Chapter 81: Why is Chu Heng Again?

Inside a factory building close to the suburbs.

Chen Yurou woke up from a coma, a trace of confusion flashed in her beautiful eyes, but she soon recalled that she was arrested.

She panicked at once and twisted her delicate body, but found that she could not move at all, but was strangled by the rope in pain.

Hearing the movement, three figures walked out of the darkness. To be precise, two walked out, and one was pushed out in a wheelchair.

The shapes of these three people are quite unique.

One covered his face and the other dressed in black.

One arm was wrapped in a white cloth and tied to his neck. He was all broken and was kidnapped. I was really dedicated.

Another was in a wheelchair, his face was black and purple.

This is Chu Heng and his subordinates!

“Oh, girl, are you awake?” Chu Heng was sitting in the wheelchair, but he didn’t look like he was injured at all, with a smile on his face.

Chen Yurou was very scared. The one in the wheelchair didn’t look like a good person at first glance. His eyes were disgusting, “Who are you? Why do you want to catch me?”

“Haha, why are we arresting you? We are kidnapping, of course we are going to blackmail after the kidnapping!” Chu Heng smiled very silver, “but I have changed my mind now, such a beautiful girl, it would be a pity not to play with it. .”

Hearing Chu Heng’s words, the masked man suddenly said, “Master, before you get the control of the Chen family, it’s better not to make extravagances.”

The subordinates on the side also echoed: “Yes, master, you should endure it first. When the fool Liu Mingduan gets the equity in Chen Shengtian’s hands, then you can play whatever you want.”

But in my heart, I’m secretly slandering, ‘you’re all in a wheelchair, why don’t you stop? ’

“Am I young master or are you young masters? No, labor and management are now full of evil fire and can’t bear it!” Chu Heng did not listen to the dissuasion of the two subordinates at all, and directly ordered:

“Chu San, hold her down for me, Chu Wu, push me over.”

The masked man Chu San once again persuaded: “Master, the Patriarch has instructed you to focus on the overall situation and you can’t mess around.”

“Shao special nonsense, do you want to rebel?” Chu Heng couldn’t hear it. If his father is really here, he really doesn’t dare to mess around, but the emperor is far away, don’t talk about his father, God, he Don’t be afraid.

Chu Heng’s words came into Chen Yurou’s ears without a word. Hearing that Chu Heng was actually trying to plot against her, her heart was filled with fear and anxiety. She tried to struggle, but she couldn’t move at all. Tears fell from the corners of her eyes. .

At this time, Chen Yurou thought of Su Zhiwen for the first time, hoping that Su Zhiwen would come to rescue her.

‘I’m caught, will he come to save me? ’


Su Zhiwen approached slowly and quietly, and while approaching, he was also observing the situation inside.

Su Zhiwen was stunned when he saw two familiar faces.

‘Why did the Chu family, the capital, do such a low-level act of kidnapping? ’

Contempt in my heart, and did not stop.

In the dark night, Su Zhiwen concentrates like a ghost.

Several big men were sitting around a table, eating and drinking, and several guns were scattered on the ground.

It’s no wonder they are so lax. How can anyone come to this abandoned factory at night? Don’t talk about being boring, or getting mosquitoes, how can you eat and drink?

Su Zhiwen sneered, this kind of stuff, there is no difficulty at all, and the one named Chu San in it still looks like.

“Bang” “Bang” “Bang”…

In a flash, several strong men collapsed to the ground, silent.

The thief did not go empty, Su Zhiwen picked up a few guns from the ground and stuffed it into the jade pendant.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Su Zhiwen walked directly to the workshop where Chen Yurou was, and said hello without shy.

Chen Yurou was a little delighted when she heard the voice. She was so familiar with the voice. She raised her head slightly, but she was taken aback when she saw the face of the incoming person, “Yang Yifeng? Why are you?”

Su Zhiwen did not answer her, but looked at Chu San who was wary, “Why do you look like a ghost?”

“You’re not dead?!” Chu San was a little unbelievable. He obviously hit Yang Yifeng’s key. Why did Yang Yifeng not die, and it seemed that nothing happened.

“Sorry, I let you down,” Su Zhiwen said regretfully, and then said: “In return, please accept this palm.”

After speaking, before Chu San had a reaction, he slammed forward to Chu San and slapped it.

Su Zhiwen has been fascinated by this feeling for some time, and slaps anyone who is upset.

Chu San was simply slapped, hit the wall, and made a big hole.

Then he rolled his eyes and fainted.

Su Zhiwen also stopped paying attention to him, but looked at Chu Heng with a smile, with a strange expression, “Ask you a question, which trick did you want to use just now?”

Su Zhiwen heard what Chu Heng said. He was very curious. There were several broken bones in Chu Heng’s body. What posture would he use to do that?

Chu Heng had misunderstood Su Zhiwen’s meaning, thinking that Su Zhiwen was asking him what moves he was going to use to hit him.

The expression was horrified and said: “Don’t come here!”

“…” Su Zhiwen was a little speechless, he couldn’t communicate, he didn’t plan to do anything to Chu Heng at all, and he didn’t even kill Chu San directly.

Isn’t it okay to keep them in trouble with Yang Yifeng?

Seeing Chu Heng and Chu Wu who didn’t dare to move at all, Su Zhiwen ignored them and walked to the side of Chen Yurou on his own, and untied the rope.

Then she picked up Chen Yurou and went out.

Being resisted by “Yang Yifeng” on her shoulders, Chen Yurou was a little embarrassed, a pair of powder fists beat “Yang Yifeng” on the back desperately, “You let me go, I can go by myself.”

She responded with a slap, making her ass hurt, “Be quiet, can’t even hear my voice?”

Chen Yurou calmed down and asked softly, “Su Zhiwen, is that you?”

“it’s me.”

Chen Yurou didn’t twist when she heard the affirmative answer. She lay quietly on her stomach. The hot feeling from her buttocks made her run into a little deer for a while.

Su Zhiwen left for a while before Chu Heng woke up from fear, “Go and see if Chu San is still alive?”

Hearing the words, Chu Wu hurried over to check, probed Chu San’s breath, and said happily, “Master, Chu San is still alive!”

“Are you so happy?! Call someone quickly and leave this ghost place first.” Chu Heng said in a bad mood.

Chu Wu responded and ran outside to call for people, but after a while, he returned, “Master, all the people outside are dead!”

“A bunch of rubbish!” Although he scolded those subordinates as rubbish, Chu Heng was terribly scared in his heart. He secretly rejoiced that Yang Yifeng was not bloodthirsty, otherwise he would have died several times.

But a good thing was broken by “Yang Yifeng” several times, and Chu Heng also completely hated Yang Yifeng, “Check me out who Yang Yifeng is, and then inform the family and let them send a master. I don’t believe that I can’t get him!”

“Yes, master.”

“What are you doing in a daze? Are you going to spend the night here? Take Chu San and go!”


Chu Wu carried Chu San on his back, pushed Chu Heng, and left the factory with great difficulty. As for the corpses outside, he was powerless, so let’s lie down first.

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