The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 888: I was stunned!

On February 11, Yuanfang and Longhua quickly reached a transfer agreement.

5% of Longhua shares were repurchased, of course, not in the name of Xu Shengzhe, but in the name of Longhua Group.

After all, the bonds involved in the agreement are money spent by Longhua Group.

Nevertheless, Li Dong actually knew that these shares would return to Xu Shengzhe sooner or later.

After the agreement was signed, Li Dong and Xu Shengzhe shook hands.

Just now, when the agreement was discussed at the conference table, the two of them resumed their normal communication status after the agreement was signed.

Li Dong greeted Xu Shengzhe to sit down, somewhat helplessly saying: "In the beginning, I issued 3 billion bonds, and I wanted to borrow cash to develop the enterprise.

Now it ’s good, 1 billion is back, and I always feel that I ’m suffering. "

Xu Shengzhe contemptuously said: "I have done you, these 1 billion bonds, you said, how much money did you get it?

This time I gave you 400 million in cash, which is actually equivalent to 300 million. You won these bonds. If you do n’t, you have to deduct the money from my stock market.

Counting down 200 million won't come, as for the other bonds, you haven't spent money, don't think I don't know. "

One billion bonds, plus interest, is not a small amount.

Li Dong spent a little money to recover these bonds, and replaced them with other people who had been flying up with joy, and they were melancholy, shameless!

The bond money is not unnecessary, sooner or later, the money will have to be paid back.

Now withdraw in advance, the pressure will be less in the future.

Xu Shengzhe was too lazy to tell him this and asked, "When will I go to the capital?"

"The day after tomorrow, pass on the 13th, take a day off, and officially participate in the auction on the 15th."

"Okay, let's be together by then."

Xu Shengzhe finished and asked, "Have you thought about anything else?"

Li Dong wondered: "What do you mean?"

"You just want to develop a commercial plaza and commercial building? These are not enough for Dongyu Real Estate to gain a foothold in Beijing, and its reputation can't be beaten.

I mean, this time, if the three of us will cooperate together, we will take some land together and develop residential real estate.

With the strength of our three companies, it is still possible to build several high-end communities in the urban area.

In this way, the fame in the capital will be called out, and you can also gain a firm foothold. "

Li Dong shook his head and said: "I don't have this idea or this thought for the time being. It is possible to join forces, but I said that the joint forces are that we have the same strategy and are unanimous with the outside world.

As for project cooperation, it is too much trouble, and now I do not have this capital. "

"Why not!" Xu Shengzhe said brilliantly: "Li Dong, don't forget Secretary Du! All three of us have strength and confidence.

Secretary Du, you came forward and said, we do n’t need to spend much money.

There are three of our groups as insurance, does Secretary Du still believe that we have this ability? "

Li Dong grinned for a while and then chuckled: "You can say it, I won't go anyway, less of my idea."

"You, hypocritical!"

Xu Shengzhe sighed, with some regrets: "You just don't know what resource utilization is, such a good resource, you actually let it go, I will regret it for you.

We do not engage in violations, which is actually a matter of scale.

The city government is a bit more lenient, which costs a few dollars.

Besides, this is not the first thing we do, some people are bigger than us.

I heard that there are several real estate groups that take almost no money to get land.

Anything that increases influence, boosts the economy, and attracts investment is all nonsense!

How many influences do these domestic real estate companies have?

Who built the commercial plaza and the commercial building?

As long as you have a good location and good publicity, the effect is the same.

It also promotes economic development and can confuse laymen. None of us have a clear heart.

Li Dong, sometimes don't be too real. If you do it as you do, and you're a real estate with a fart, you've already lost money. Why not? "

Li Dong still shook his head and said: "I don't need to do this. The Yuanfang Group is clean. I can stand the investigation and I'm not afraid of others' eyes.

Slower development, slower, often walking along the river where there is no wet shoes.

Besides, this kind of thing can't be done for a lifetime, and someone will manage it sooner or later. "

"How sooner or later is it?" Xu Shengzhe sneered: "And what you said can withstand the investigation, you are still so naive now!"

"Some people say that if you violate the rules, you are in violation of the rules. What can't afford it? Do you think you can just do business honestly?"


"Recently I heard online, the newspapers are talking about the original sin of the Huang Brothers. What is the original sin?

In a business started in the 1990s, who dares to pat on the chest and say that he has no original sin!

Now that the old account is turned over, it is the original sin, and I am not afraid to laugh away.

So in the final analysis, it is still a matter of strength. If you say that Gome now has thousands of trillions of assets and over one million employees, do you say there are still people discussing the original sin?

Earn more money when you can make money, and the company gets bigger. Even if someone wants to clean up you in the future, they dare not shoot you directly.

Weak meat and strong food, the same principle as ever.

As for the rest, they are all inconspicuous. "

Li Dong glanced at him and said with a smile: "I am a little bit convinced that Longhua can continue to grow bigger, but when the liquidation is cleared in the future, you should plant yourself carefully."

Xu Shengzhe should be a businessman by nature, and Li Dong always thinks so.

If he doesn't grow up, and will continue to do so smoothly, he will definitely have a place in the real estate industry in the future.

I was afraid that this guy would not be able to carry it in the end. As the company grew bigger, there were more people staring at it. At that time, it wasn't one or two who wanted to kill him.

Xu Shengzhe didn't take it seriously: "I really don't care if there will be a day. You just worry too much, or it's more than that in the distance."

"I am satisfied."

"Hypocrisy, you are satisfied, you are also expanded!"

"The two points are not in conflict. Expansion is expansion, but I don't need the way you say to expand."

"I think you are not sure to convince Secretary Du."

Li Dong is a little funny, "As you say, if I care about other people's views, I can't do it anymore. Whatever I do, what you say doesn't count, others don't count."

Xu Shengzhe knew that there was no drama at all, and he was no longer entangled.

Divert the topic and say: "Shen Qian is not here?"

Li Dong said with a smile: "I haven't returned in the capital yet. When I pass, I will come back together."

Xu Shengzhe no longer asked, got up and said: "Then I will go back to prepare first, then meet again the day after tomorrow."



February 12.

In the morning, Li Dong handled some chores, and in the afternoon Li Dong went to meet a person.

Li Dong was a little uncomfortable every time he saw Zhang Lanyu.

This woman now does not understand what she is doing. If she feels that she is not malicious to herself, Li Dong is too lazy to deal with her.

When we met, Li Dong said nothing.

He didn't speak, and Zhang Lanyu didn't speak, only to drink coffee.

Take a sip of coffee, take a look at Li Dong, take another sip, take another look, as if there were flowers on Li Dong's face.

Li Dongqiang refrained from speaking, but he was vomiting blood in his heart. Look, I am so handsome, you continue to watch, I see when you can see!

In the end, Li Dong still defeated, this woman really can sit all afternoon without talking!

In the end, Li Dong couldn't hold it back, and was a little puzzled: "How did you hook up with Chen Rui again?"

Zhang Lanyu's movements were stagnant, his face changed from white to green, from blue to purple, and finally he held his breath and said: "Don't you think there is something wrong with the words?"

"Cough, I mean, how did you mix it up again?"

"Li Dong!"

Zhang Lanyu was a little helpless and put down the coffee and said, "Can you stop being so boring, what is hooking up, is it easy for me to do business?"

Chen Rui has some things to help, so I just deal with him in business, understand? "


Li Dong had an understanding expression and was too lazy to bother about it. He asked again, "Then are you looking for me today?"

"Can't you have a cup of coffee with me?"

"It doesn't mean that, anyway, how to say, well, I won't say it."

Li Dong is a little bit depressed, what is he, what do I want to say?

After a while, Li Dong suffocated another sentence and said, "Well, have you finished self-sublimation?"

"What self-sublimation?" Zhang Lanyu looked blank.

Li Dong is even more at a loss, isn't this what you said?

Last time he asked Zhang Lanyu how nervous, this woman said that she was sublimating herself, so she did not admit it?

Li Dong smiled bitterly, and really had no energy to continue to entangle these with her, sighed: "Well, when I haven't asked, drink coffee, and finished drinking."


Zhang Lanyu couldn't help laughing, and finally laughed louder.

Li Dong looked at her with a black line on her face, this woman was really crazy, kind of getting crazy.

After laughing for a while, Zhang Lanyu only said, "Okay, no kidding, I have something to do with you today."

Li Dong was really like this, you wouldn't find me without a business deal.

Zhang Lanyu said the right thing on the lips, but did not speak for a long time, just staring at Li Dong.

Li Dong was seen a little hairy, frowning and said: "Speak, always looking at me."

"You seem more mature than before." Zhang Lanyu said quietly.

Li Dong was uncomfortable. Uncle, he shouldn't be here today.

Having made up my mind, I will never meet this woman next time when there is nothing important. Li Dong suffocated: "Nonsense, getting older and older, of course, mature."

"Yes, but now I always feel something is wrong, which makes me uncomfortable."

Li Dong frowned: "What do you mean?"

"In the past, you were sharp-edged and looked like a tiger from a distance. Now you don't have that sharp-edged one. I know you are converging, but this is not Li Dong I know, which makes me feel a little uncomfortable ~ www.NovelMTL .com ~ Zhang Lanyu said it seemed a bit regretful, but also a bit sad.

Whispered: "In fact, when you don't converge, you are more attractive. Now you always feel that you are not as attractive as before."

Li Dong's mouth twitched, did I admit the wrong person?

This is not Zhang Lanyu at all, he must have admitted it wrong!

We're talking about the business, okay, you will talk about the charms, and you're crazy!

Seeing Li Dong saying nothing, Zhang Lanyu didn't say anything anymore. He said slowly: "Don't talk about it, it's actually not a big deal. I just want to be careful in Beijing. Chen Rui has many friends over there."

"this one?"


Li Dong's mouth twitched even worse, and he smiled stiffly, "Thanks for reminding, I will pay attention."

The next two didn't speak anymore, Li Dong flashed directly after drinking coffee.

Today's Zhang Lanyu's problem is very serious. Li Dong's scalp is numb when she sees it. The ghost knew that she actually called herself out for coffee because of this.

He's busy like a gyro now, how could he spend an afternoon spending time with her here.

Until he left, Zhang Lanyu still looked at his back.

For a long time, Zhang Lanyu sighed softly, "I'm devastated."

Not only did Li Dong think she was crazy, but in fact she also felt herself crazy.

Since when was it crazy?

I do n’t remember much. In short, it seems that I ’m crazy for a while.

What are you doing these days?

Zhang Lanyu shook her head gently, then laughed dumbly, and the women were crazy.

Just like this time, she suddenly wanted to see Li Dong on a whim. It was so sudden that she simply wanted to see him and sit with him.

Then she called Li Dong for no reason.

Sitting alone for a while, Zhang Lanyu got up and left.

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