The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 731: Water Prison

"What the **** happened?" Kamijou Touma poked his head out again with a look of surprise.

—The fight was in full swing just now, and the ground was shaking, why did it suddenly become quiet?

So confused he looked out to the battlefield.

As a result, it can be seen that there is only a figure of Shui 0 behind the enemy standing on the ground.

"Hey, are you kidding me, is the enemy really that strong?" Touma Kamijou murmured, "Have they even defeated Kanzaki and Knight Commander?"

Backside Water retrieved the thrown knife with a jigsaw.

With a click, the huge steel weapon in his hand returned to its original form—like a large Swiss army knife, the spiritual outfit "Ascalon" could change its form and use different attack methods.

The battlefield fell into a deathly silence, and the cold wind from the snow field blew past, making Kamijou Touma tremble all over, and then he realized that his back had been soaked in cold sweat.

At this time, Kamijou Touma saw that the enemy was moving again—Mizzu 0 from the Back was dragging a huge weapon and walking towards the second princess Kailisa who was closest to him.

The knight leader who fell not far from Kailisa struggled to get up and stop the enemy, but because the wound on his body was too deep, all efforts were in vain.

—No mistake, right? Are you kidding me?

Kamijou Touma slapped his weak legs vigorously.

—The enemy is even stronger than that knight leader and the second princess!

Not long ago, Kamijou Touma, who had just witnessed the terrifying strength of these two, even stood on the opposite side of them, thought that there would no longer be any more terrifying enemies in this world.

As a result, facing the enemy in front of him, his body went numb and he didn't even dare to move!

"Something must be done! Now only I can save the situation! Move quickly, Mr. Kamijou!" Kamijou Touma patted his cheek hard.

He looked at his right hand: "Please, break my fear and cowardice!"

Gathering up his courage, Kamijou Touma punched the edge of the pit, and his whole body jumped out as if on a spring.

His eyes were fixed on the enemy, not daring to relax at all - because he knew that as long as he didn't pay attention, he might lose the enemy's whereabouts.

Therefore, he didn't notice that another figure passed by him at a faster speed, and came to the water behind him one step ahead.

"Valkyrie" Brunhed - who was taken care of by Water 0 from the rear at the beginning of the battle, the first person to be knocked down, now shot out like an arrow from the string.

Water 0 in the back waved "Ascalon" calmly, and the huge spiritual outfit transformed into a chopping axe with a flashing red light, and slashed fiercely at Brunshid.

With the ax blade on her body, the Valkyrie Brunhid showed a mocking sneer.

"Do you think the same trick can work again!"

She raised her hand to summon her own weapon—a broadsword the size of a door panel, and poured her strength into it wantonly.

The silver sword exudes dazzling light, facing the spiritual outfit "Ascalon".

Two equally huge and rough weapons collided violently, flashes and explosions appeared at the same time, arousing a raging wave of air.

Although Brunhed's great sword is a handy weapon specially crafted by her, it is not a powerful spiritual item at the level of "Ascalon" after all.

With all the power of the saint poured into it, the great sword has only one chance and lifespan to strike.

But even such a life-threatening blow was blocked by Zhishui 0 from behind.

…Such a result is not surprising, it's not that Brunshid didn't work hard enough, it's just a matter of pure strength.

It is true that Brunhed has exerted her "full strength", but she has the dual qualifications of "Valkyrie" and saint at the same time, but it is a "negative effect" of mutual interference.

Every three months, Brunhed's power fluctuates periodically.

Affected by this, her so-called "full strength" today is only 50% to 60% of the true full strength of a saint.

When dealing with most other enemies, this level of effort is more than sufficient, and it can also prevent the body from being overburdened and collapsed.

But this time, she was facing the Water 0 from behind!

In the past, the water in the rear could stably exert 200% of its power, but now even if it can't reach that level, there is no problem with 100% of its power.

Fifty or sixty percent versus one hundred percent, the outcome is clear at a glance, simple and pure.

In the previous battle, a small half of Brunshid's bones were cracked or fractured, and almost all internal organs were impacted and damaged.

She was at the end of her strength to hold on to the surprise attack just now.

If he was caught by the enemy like this, he might really be doomed.

In the face of desperation, Brunshid didn't panic—this was what she expected.

Brunshid wasn't so naive as to think that he could defeat the Water of the Back 0 on his own.

What she has to do is contain and cover.

Kanzaki Kaori was actually responsible for the attack.

Kanzaki Kaori's unique move "Only Flash".

Although it was only for a short moment, in that moment, Kanzaki Kaori did display 100% of his power! It is enough to fight against the water of the rear.

Iai Zhan, which contained all of Kanzaki's strength and awareness, hit the target.

There was a pause in the back of the water, starting from the left shoulder, all the way to the right abdomen, a thin line of blood suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the wound opened, and some silvery blood shot out.

Since the start of the war, it was the first time that such obvious damage was caused to the enemy. Everyone was refreshed, ready to strike while the iron was hot, and defeat the rear water 0 in one go.

But before they could take any action, they saw the wound on the back of Zhishui 0's chest was healing at a frighteningly fast speed.

Just a few seconds later, Water 0 in the back had recovered from his injuries.

Kanzaki Kaori only had time to save Brunshid.

Water 0 in the back didn't continue chasing and killing. He looked at the opponents in front of him and sighed faintly.

Originally, Water 0 in the rear didn't want to fight with them here, but the two sides had different positions, and the words were not speculative. In order to prevent them from moving forward, they had to fight first.

Because they are all acquaintances, even friends, so the water behind 0 just knocked them down, which is considered merciful.

I thought that if I did this step, I would be able to fulfill the request of the Right Fire and go back to the business, but just now the two saints rushed over again and almost killed him!

Water 0 in the back looked at them one by one, and noticed the unwillingness and arrogance on their faces.

The few people present are top powerhouses, the favored sons of heaven, just "defeating" them may not solve the problem.

But I don't want to really kill them... The water behind 0 thought about activated its magic power, and condensed a "water polo" with a diameter of three meters.

He throws a "water polo" that engulfs Brunshid and Kanzaki Kaori.

"Then sleep for a while!"

No matter how powerful the saint is, he still cannot break free from the "water prison" around him.

Kanzaki Kaori struggled in vain, but she couldn't exert any strength in the water, as if she had sunk thousands of meters into the deep sea, and the huge water pressure gradually made her unable to move.

Soon, the oxygen was exhausted, and Kanzaki Kaori's consciousness began to blur...

A roar was vaguely heard in the ear, as if it came from a long distance away, it was not real, but it was very familiar.

Trying to lift the heavy eyelids, looking out of the "water prison"...

Kamijou Touma rushed forward with his fists raised.

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