Lin Chuan was walking in a dark clearing, and suddenly, he stepped back several steps.

An invisible vortex rotates where Lin Chuan originally stood.

Then he stretched out his hand and pointed, and somewhere, thorns burst out from the ground.

But obviously, nothing was stabbed.

Over the past few days, Lin Chuan has fought against the brain demon many times.

He locked the position of the brain demon, and the brain demon also captured his position.

No way, the soul of this brain demon is indeed powerful, even if Lin Chuan used the gate of the landscape, and used the power of the Taiyin treasure mirror.

It will still be captured by the brain demon, even if it can be blocked occasionally, but soon, the trace will be captured by the brain demon.

It is impossible for Lin Chuan to give up the brain demon, so he makes some temptations from time to time.

This gave the brain demon a chance, and the brain demon was constantly testing the depth of Lin Chuan.

In the past few days, the brain demon seemed to be determined to capture Lin Chuan.

This brain demon is indeed powerful, the invisible vortex just now is the soul vortex, which is an attack on the soul.

Lin Chuan also didn't want to be careful about rubbing it a bit, and suddenly felt mental pain, and his soul felt torn.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that he will fall into a coma, and then be caught by the brain demon.

After that, it will definitely be transformed into a puppet by the brain demon.

It seems that the brain demon is also inevitable for Lin Chuan.

Naturally, Lin Chuan would not give up the brain demon. After these days, Lin Chuan also took the opportunity to kill a few of the brain demon's puppets.

The last few puppets of the brain demon were also solved by Lin Chuan, but the brain demon had come down these days and took time to get a few new puppets.

There is really no way to stop it, although the attack of the brain demon is not fatal to Lin Chuan.

But those ordinary monsters, or dark elves, have no way to compete.

The attack of the brain demon is very sharp, basically it doesn't take long to directly suppress the opponent's soul, and then transform into a puppet.

Before Lin Chuan could react, he had already successfully made the puppet.

If Lin Chuan wanted to kill the puppets, he would also have to guard against the brain devil's attack.

Attacks on the soul are still difficult to guard against.

Lin Chuan had to bear it once before, but he never wanted to bear it again.

It really hurts!

At this moment, Lin Chuan suddenly laughed: "This has opened up the situation? This surprised me a bit, and these people?"

Lin Chuan could see the surrounding situation through Cassandra's eyes.

This is the relationship between the deity and its pastor. The deity can consume a part of the divine power to achieve this effect.

Lin Chuan is the main body, what the ancient **** incarnation can do, Lin Chuan can do it through Lin Yang, the ancient **** incarnation.

Although it is a bit convoluted and twisted, Lin Chuan can do it.

While avoiding the attack of the brain demon, he watched the scene in front of him through Cassandra's eyes.

Here, a soil platform that is not very high has been accumulated, and this is a simple version of the altar.

Around the altar, more than a hundred cavemen were present, all looking at the altar and Cassandra on the altar.

They are still a little unconfident and still don't believe it, and they will have gods willing to take care of them.

This is something they can't believe. For so many years, no true **** has ever been willing to respond to their prayers.

No caveman can become a pastor, and even the prayers of believers cannot be answered.

After the death of the caveman, the soul can only go to the wall of sighs, nailed to it, and wailing endlessly!

This is a desperate thing, but they don't know how to change it.

Today, Cassandra has brought variables and the gospel of the gods.

"Lord of the Four Seasons, you are the **** of spring, the **** of summer, the **** of autumn, and the **** of winter!"

Although the sacrifice has not yet begun, these people are already chanting the name of the Lord of the Four Seasons in their minds.

Lin Chuan could see that the thread of faith spread on the top of these people's heads.

The beliefs of these cavemen are relatively pious, all with some green color, this is because they did not respond, the other side just prayed silently.

However, Lin Chuan can see that the lines of faith on the heads of these cavemen are relatively thin and somewhat unstable.

"Perhaps, this is why the true gods are unwilling to accept cavemen?"

To train a caveman priest, you have to consume your own divine power.

For example, Cassandra has firm beliefs, but the lines of belief are relatively thin. The same person provides most of the power of belief out of thin air.

If it is a pious human, or a pious elf, the same power of faith can train three or more priests.

But when Cassandra was here, there was only one.

And the strength is not as good as humans, not as good as elves.

Therefore, just this point, the true **** knows how to choose.

But Lin Chuan always feels that the real reason does not seem to be the case.

There seems to be a big hole in the caveman.

It's just that he doesn't know what the situation is in this pit for the time being. Saint Edwin just doesn't allow Lin Chuan to spread the faith of Saint Edwin in the caveman race.

But Saint Edwin did not say why, nor did he prevent Lin Chuan from spreading the faith in the Lord of the Seasons on the caveman's side.

Perhaps, Saint Edwin did not know about the Lord of the Seasons.

At least, I don't know the specific situation of Lin Yang, the incarnation of the ancient god.

In order to keep it secret, Lin Chuan had to ask Edwin Saint.

But at least, Saint Edwin did not prevent Lin Chuan from accepting cavemen as his subordinates.

This matter should not be dangerous for the time being.

Lin Chuan would not stop Cassandra.

In this world, with so many true gods, faith has long been divided up.

Otherwise, so many demigods are stuck on the road of faith.

Even with the strength and talent of Edwin Saints, he had to wait for so many years.

Had it not been for the goddess of life to agree to divide a part of the faith to the saints of Edwin, he would not have begun to prepare for the canonization.

This step is very difficult and also very dangerous.

Although the deity does not need to cross the calamity, the step of transforming from a demigod to a deity is still extremely dangerous.

A little carelessness is a complete fall, and even the soul does not exist.

Many demigods stay at this step.

Anyway, demigods are also eternal, and there is no stronger existence than demigods on the main material plane.

Perhaps just staying like this, it is not unacceptable to rule the king and hegemony on the main material plane.

Cassandra looked at the excited cavemen all around, and was also very excited.

The days when he rebuilt the tribe and led the cavemen to rise are not far away.

Around the altar, there are a few monsters' heads, which are the heads of the shadow fox hunted before.

The rest of the meat has been eaten, and the remaining head is a gift to the true god.

In addition, there are some high-quality blue mushrooms, exactly the ones that Remy gave Cassandra and Tuya to taste.

"Well, the sacrifice will begin soon. Everyone is quiet!"

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