The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 776: Kill Ling Xingye

The tennis hall was filled with smoke, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the murderous intent against Ling Xingye filled the entire space unabashedly.

Paxi showed a helpless wry smile: "Maybe you don't believe me now, but I have absolutely no malice towards you, it's just an exception..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a bang, and an instrument on the ceiling was exploded, and Percy's projection disappeared.

The smoke originally used as a holographic projection screen instantly flooded the entire tennis court, completely blocking Ling Xingye's vision.

At the same time, dense and heavy footsteps came from around.

There are enemies, and more than one!

Ling Xingye judged—and the enemy is not an ordinary human, it should be a robot or a heavy machinery such as a driven armor.

Sure enough, the muffled sound of the wind tore through the smoke, and a shell fell to where Ling Xingye was just now.

Then there was a bang!

But before that, Ling Xingye had already left the place, the travel bag was opened, and the puppets inside had already attacked.

There was a sound of metal clashing in the smoke, and a moment later, a mechanical foot with wheels flew out, and landed at Ling Xingye's feet in a low arc.

Ling Xingye had seen this type of driven armor—it was in the video data of the Siberian battlefield.

"Enemy-destroying" three-legged medium-sized artillery special drive armor! Even dispatching active military equipment, Ling Xingye was even more sure that Director Shiokishi was behind the scenes.

"As expected of the 'chief'! It seems that he has been prepared for a long time!" A loud shout came from the smoke, and the voice was a young man.

Although he was just speaking normally, under the amplification of the loudspeaker, his voice was like thunder, rolling in from all directions.

This also made it impossible for Ling Xingye to judge the enemy's true position.

The real number of enemies is not many, because no driver was found in the "enemy-destroying" drive armor that was destroyed just now, obviously it was autopilot or remote control.

Ling Xingye waved his hands and fingers, and the puppet ran wildly in the smoke, and soon destroyed a driven suit again, which was indeed an empty plane with no driver.

"In the end, you want to use these things to deal with me?"

In terms of threats, these driven suits are not as good as ordinary automatic puppets, Ling Xingye is a little disappointed.

"Of course not if you are still in your prime." The enemy's voice came rolling in, "But how much power can you display now? Without the 'Blessing of Blood', you are just an ordinary person!"

"'Blood Protection'? What is that?" Ling Xingye walked in the smoke, and the puppets kept walking around him, defeating every driven armor encountered.

"Sure enough, the silver blood in your body is as thin as that of ordinary people, that's why you didn't notice it!" said the enemy.

"Should I be aware of something?"

"Didn't you find it? In this smoke, the blood of silver has been sealed."

"Have it?"

"Really, if I knew your condition was so bad, I wouldn't have to work so hard to get this kind of thing." The other party complained.

"It seems that the suppression is not thorough enough." Ling Xingye muttered. If the enemy hadn't lied, then this kind of smoke aimed at the blood of silver would be known to be Yanshi's masterpiece without even thinking about it.

"In that case, let's try this!" As soon as the enemy finished speaking, he heard a burst of noisy and disorderly noises coming from all directions.

"What the **** is this!" Ling Xingye frowned, and continued to manipulate the puppet to move towards the exit.

"Huh? How is that possible! Why is that puppet still moving?" The other party made a wavering voice, "Why is 'ability decline' useless?"

"It turns out that this noise is 'decreased ability'. Sorry, this is something we have long been tired of."

The enemy fell silent, but the next moment, the smoke seemed to explode, and two cheetah-shaped driven armors were thrown out of it.

At the same time, there are drone-sized "blade bees" attacking in the air.

Accompanied by this saturated attack, the smoke was blown away, revealing a driven armor behind the formation.

It was a strange armor with the shape of a praying mantis, without a clear sense of "feet", and the whole body was suspended above the ground with a special force field.

Just the moment he saw it, Ling Xingye realized that this driven suit was different—it exuded a special sense of presence, which made Ling Xingye feel dangerous instinctively.

"FIVE_OverModelcase_"RAILGUN"" (FIVE_OverModelcase_"RAILGUN"), developed by Academy City, directly reproduces the specialized equipment of level 5 "Railgun". It is armed with a Gatling cannon that fires a railgun continuously.

What's it like to withstand the continuous bombardment of the railgun at close range?

Ling Xingye didn't want to know at all.

The moment he realized that the muzzle was pointing at him, he threw himself to the side with inhuman movements and agility.

At the same time, the puppet jumped out from the side, trying to deflect the muzzle of the cannon.

But the "Super Category 5" driven armor is extremely flexible, and it slides back a certain distance smoothly, and the muzzle is fine-tuned, directly blasting the puppet in the air!

Immediately afterwards, the barrage woven by the electromagnetic cannon lashed out. Even though Ling Xingye showed difficult dodging moves like acrobatics, he was finally hit cleanly and fell to the ground.

"What's the 'leader', that's all!" Confirming that the target no longer has the power to counterattack, the voice came out again from the drive armor.

He manipulated the rest of the powered suits to approach, and surrounded Ling Xingye in the Be careful, the threat level of the target is equal to level 5, I don't think he will be defeated so easily. "Another girl's voice suddenly sounded in the cockpit.

"Don't be nervous, I told you that the target is not in its prime state." The operator of the powered suit said, "Where are you hiding? We agreed to do it together, but in the end it's all up to me!"

"Nonsense, you put 'power reduction' everywhere, how can I take action!" The girl scolded, "It's obviously ineffective against Ling Xingye!"

"I can't say that, I think it's still effective." The driver of the driven suit argued, "According to the intelligence, Ling Xingye has the ability to defend against the real 'super electromagnetic gun', but he didn't show this ability just now—it's still a matter of fact. affected."

While speaking, the "Super Five" drive armor in the shape of a praying mantis approached Ling Xingye.

Manipulator - Silver Cross. Alpha looks down through an external camera.

"What is this!" He suddenly exclaimed, "Did Ling Xingye do a full-body prosthetic transformation?"

I saw Ling Xingye who fell on the ground, his body was smashed by the shells and became dilapidated. But under the damaged skin are not flesh and bones, but broken cables and complex mechanical structures.

"What kind of monster is this!" The human appearance, the mechanical structure exposed from the damage, this weird combination directly hit the uncanny valley of the silver cross Alpha, making him scream out.

Ling Xingye suddenly raised his head and opened his eyes, showing a standard smile: "Don't be surprised, I'm a puppet master!"

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