The studio looked around and found no one, and finally at the end of the corridor, the bathroom was blocked by Liu Chanyue.

    "Sister Liu" alex quickly stopped her.

    "Yo, alex" Liu Chanyue smiled, with a slightly fat face, looking like a kind old lady. Just looking at it this way, the affinity is much stronger than the cold and sharp Guo Zhiqiang.


    "Sister Liu, I have the Uyghur project last month and the Yashida project in April. The financial side said that the settlement statement has not yet come. Are you too busy, forget it Okay," Alex said in a good voice.

    "I really can't remember how busy I have been lately, I can't finish it all day long." Liu Chanyue smiled, "How about we have dinner together at night and go back and look through the list with me. "

      Staring at Alex's eyes, a little hot, a little ambiguous.

    alex paused. It seems that Dawei really got it right.

    The meaning of this woman's body language and eyes is very clear.

    "Where will I be waiting for you at the end of the afternoon shooting?" Alex asked very politely.

    Liu Chanyue showed a satisfied smile.

    Back to my studio, the lunch break is not over yet. Alex touched his pocket and pulled out a cigarette. There are equipment in the studio, smoking and open flames are prohibited. Alex was sitting by the door, squatting against the wall and smoking a cigarette.

    The posture looked like a bad boy in Japanese comics, full of decadence and rebellion. The only thing missing is the cheerfulness and sunshine that this age should have.

    Suddenly there were hurried footsteps approaching behind him, Alex turned his head to one side, and saw two thin straight legs wrapped in cropped trousers, stepping on flat shoes, da da da da da da da da da da da da da. I walked out of the studio, walked all the way to the opposite wall, and stood facing the wall.

    "Have you seen me? People didn't call me today. Maybe they didn't like me, I'm not a peerless beauty. I didn't say anything. I have a good attitude. It's really good Yes. I made it clear that I want to fall in love seriously and go straight to the theme of marriage.”

    Alex was smoking a cigarette and looked at Guo Zhi's back.

    Liu Chanyue is slightly fat, and she likes to wear close-fitting skirts, outline a little curve, and squat. Guo Zhi was wearing a cropped top, cropped pants, and flat shoes. It looks very comfortable clothes, but the lines are straight up and down, it can be seen that she is very thin and tall, there is no curve at all, and there is nothing unexpected. But in the workplace, despite masking gender, it appears neat and capable.

    Alex was thinking about it, when he heard Guo Zhi gamble and say: "I really didn't lie to people and lie to you that you are a puppy"

    He didn't hold back, he burst out laughing.

    It was too late to run after laughing, Guo Zhi heard the movement behind him, and turned around with a "swoosh". He stared at Alex with wide eyes.

    alex quickly don't look away and look at the sky.

    Guo Zhi took the phone and walked farther and farther: "Ah, there's another one that's not, Mom is enough for this month, I'm going to vomit if we meet again next month. Is there a reply to this, maybe people will take a fancy to me?"

    The word popped up in Alex's mind.

    How old is she? She looks much younger than Liu Chanyue, is she ten years old? Just thinking about it, Guo Zhi hangs up the phone and walks back, squatting with condescending arms in her arms. ground alex.

    Alex put out the cigarette and stood up, grinning and calling: "Sister Guo."

    "Have I seen you before?" Guo Zhi asked. As soon as we met in the morning, he directly called "Sister Guo". Obviously knew her.

    "I have met you. I have worked with Sister Liu on two projects before."

    "Liu Qian"

    "Liu Chanyue Liu sister."

    Hearing this harsh name, Guo Zhi hummed a sound from his nose, with a bit of understanding, a bit of disdain, and a bit of the original feeling.

    Alex felt something was wrong, and it was hard to ask.

    "In the future, stop eavesdropping on people's calls." Guo Zhi rolled his eyes.

    alex is not afraid of her. Before he saw her in the morning, he was actually a little afraid of her. Later, I really came into contact with me, and found that she was thoughtful and thoughtful, thinking about buying breakfast for those who came early. I was very strict when I was shooting, but it was just for work. What's more, she also raised him from the background board to one of the male protagonists. During the meal, I also felt that the staff in the group were very close to her. That feeling is from the heart. The group she led was very sympathetic.

    Alex is very observant because of the environment in which he grows. Although Guo Zhi rolled his eyes and told him to stop eavesdropping, he could see that she was not angry. He just smiled.

    As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person. When the boy doesn't speak, he looks dejected, and there is still a bit of sunshine when he smiles, and Xiaojun's face looks a bit better. Guo Zhi's eyes floated.

    Alex felt something, so he smiled sweeter: "You really wronged me, Sister Guo. I've been squatting here, you didn't see me when you came out, just stood there and talked The phone is over. I didn't mean to eavesdrop."

    The little handsome guy smiled too sweetly. Facing such a handsome face, Guo Zhi couldn't hold back, and the corner of his mouth showed a little smile. Glancing at him, he went into the studio.

    In that glance, she inadvertently revealed two charms. It's very different from what Alex thinks of her.

    Last night Dawei asked him which editor he was, he didn't remember her name, and he blurted out "that tomboy". He had passed by Guo Zhi a few times before, knowing that she was a senior editor of K's family, and he didn't know much about her. His impression of her was purely on her appearance.

    In fact, Sister Guo is quite a woman. alex thought thoughtfully. Probably because of the clothes. In his impression, the few times he saw her, it was this kind of neutral dress. The hair that was originally not long had to wear a small scratcher when working, which made it look more like a boy.

    Alex's mind was empty all day long, so he went into the studio after thinking about it.

    The shooting in the afternoon was also very smooth, and everyone stopped working without overtime.

    alex is in a good mood today because the work is going well. He waited for half an hour in the shade of the parking lot when a car pulled up in front of him. The glass window was lowered, revealing Liu Chanyue's smiling face: "alex."

    Alex threw the cigarette **** on the ground and got into Liu Chanyue's car.

    "Sister, my one" He thought about money.

    "Don't worry, don't worry." Liu Chanyue smiled, "I haven't eaten yet, let's go, my sister will take you to dinner."

    She said, touching his muscular arm. Alex obediently shut his mouth.

    That night, Alex returned to the basement in the middle of the night.

    The next morning, he arrived at the studio, and it was no surprise that Guo Zhi was the first to arrive.

    "Sister Guo, morning." He was no longer cautious on the first day, so he went to get breakfast by himself.

    "Morning." Guo Zhi was still looking at the plan, looked up at him, and suddenly said, "Alex, come here."

    "Ugh" Alex still bit half a tea egg, quickly stuffed it into his mouth, walked up to Guo Zhi, "What's the swollen feeling?"

    Guo Zhi looked at him carefully, frowned and asked, "Why are there dark circles under the eyes?"

    Alex almost choked half a tea egg to death and beat his chest hard. Guo Zhi quickly unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and handed it over, and patted him on the back.

    When he was well, Guo Zhi asked, "I went out to play at night"

    Alex responded with a slight embarrassment: "Well, I slept a little late." People say that women are like wolves in their thirties and tigers in their forties. He has personally experienced it.

    Guo Zhi was a little angry.

    "What's the matter with you?" She scolded, "Having enough sleep during work is the most basic professional quality, don't you know?" Guo Zhi was angry at Alex's unscrupulous and dedicated work attitude.

    I only felt "she's not that good" yesterday, but I have learned a lesson today. Alex lowered his head and said sullenly, "I'm sorry"

    He knows it, and he's been paying attention to it. But Liu Chanyue was stuck with his money, he was in debt, and in a hurry, he couldn't care less. I didn't expect Guo Zhi's eyes to be so sharp, and he could see it at a glance.

    Dawei said, work hard, everything is easy to say, if you don't work hard, you will be shriveled.

    It's true.

    "alex." Guo Zhi frowned, "If you have such a working attitude, then we will have no chance to cooperate in the future."

    Alex hurriedly said, "Sister Guo, I will pay attention in the future."

    The tension and anxiety revealed in her eyes are real. In the end, he is still a child, and he has no city at all, and the things in his heart are written on his face. Looking at this handsome face full of anxiety, Guo Zhi's heart softened.

    "Your conditions are very good, if you work hard, you may not have a way out in the future." After the stick was finished, she began to send sweet dates, "Alex, you just have to be serious, you know what?"

    Alex's eyes lit up again, and he lost his lifeless look, and seemed to be alive again. After the training, I obediently went to eat the unfinished breakfast.

    I'm still a child, Guo Zhixiang.

    She rubbed her fingers, thinking about the firm and elastic touch of her hands when she patted his back just now, her eyes were a little erratic.

    The body of the young boy is really greedy

    A woman, thirty is like a wolf, and forty is like a tiger. Guo Zhi, already twenty-eight. One step away from the age of the wolf and tiger.

    She recalled that the last time she had **** seemed to have been more than three months ago. No wonder I always feel emotionally unstable and impetuous recently. This kind of basic physiological needs belonging to human beings has a long-term backlog and cannot be relieved.

    When this project is over, she'll have to take it easy.

    Who should I look for? She thinks about it or not, give Limbo a call or Xue Yu no, or Limbo is in better shape, he has abdominal muscles

    No no no, what are you thinking about, let’s finish this project first

    Guo Zhi shook his head, got rid of all the clutter, and flipped through the information in his hand. Subconsciously, he turned to Alex's profile and glanced at the date of birth.


    No wonder he looks like a child, if he is really a child, he seems to be young.

    I was only nineteen

    Alex was eating breakfast quietly, and when he looked up, he saw Sister Guo suddenly turning her head and looking at him.

    With a little helplessness and suddenness, it seems a little kind

    Alex almost choked again.

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