Chapter 80 !

Chen Shengtian’s tone was not good, Su Zhiwen only thought that he was in a bad mood because of Chen Yurou’s kidnapping, so he didn’t care too much, and continued:

“The person who kidnapped Chen Yurou must have some purpose. I wonder if anyone called you or sent a short message to threaten you?”

“Yes, it has nothing to do with you, is there anything else to say?” Chen Shengtian’s tone was a little impatient.

“Is it convenient to talk about the content of the conversation? I think I can help,” Su Zhiwen also noticed Chen Shengtian’s impatience. To add some credibility, he went on to say:

“I think the last time Chen Yurou was kidnapped, you know a little bit about the process, and I can help you get in touch with that master.”

“Are you serious?” Chen Shengtian was a little surprised. He did ask Yang Yifeng afterwards, knowing that a master made a secret move. Su Zhiwen actually said that he could contact that person, but he was a little unbelievable.

“Really, I dare not joke with you at this time.”

“This… okay.” Seeing Su Zhiwen’s certainty, Chen Shengtian had to believe that he had no better way now. He could only hope that the master could rescue his daughter.

Then, Chen Shengtian recounted the content of the previous conversation with Liu Mingduan.

Su Zhiwen was originally just trying to find some clues from the content, but unexpectedly someone jumped out to commit suicide. How confident is the one named Liu Mingduan?

After finishing the call with Chen Shengtian, Su Zhiwen called his father again and asked him to look up Liu Mingduan’s information and home address.

Since they all jumped out and committed suicide, Su Zhiwen wouldn’t mind sending him to see Tathagata.


Night fell.

Su Zhiwen missed class, changed his appearance and appeared at Liu Mingduan’s home.

Su Zhiwen scanned the rooms with perspective, but didn’t see anyone, and Liu Mingduan didn’t even see any shadows.

Su Zhiwen pierced his eyes when he saw a bathroom.

Gan! Actually playing mandarin ducks in the water!

But if you look closely, the man is not Liu Mingduan at all. Su Zhiwen has seen Liu Mingduan’s photos. It is impossible to be so young. He does have a son named Liu Guoyang.

Obviously, Liu Mingduan and his wife are not at home at this time, otherwise his son would not dare to play like this.

Su Zhiwen was not in a hurry, and just waited outside, learning two tricks by the way.

Five minutes later, Liu Guoyang shivered and it was over.

Liu Guoyang wrapped his bathrobe out of the bathroom, and saw a man in black standing at the door of the bathroom, which made him shiver again.

“Who are you?”

“You don’t need to know who I am, what about your father?” Su Zhiwen grinned, and took out a long knife from the storage jade Perry. “It’s best to tell me honestly, or I will kill you!”

“Ah—” The woman coming out behind Liu Guoyang happened to see Su Zhiwen pulling out a long knife from somewhere, scared her to scream again and again.

“Shut up, or I will hit you!” Su Zhiwen glared at the woman.

The woman dared to scream again, and hurriedly stretched out her hand to cover her mouth.

Su Zhiwen turned to look at Liu Guoyang, “Say it!”

The moment Su Zhiwen drew out his long knife, Liu Guoyang was so scared that he sat on the ground and was threatened by Su Zhiwen. He shivered and said, “I…I don’t know.”

“I don’t know?” Su Zhiwen frowned. He didn’t doubt Liu Guoyang dared to lie, “Then call and let him come back. If he doesn’t come back, I’ll hack you to death!”

How dare Liu Guoyang refuse, he hurriedly searched for his cell phone and made a call.

More than ten minutes later, Liu Mingduan hurried back. As soon as he entered the house, he saw his son kneeling on the ground with a knife hanging on his head.

Liu Mingduan hurriedly said with a smile: “This hero, just tell me what’s the matter, can you put the knife down first?”

Su Zhiwen stayed unmoved, sitting on the sofa with Erlang’s legs tilted up, and asked: “Is my son’s life pinched in someone else’s hands, does this feel good?”

“Uncomfortable, uncomfortable, hero, if you have something to say, please put down the knife, it’s too dangerous.”

Liu Mingduan is just such a son, and he is so spoiled. Su Zhiwen’s knife is only ten centimeters high from Liu Guoyang’s head. He is really afraid that Su Zhiwen will slip his hand and his son will be gone.

“Knowing it’s not good, are you kidnapping someone else’s daughter?” Su Zhiwen stood up suddenly, moved the knife downward, and cut off some of Liu Guoyang’s hair.

“This…” Liu Mingduan didn’t understand that this was the person Chen Shengtian had found. He only blamed himself for being too proud of himself. Before things were done, he exposed himself and everyone else found home.

“Say, where was Chen Yurou taken?” Su Zhiwen didn’t care whether Liu Mingduan felt well, his purpose was to find Chen Yurou’s whereabouts.

“I don’t know either,” Liu Mingduan explained with a miserable expression: “They came to me. They were responsible for the kidnapping of Chen Yurou. I was responsible for the transfer of interests with Chen Shengtian. Other than that, I had no contact with them. ”

“Who are they?” Su Zhiwen frowned and asked.

“I don’t know, I only know that there are a few masters, and some subordinates with guns.”

“Can you contact them?”


“Okay, call them and ask where they are hiding,” Su Zhiwen then warned again: “Don’t be exposed or play tricks, or I will kill you!”

“Yes, yes, I will fight.” Liu Mingduan was very acquainted. Compared with Xiaoming, betraying allies is nothing at all.

Liu Mingduan has not been in the business world for years, he can be described as old and cunning, and his words are not leaking. It didn’t take long for those people to hide their hiding places.

Su Zhiwen naturally heard it too, but to be on the safe side, he still tested whether Liu Mingduan did any tricks.

He cut across Liu Guoyang’s hand with a single cut, and the little finger fell to the ground. Seeing Liu Guoyang was rolling on the ground with pain, Liu Mingduan assured that he did not play tricks, Su Zhiwen believed it.

Su Zhiwen flashed away and left.

Seeing that Su Zhiwen was gone, Liu Mingduan hurried to his son’s side, comforted with concern, and then called the emergency call again. As long as the treatment is timely, his son’s fingers can still be connected.

“A person wants to save someone too? Wait to be beaten into a hornet’s nest!” Liu Mingduan did not play tricks, but would he not hate Su Zhiwen? Hate, he can’t wait for Su Zhiwen to die.

He felt that even if he told Su Zhiwen about the hiding place of those people, Su Zhiwen alone could have beaten a group of gunmen in the past?

“Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot that there is still something left to do,” Su Zhiwen’s voice came again, but he went and returned, “Hey, I seem to hear you saying bad things about me?”

“Nothing, you must have heard it wrong.” Liu Mingduan was almost crying, how could there be such a thing? What are you doing back after leaving?

“Well, when I didn’t hear it,” Su Zhiwen waved his hand and asked with a smile: “You seem to be the director of the Chen family, right?”

“Yes.” Liu Mingduan was a little unsure, but he nodded and admitted.

“Then you signed this, if you dare not sign, I will kill you!” Su Zhiwen took out a stack of paper from the jade pendant and asked Liu Mingduan to sign.

Liu Mingduan looked at the stack of papers handed to him, with the words “Transfer of Shares” written on it, and almost fainted.

I think he had previously ambitiously plotting the equity in Chen Shengtian’s hands, and then taking over the Chen family, but now he has not only not obtained the equity in Chen Shengtian’s hands, but he can’t even keep his equity, and he is about to become a bereaved dog.

He didn’t want to sign, but looking at the bright knife in Su Zhiwen’s hand, he still compromised and signed it very humiliatingly.

After pressing his handprint, Su Ziwen prepared the ink pad very intimately.

[Ding, the host solves the little villain Liu Mingduan, destroys the original plot, and rewards the villain with a value of 500]

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