"Divine power crystals, I can only give you 50 yuan for the time being." The Black Death Cthulhu stretched out his hand and caught fifty crystals.

These crystals are crystal clear, but they feel like they are very ordinary, just ordinary crystals.

The Black Death Cthulhu stretched out his hand and threw it, and the 50 crystals flew over.

Saint Edwin stretched out his hand, but his hand was wrapped with divine power.

When receiving the crystal, Saint Edwin stretched out his hand, and some black mist spread out from the crystal seed and then dissipated in the air.

"This little trick, don't use it to be ashamed." Saint Edwin said with a smile, and with a wave of his hand, he put the crystal of divine power into his storage equipment.

The Black Death Cthulhu laughed a few words: "This little trick is just an adjustment."

It's just a temptation. Since it's useless, the Black Death Cthulhu doesn't care.

As he spoke, he grabbed something from the air again.

This time, it was a piece of metal.

The Black Death Cthulhu directly threw it over: "This is an extraterritorial meteorite. I got it accidentally. It's a good metal material. If you have the ability, you can use it to make the artifact yourself. The level of this thing is still very high."

Can it be high?

He has no ability to melt, and he is unwilling to hand it over to the **** of forging.

This thing is absolutely high-level, used to refine artifacts, absolutely very powerful.

It is a pity that it is not so easy to smelt this piece of metal for fear of the **** of forging.

Saint Edwin reached out and took it, still cautiously: "You have a heart."

This time, the Black Death Cthulhu didn't seem to be doing anything. Saint Edwin's caution fell into the empty space.

But Saint Edwin didn't care, he just looked at the evil **** with a smile!

Tihir felt a little bit aggrieved, the **** he believed in came, and he wanted to buy him.

Saint Edwin really is so powerful? Can't even help me?

No, because my lord cannot move, for fear of leaking the breath of that thing.

What's more, they have to buy time and are suppressed by the main material plane.

This is not that the opponent is really invincible, even the true **** is not an opponent.

Marshall and Tihir have similar thoughts, and they are not happy in their hearts, and they are constantly comforting and encouraging themselves.

Sura frowned, wondering what Saint Edwin was doing.

Looking back, Sura spoke to Colbert, "What is Edwin doing?"

Colbert actually didn't know, but he believed Edwin and felt that Edwin would not betray him.

To betray, betrayed long ago.

Edwin is not without means. Thinking of Edwin's character, Cobert felt that Edwin probably wanted to get some resources.

Edwin’s character is like this, just blackmailing something, even if the object is a true god.

Colbert shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

"Then you don't want to persuade you, when Edwin betrays, you may be in danger."

For this, Colbert was not worried: "You don't have to worry about me. No matter what Edwin decides, I will firmly support it. He will not disadvantage me."

This is based on a long time of getting along and fighting together.

Among them, a certain partner who fought with them is drifting away.

But Colbert doesn't. He has always followed Edwin Saints.

Because when they were weak, it was the Saint Edwin who had been helping them and saving them in crisis.

Betrayal is something Colbert would never choose.

As for the little friend who is drifting away, since Saint Edwin doesn't want to tear his face, just don't pay attention to him.

Sura was still a little worried, but Colbert was unmoved.

The Black Death Cthulhu looked helpless, originally thought that he could break the relationship between the two demigods, if Colbert and Sura attacked behind him. Then Edwin Saints will probably suffer severe damage.

The Black Death Cthulhu could see that most of the energy of Saint Edwin was on guarding himself.

A small part is still guarding the four demigods of Tihir.

"What else? The magical model?" Saint Edwin didn't bother Sura and Colbert, and Saint Edwin knew that Colbert would not betray him.

This is the result of thousands of years of fighting and thousands of years of company.

Sura, she still doesn't understand me!

But also, it's Cobert's soul mate after all, what do you know about me?

The Dark Death did not know if Saint Edwin knew the voice of Sura and Colbert, but he heard it.

Doing this in front of a true God is no different from stealing things openly.

With a smile, the Black Death Cthulhu took out another crystal and threw it over: "The magic model is in this crystal."

Saint Edwin didn't relax at all, and after taking it over, he handled it carefully.

Some black mist appeared in the crystal.

Then, Saint Edwin used the magic of sealing to seal the crystal.

Seeing Saint Edwin's move to put it away, the Black Death Cthulhu frowned: "You don't even look at the contents inside. Are you afraid that I am not giving what you want?"

Saint Edwin smiled indifferently: "Don't worry, it's never too late to go back. Your reputation, I can be trusted, but after you go back, you must check it carefully."

The Black Death Cthulhu's face became stiff. He just used a small trick, the first time it was tedious, and the second time it was pure.

But for the third time, the Black Death Cthulhu made some tricks inside.

This point was easily deciphered by Saint Edwin.

In fact, this is not the hole card of the Black Death Cthulhu.

In which crystals and in which divine magic models, the Black Death Cthulhu has also made some traps. As long as Saint Edwin tries to analyze, or even just touch with divine mind, the trap will be triggered.

At that time, Saint Edwin will be exhausted to deal with the trap, and it is not impossible for the Black Death Cthulhu to take the opportunity to kill Saint Edwin.

The current negotiation or transaction is just a symptom.

In fact, it's not just Saint Edwin who didn't take it seriously, neither did the Dark Death Cthulhu.

Otherwise, the Black Death Cthulhu would not be unable to use this resource.

In fact, he didn't think he could persuade Saint Edwin, so the most likely thing he gave was meat buns hitting dogs.

If there is no return, it is probably the end of these resources.

Unfortunately, Saint Edwin was not fooled.

"What other resources are there to build the kingdom of God?" Saint Edwin said.

The Black Death Cthulhu shrugged and said: "Everything is too scattered, even if it is me, it will take time to get it."

"In other words, in this transaction, you can only take out this thing?" Saint Edwin asked rhetorically.

An angry look appeared on the black death evil god's face: "So, you want to abandon the covenant?"

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