The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 775: General Council

"Boss, we're here." Kurotsutsu Ikki stopped the vehicle smoothly and called back.

Ling Xingye, who was sitting in the back seat, opened his eyes and looked at the huge building outside: "Is this the final decision?"

Thirty minutes ago, Passy sent the finalized meeting address. It's not the expected regular venue, but an indoor tennis court. I remember it was just built for this year's Daha Star Festival.

There was no one around, only their car was parked alone on the side of the road.

Kurogane Kakki also instinctively felt uneasy, and he couldn't help suggesting: "Boss, do you want me to call some more people over?"

The theory that this meeting was aimed at Ling Xingye's Hongmen Banquet has long been circulated within the group. But Ling Xingye insisted on coming, and even refused to bring the guards, and went to the meeting alone.

"Don't worry, this is also a place where you stepped on it beforehand." Ling Xingye said, while picking up the travel bag beside him, he opened the car door, "If I haven't come out after ten minutes after I go in, you can go back first."

"Huh? Yes, I understand!" Although his heart was full of doubts, Kazuki Kurogane still nodded in agreement. Before coming over, Qi Fan'er raised the order, repeatedly emphasizing that he must obey Ling Xingye's orders unconditionally.

"Next, let me see what play is prepared..." Ling Xingye got out of the car and strode towards the stadium in front of him.

There was no one in the gymnasium, but as Ling Xingye entered, the indoor lights turned on instantly. At the same time, a faint puff of smoke filled the air.

Just when Ling Xingye was on guard, with the help of the smoke as a background, the holographic projection of Secretary Paci suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Welcome to the General Council, Mr. Ling." Passy bowed, "Please don't be nervous, this is a necessary means to arrange the venue. Because most of the directors will not leave their base easily, so routine meetings are It will be held in the form of remote projection."

As if echoing Passy's words, new projections continued to appear in the venue.

The technology used by the governing council is quite excellent. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn't be able to tell that these participants were actually holographic projections.

On the spacious sports field, a round table with twelve seats was projected, nine of them were already occupied, and three were left empty.

And Ling Xingye's seat is one of the three vacancies. The actual tables and chairs in the venue are seamlessly integrated with the projections, and no flaws can be seen with the naked eye.

Passi guided Ling Xingye to his seat, and explained softly: "The governing council has a total of twelve directors, but not long ago, three directors died unfortunately, so there was a vacancy..."

—It seems that the term "quasi-director" is not groundless.

Ling Xingye thought in his heart.

Facing these high-ranking and powerful figures who control Academy City, Ling Xingye showed no signs of timidity. You know, I am the one who talks and laughs with the chairman.

"Speaking of which," he looked around and asked, "Is Chairman Aleister not here?"

"The chairman never attends regular meetings." Passy patiently explained.

Ling Xingye nodded, remembering that Chairman Aleister himself said that the so-called directors are roles that can be "replaced at any time". He must have disdain to attend such meetings at all?

Ling Xingye looked at each of the directors carefully, and found that only four of them responded to him—a slight nod was regarded as a greeting.

The other five didn't seem to see him at all, just silently waiting for the meeting to start.

"Are those one-way projections?" Ling Xingye pointed at them.

Patsy smiled wryly: "Of course not..."

"Heh! Who came up with the idea? You actually found a brat to fill the position?" Some of the directors who ignored Ling Xingye just now taunted.

"A reckless man, he only knows how to fight and kill." A female voice followed, "If you think that you can become a director based on your performance in the previous war, you are still too naive!"

Ling Xingye had no expression on his face: "Although I expected it, but showing hostility so makes me feel comfortable."

Passy smiled and explained: "Because of your activity, the war came to an abrupt end—this harmed the interests of several of the adults, so..."

The twelve directors have almost no contact with each other, so they don't care who dies and who becomes the new director—as long as their interests are not touched.

Ling Xingye was hostile only because he harmed the interests of certain directors.

But this is a remote meeting, so there is no need to worry about someone getting angry and attacking in person.

After explaining the basic process of the meeting to Ling Xingye, Passy came to the host platform in the center of the round table and announced the start of the meeting.

"First of all, the first issue - the armistice agreement with the Christianity, regarding the thirty-five patents of magic technology that the mysterious side will open to us, the other party proposed new conditions..."

"The second issue is about the positioning of Academy City in the world after the war. Since no sovereign country was involved in this world war, the armistice agreement is very convenient; but the problem is how to obtain the recognition of the sovereign country.

"There are indications that the United States of America is taking the opportunity to seek leadership on the scientific side. According to the assessment, the threat level is high!"

"The third issue - in response to the previous issue, we have decided to take a response to the 'Yiduanlan Festival' to show the world the scientific and technological strength of Academy City in the next open day. For this reason, the Information Division applies for open secrecy Level 3 technology, please vote..."

During the whole meeting, Ling Xingye was just listening in, because he was not a real director, and he had no voting Not only him, but the other nine directors also rarely spoke, and they listened to Passy almost the whole time explain.

— These are issues that have been discussed and decided upon.

Ling Xingye knew in his heart that this meeting was the "Teaching Bureau" to familiarize himself with the environment.

The meeting lasted for 80 minutes. After the end, several directors carried out the attitude of "ignoring Ling Xingye" and disappeared immediately.

Only Oafune Monaka and Bei Jijimin came over to say hello.

Finally, Director Shiokishi issued a threat: "Little devil, it's not easy to be a director!"

Director Shiokishi is in charge of the military, and Ling Xingye knocked on the door of the governing council directly with combat power. Once in power, he can be said to be the most direct competitor of Director Chaogishi.

Therefore, Director Shiokishi's attitude is quite clear.

Even if Ling Xingye himself didn't have this idea.

From Ling Xingye's point of view, the governing council looks beautiful, but it is actually just a puppet under Aleister's hands, which is really not a good job.

Attending the meeting today, Ling Xingye only regarded it as watching a play.

"It seems that you failed to learn the most important thing from today's meeting!" Shiokishi finally said before leaving, "Passy, ​​please explain..."

Passy shrugged: "Twelve director seats, three vacancies—the directors will also be killed."

See you in the picture...

"Finally, the good show is on..." Ling Xingye raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a happy smile.

He sat upright on the chair, interlocking his fingers—the silk thread unfolded!

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