The scene fell silent for a while.

All this seems to be between the thoughts of Saint Edwin, and it is indeed He who wants to dominate all of this.

Tihir looked at Saint Edwin with enthusiasm, the first demigod of Io, the strongest of Io, who suppressed many demigods and people of one era. All these titles are Edwin. Saint's.

It can be seen that all the demigods are jealous of the Edwin Saints.

And just now, Saint Edwin easily blocked the full blow of the Black Death Cthulhu. This scene, whether Tihir or Marshall, is all heart-shaking.

It turned out that the power of Saint Edwin had reached the level of a real body with a weak divine power.

This statement turned out to be true!

At this time, the two people didn't know where things would go.

The Black Death Cthulhu, a true god, would actually condescend and negotiate terms with Saint Edwin.

This is simply beyond the expectations of the two demigods, and let the two demigods know that the success or failure of this time depends on the negotiation between the true **** and the saint Edwin.

Sura looked at Saint Edwin with interest, and Sura didn't care about the safety of the main material plane.

He is the only soul mate that he cares about.

In fact, his encounter with Colbert was led by the Edwin Saints.

The contract that year was made by Saint Edwin.

As for Saint Edwin’s understanding, Sura is actually very superficial. The only thing he knows is that Saint Edwin sees far away and has a deep plan.

However, Colbert was convinced that Saint Edwin would not choose to give up, and would fight the opponent.

This time things are about to be completed, the appearance of Saint Edwin should be a successful end for this incident!

Who knows, Saint Edwin doesn't seem to be eager to finish, but smiles: "Oh? You drag me an enemy?"

The Black Death Evil God nodded: "Yes, I will try my best to hold an enemy for you and not interfere with your Conferred God!"

What is Edwin doing? Didn't he hurriedly refuse, and then drove the Black Death Cthulhu back to the upper plane, and sealed the dangerous thing?

Colbert was a little strange inside, but he didn't ask much.

Years of getting along has given a tacit understanding between Cobert and Edwin. Both are comrades fighting together and close friends worthy of being entrusted. Cobert will not doubt the Saints of Edwin.

"Is it just these?" Saint Edwin didn't seem to know Cobert's thoughts, and was still asking interestingly.

what are you doing?

Don't tell me, you are really tempted!

If so, then the goddess will punish you.

Is a black death evil **** comparable to a goddess?

The Black Death Cthulhu did not hope to persuade Saint Edwin in one sentence, the most important thing is that the other party is willing to talk and is willing to talk.

On the one hand, as long as the other party agrees, it is even betraying the other party's camp.

Whether it is joining one's side or the other party's fall, it is all good for oneself.

On the other hand, the thing under the idol is still in the final energy draw. As long as time passes, the plan will succeed.

An Edwin is nothing.

The power of Saint Edwin is indeed powerful, comparable to a **** with weak divine power, but facing such a thing, it is nothing.

You know, that thing has suffered from even the powerful divine power!

"Oh? What else are you dissatisfied with? You can bring it up." The Black Death Cthulhu dealt with Edwin. This is a small investment, or in other words, it is simply a non-profit business.

Regardless of the result, the Black Death Cthulhu will not suffer.

Saint Edwin smiled and said: "If you want to buy me, you must at least give something substantial. As a result, you just said nothing, and thought I would agree?"

"Negotiating is like that. I made a request, and you can make a condition. Let's talk slowly."

"Divine power crystals, divine artifacts, divine magic models, resources, and upper plane geographic information. You didn't give them all. Just respond casually and it's over?"

"Then how much do you want?"

"Five hundred pieces of divine power crystals, three divine artifacts that meet my abilities, several divine magic models, resources to support the construction of my divine kingdom, and intelligence on the upper planes. You can give it as much as possible." Saint Edwin offered a price. .

"What the **** are you doing? Edwin!" Although Colbert didn't believe that the Saint Edwin would betray, he couldn't understand what the other party was doing.

Therefore, he took the time to speak and ask.

Saint Edwin did not answer him, not knowing whether it was because of disbelief or unnecessary.

"Five hundred yuan of divine power crystals is too much, you know, I can't accumulate many divine power crystals in a year."

This sentence is not a lie. A piece of divine power requires tens of thousands of people, day and night prayers, filtered by the kingdom of God, and a series of complex purifications before it can be produced.

The Black Death Cthulhu is only a weak divine power, and a year's crystallization of divine power is limited, and it has to supply the kingdom of God for consumption.

God descends and so on, all need to consume divine power crystals.

It can be said that the crystallization of divine power is the trading currency of the true god.

The purchasing power of divine power is leveraged, because it is important and therefore precious.

"I don't have any artifact suitable for you for the time being. Wait for me to collect the materials and refine it for you."

"The magic model, I can give you some, but I have to wait until this time the matter is over, there is no free trade now."

"As for the resources for the construction of the kingdom of God and the information on the upper planes, these are not problems, I will give you all."

It seems that the Black Death Cthulhu really intends to negotiate terms with Saint Edwin. Regarding the conditions of Saint Edwin, he talked about the conditions one by one and bargained.

Saint Edwin said: “Don’t talk about the other things, the divine power crystallizes, you also give me a part, you don’t have a divine tool, don’t talk about it. The divine magic model, you can provide me first, as for the resources for building the kingdom of God, you also Give me a part first."

"No, there is not enough time. And the time is not ripe, you can come to the void at that time, and I will give it to you at that time." The Black Death Cthulhu fixed the conditions.

"So, you plan to give nothing, just want me to retreat and help you conceal it?" Saint Edwin showed an angry face, his divine power gathered in his hands, and the war would continue.

"Wait!" Seeing this, the Black Death Cthulhu cursed in his heart.

Isn't this negotiating terms? You come and I go, you make a price, I bargain, you just open it.

"Wait. I can give you a part first." The Black Death Cthulhu does not intend to continue the fight now. This will affect the progress of the thing under the idol. At this time, he cannot move and can only be passively beaten.

Moreover, the opponent's strength is good, and it is very likely that he will break his own idol. When the time comes, it will be too late to say anything.

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