The Rebirth of the Plant Controller in Online Games

Chapter 1366: The caveman's appeal

Cassandra thought for a while. Under the nervous expressions of Remy and Gena, in Tuya's somewhat funny expression, she nodded hesitantly and said: "In this way, I will contact Lord Lord first. At that time, if the lord agrees, he will come."

"We made an appointment to meet around here."

After a while, Cassandra added another sentence.

Remy nodded repeatedly: "It should be, it should be."

Wood Spirit, that is a powerful race, only in the legend.

Anyway, Remy hadn't seen it before, only in some stories passed on by word of mouth.

After Remy and Genna left, Tuya let out a hearty laugh.

Cassandra glanced at him, and said, "Centralize, lest you be heard."

Tu Ya rolled his eyes, but still lowered his voice, and said a few words to Cassandra before separating.

After several days, he did not cultivate well.

The opportunity to break through the black iron step has been faint, but it will not come.

This made Tuya a little irritable. He wanted to restrain, but couldn't.

Waiting until the life and death of the night, Cassandra prayed in the room.

Many cavemen pretended to pass by and watched from outside the room.

It is said that it is a room, but it is actually a small hole in the cave, separated by a room.

Here, it was originally the patriarch’s room, the place closest to the land of the blue mushroom.

For cave dwellers, the land of blue mushroom is the most important place.

The patriarch is naturally the closest to the most valuable treasure of the tribe.

Cassandra didn't stop either. He originally came here to preach. If these cavemen are not interested, he still has to worry about how to let the cavemen come over and check.

He knows a truth, things that are too easy to get will never be cherished.

Therefore, if the opportunity for mission is possible, it is best for the caveman to propose it and plead with himself.

Moreover, they must give something so that their faith can be firm.

Every morning and evening, Cassandra prays. Although there is no sun in the underground world, there is also a way to keep time.

Cassandra estimated the time and prayed.

But in today's prayer, Cassandra not only prayed silently, but also released some magical magic.

This kind of sacred feeling made the caveman who was secretly observing outside the room feel very comfortable, and immediately became more and more expectant of faith.

This is a race that has been in a state of unbelief for a long time.

They have been expecting faith for too long.

"Do you feel it? That feeling!"

"It's like returning to my mother's arms."

"It's so warm."

"Is this the power of the true god?"

The caveman looked forward to the power of the Lord of the Four Seasons and liked it very much.

So, before a day passed, Remy and Genna came to the door the next day.

"My lord." Remy rubbed his hands and looked at Cassandra awkwardly. "Well, you are also a caveman. You should know what we want most."

He didn't say it straight, because he was afraid of being rejected.

For so many years, it is not that no caveman wants to believe in a certain true god.

But the faith of cavemen has never been restored, and there is no true **** to care for them.

Even believers, no one wants to accept it.

Cassandra's face was heavy and did not reply immediately.

Gena couldn't sit still, and first asked: "Master Cassandra, I wonder if we are lucky enough to believe in your Lord?"

The gods of faith are of course called Lord.

For example, when Cassandra calls the Lord of the Seasons, it must be called My Lord.

It is impossible for him to directly call the Lord of the Seasons, it is blasphemous, which Cassandra's faith cannot tolerate.

Cassandra did not express a fanatical expression, but said faintly: "Faith is not a trivial matter. If you just want to find a spiritual home, then my lord will not accept you casually. I. The Lord is broad and cares for all living beings. But the true God is the true God. Can you guarantee the preservation of your faith and will not change your beliefs?"

Remy and Genna are both overjoyed, they are asking for faith.

They will naturally have firm beliefs and are willing to accept the true gods they believe in. This is a gift in the snow!

Before, no true **** was willing to give back to them, and their faith was simply rootless!

Now, finally there is a true God willing to accept them.

What can they say?

"You can rest assured that we are absolutely firm and will never betray. Our faith is the purest. We will not ask the true God to give us anything back. We only ask the true God to accept our soul."

This is after the death, the people of Io Continent, their souls will be taken to the kingdom of God by the true **** after death, and they can survive for many lifetimes again, and live for a long time in disguise.

Except hypocrites and pan-believers!

Only souls above true believers will be attracted.

Every year, in fact, many souls are nailed to the wall of sighs, and the wailing sound makes even the devil in **** feel scared.

Cassandra nodded and said, "So, you are going to prepare a sacrifice. At that time, I will express your demands to my lord. As for our lord's willingness to accept you, it depends on your piety. There is also the will of my lord."

"Yes, it should."

Remy didn't know where to put his excited hand.

Although Cassandra didn't promise anything, they didn't know whether this true **** who didn't know the name would be willing to accept them as believers.

But at least, there is hope, isn't it?

"I don't know, what is the name of this deity you believe in? How do we call it?" Gerner asked aloud.

This is asking about the name of the gods. If they don't even know the name of the gods, how would they call the sacrifices of the fire?

They don't even know the name of the gods, they can't dedicate their beliefs, and they can't get a response from the gods.

The kind of casual prayer, but got a response.

Mostly, it was a certain demon on the lower plane, or a devil, pretending to be a response from the true god.

Once a contract is reached with this existence, the final result is mostly that the soul has been harvested by others.

Sacrifice is not a random thing.

This is a very serious matter and needs to be taken seriously.

Cassandra nodded and said solemnly: "My lord’s name is the Lord of the Four Seasons. He is the Lord of the Four Seasons and controls the rotation of the four seasons. He is the Lord of Spring and holds the power to revive all things! He is the Lord of Summer. He holds the authority of all things to flourish! He is the Lord of Autumn and holds the authority of all things to harvest! He is the Lord of Winter and holds the authority of all things!..."

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