluation will not be applied to other land transfers?"

Shen Qian glanced at him, perfunctory: "Not very clear."

Xu Shengzhe touched his nose, uncle, the woman is really fickle.

Li Dong asked, and the answer was the first one. I asked a question, and if I didn't know it directly, I perfunctory.

However, in Beijing, Shen Qian ’s identity was different. Xu Shengzhe did n’t care about it, and asked Li Dongdao: “Are you staying with us in our hotel ~ ~ or?”

During the speech, Xu Shengzhe squeezed his eyebrows.

Li Dong ignored him at all and turned his head to Wu Shengnan: "Sheng Nan, you take everyone to the hotel first. President Shen and I will turn around and go back at night."

Wu Shengnan nodded and smiled at Shen Qian.

She and Shen Qian are friends, and of course they know the relationship between Li Dong and Shen Qian.

Shen Qian gave her a white glance, did not look at Xu Shengzhe, took Li Dong into her car, and drove away quickly.

As they drove away, Xu Shengzhe sighed: "The guy who sees the truth and forgets the truth, I lost my way to accompany him to Beijing, and the result was good. When we arrived at the ground, we threw us away."

Wu Shengnan said with a chuckle: "Mr. Xu, don't worry, we will entertain Mr. Xu, and we will make you feel welcome."

"you guys?"

Xu Shengzhe glanced at Wu Shengnan and a large group of women. He could not help but ridicule: "It's better for me to take care of your group of female soldiers. Li Dong doesn't know how to pity Xiangxixiyu, but I am known for being gentle and kind.

President Wu, after all, what about your distant men?

Li Dong is also too strong against the opposite sex, except for the few guys in Tan Yong, why did he just bring you over? "

Wu Shengnan chuckled and didn't reply.

This is not a good answer. Xu Shengzhe is not a good thing. Wu Shengnan is not willing to listen to him nonsense.

She did not reply, and the others did not speak.

Xu Shengzhe was still smiling happily at first, and embarrassed after a while.

In the end, Xu Shengzhe's face was green, and it was unfavorable today.

Think of me Xu Shengzhe, where is not the focus of women's attention, how can I ignore it now?

With a bitter glance at the direction of Li Dongche's disappearance, Xu Shengzhe pouted, all of this guy, this guy is a thorn, and even the people under his hand become thorns.

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