Alex went to the imperial capital and found his classmate's cousin. At first, I followed him as a mass actor, and I could earn 80 or 100 a day, just to eat.

    He has a good face, a sweet mouth, and is willing to bow his head. It's okay to get along with people.

    Someone said to him: "You can't act well, you haven't received any training, you can't find a way out. Seeing that you are in good shape, you might as well be a model." He gave him an agent The person's phone, he called and interviewed once. There is no formal contract, just a hasty agreement, even if you have your own agent.

    It's just that the broker is not very reliable. There is one order, no one, just mix it up like this, and you can barely survive in the imperial capital.

    In fact, his appearance is good, and he is better than Dawei. Dawei is a good figure, but not good enough.

    In the spring, he walked with Dawei. It was cold in the spring in the imperial capital, and a cold wave came over, so I changed into a thin shirt, and then I had to wrap my coat again. They go to an underwear show, which is still outdoors. In the cold weather, a group of muscular handsome guys just wore small pants and walked up and down the runway. When I got off the stage, my nose was cold.

    Hurry up and wrap your clothes in the back, I don't know which idiot wrapped David's coat away. He opened his jacket to David, who was freezing, and said to him, "Come here and squeeze."

    David didn't care about being shy, two half-naked boys, skin to skin, wrapped in a coat, waiting to play again.

    So a revolutionary friendship was formed.


    The key is that after he spent more than a year in the imperial capital, he returned home twice. After these two trips, and when he came back, he was reduced to the point where he found Dawei to live in the basement with him.

    The money was left at home.

    alex closed his eyes.

    David could not understand him. Because he has a home to go back to.

    But his father and the woman were willing to let him in and let him live at home because he bought a lot of things from the imperial capital and brought them home. Because he left the money for them. It was the first time in so many years that the woman praised him with a smile and praised him for being promising.


    They didn't care how he would go back to the capital without money, they thought he could still earn anyway.

    He couldn't afford the rent for the three-bedroom apartment. He remembered that the Dawei he knew in the spring lived in the basement, which was said to be quite cheap. He called him, and it happened that he still had a vacant shop here. He took it in and packed it. There is only one toilet and one shower room in the entire basement. When taking a shower, everyone should line up, put the basin at the door, and line up instead of people. There are often people secretly changing the position of the basin, quarreling or fighting, which is a common thing.

    Cold and damp. The only good thing is that it is cheap.

    David asked how he was down. He told about the family affairs, and Dawei was so angry that he pointed his finger at him.

    "Why are you going back like that?" He hated that iron would become steel.

    Alex smoked silently.

    David doesn't understand, because he has a place to go back.

    But if he didn't give them money, they wouldn't even open the door for him. He didn't even have a place to go back to.

    People are floating outside, if there is no place to go back, I will panic.

    Dawei got up at night to go to the toilet, and when he came back, he saw Alex sleeping shirtless and woke him up.

    "Get up, get up, put on a top and tell you a few times, you can't sleep shirtless in this basement, you'll have shoulder pain and back pain for a few months" Dawei said, "You don't know how powerful it is"

    Alex got up in a daze, put on a close-fitting t-shirt, and lay back down, but he couldn't sleep. David too.

    The two started talking.

    "There's work tomorrow"



    "It's still from K's family."

    "Return to Liu Chanyue"

    "No, another editor. You may have seen the tomboy-like one. What's the last name? Gu or Gong?"

    Dawei pondered: "Is it Guo Zhi?"

    "Oh, Guo, yes, it seems to be called Guo Zhi." Alex said. "How is she? Is she amazing?"

    "What do you say if you're not great?" Dawei said, "You'll be fine if you work hard. She is very serious about her work. Don't be lazy and slippery, and don't be late, go early tomorrow, She hates people who are not on time. If you dare to be late, she will scold people. She scolds people so badly last time when chael wiped the model's oil and made her point her nose."

    "That's amazing" Alex was a little worried. Chael is a well-known photographer in the industry, and he is also a bit of a coffee.

    "But it's fine, you just need to work hard. She is much better than Liu Chanyue. She never delays the bill. As long as she passes the trial, she will sign the statement, and you will immediately pay for the financial affairs. I can get money and never delay.”

    "That's fine."

    "But don't laugh at her while you're working, remember. It doesn't matter when she's taking a break. She's about to start work, you'd better get into the state right away. You work hard , everything is easy to say, if you don't work hard, you wait to be shriveled."

    "Oh" Alex said in the dark, "Got it"

    Alex, in addition to being tall, long, legs, and handsome, has the biggest advantage of listening to people's persuasion.

    David told him not to be late, so he got up early and rushed over early. When I got to the studio, I found that he was not the first one, Guo Zhi was already there.

      He looks like a handsome boy. The skin is very delicate, and you can't tell how old you are. However, it is not too young to be a senior editor.

    Alex was especially polite, greeting like a primary school student: "Morning, Sister Guo."

    Guo Zhi raised his head and was slightly surprised.

      But there is still the height, the muscle lines that can be seen through the T-shirt stretched on the body, and the boyishness is not lost.

    The temperament is a bit decadent and not too sunny. But it seems to have a different flavor.

    "Morning" Guo Zhi replied energetically. Bowing his head, he flipped through the information in his hand, confirmed it, and said, "Alex is really early, right?"

    "Is there breakfast?" She pointed.

    Alex really didn't eat breakfast. He was afraid of being late and being scolded. He is now in debt, especially short of money, and must work hard.

    He followed her hand and saw a large plastic bag, a dozen cups of sealed porridge, and a pile of tea eggs on the table. There is no one else at the moment, only Guo Zhi bought it. As David said, he is a good-hearted person.

    He thanked him and sat down to eat.

    Guo Zhi flipped through the documents in his hand and glanced at the boy who was eating breakfast in a muffled voice.

    What ghost agent, what kind of photo was given in the profile, she wanted to see herself at the time, and would never choose him as the background board. This time, this is a group portrait. The protagonists are a man and a woman, and then several boys are the background of human flesh. Alex is one of the human flesh backgrounds.

    The protagonist Guo Zhi was selected by interview. A few human flesh backgrounds just looked at the photos. Who knew there was such a stunning high value in the background. Guo Zhi is now a little worried that the boy will steal the spotlight later.

    At the same time, he thought that his manager was a hell. The managers of other people picked up the best photos of their children and sent them out. What ghost photos his manager took were taken by photographers amateur

    There was not much time for her to think wildly, and the people from the project team came one after another. The models have basically worked together, and they all know Guo Zhi's temper, and no one dares to be late. The latest one just stepped into the studio, and secretly wiped away the cold sweat.

    So work started.

    Make up, change clothes, arrange lighting, everyone quickly entered the working state. The photographer took a few pictures, looked at it for himself, and hooked his fingers at Guo Zhi. Guo Zhi walked over, and he handed the camera to her for her to see. Sure enough, just as Guo Zhi was worried, Alex grabbed the spotlight.

    If the solo portrait is not too obvious, but in the group portrait, he and several other "backgrounds" stand behind the hero and heroine, and the appearance is suppressed. The whole picture is out of balance.

    Guo Zhi and the photographer touched their heads and discussed in a low voice. At this time, everyone is sensible and does not make a sound, and can only hear the whispering voices of these two people, but can't hear what they are talking about.

    The two said a few words, looked up at Alex together, lowered their heads and whispered again.

    Alex was nervous, for fear that the boss was dissatisfied because he didn't pose properly just now. He was in debt, and it was time to pay the rent soon, so he couldn't go wrong at work.

    The two finally finished their discussion. Guo Zhi raised his head: "Alex, come here."

    Alex walked over nervously, Xiaojun's face was expressionless.

    Guo Zhi called the stylist again: "Take him to change clothes." She explained.

    Alex followed the stylist to change clothes in a confused manner, and when he came back, Guo Zhi mentioned him from the background group to the front. The combination of a male and a female protagonist becomes two males and one female. Alex didn't ask too much. Be good. He can do whatever the photographer tells him to do. He is very obedient.

    Guo Zhi likes this kind of obedient child.

    A few samples were taken, and the photographer was very satisfied and handed it to Guo Zhi.

    In the photo, the backgrounds are all handsome guys, and the two best handsome guys are on the left and right of the heroine. The female model in the middle is smiling confidently looking at the camera, stroking her chin with a fist. The product stands out right on her slender wrist. Better than expected.

    As long as he didn't make a mistake, Alex breathed a sigh of relief.

 At noon, I have a working lunch here in the studio, and the lunch box is called outside.

    Alex finished his lunch box, chewed a piece of chewing gum, and hurried to another studio to block Liu Chanyue.

    He called K's finance and asked him when the money would be settled. The finance turned over, and was very impatient: "I'll ask you to edit it, but the settlement statement has not reached the finance, how can I settle it for you?"

    David is right, he is really stuck in Liu Chanyue's place

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