The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 730: Water behind the battle

The atmosphere rumbled and the ground shook violently. Explosions and flashes of light from time to time tear apart the space.

A magnificent scene beyond ordinary people's imagination and understanding appeared in front of his eyes, but Kamijou Touma didn't care to watch it. With another gust of wind sweeping in, he suddenly retracted his head and hid in the pit on the ground.

"Damn it, it's completely useless!" Kamijou Touma held his head.

The battle going on outside at this time seems to be a scene that concretizes the word "fairy fighting". It may be an exaggeration to say that the sky is falling apart, but every attack of the few people who participated in the battle has truly changed the terrain.

Although Kamijou Touma has the magical skills of "Fantasy Killer", but his right hand has a limited attack range, a standard close-range skill with a range of zero.

If you want to win the battle, you must find a way to get close to the enemy—that is, the water behind the man who suddenly appeared.

Kamijou Touma knew that he was the superpower of the "God's Right Seat" and Saint, and even caused Ling Xingye to struggle for a while.

But Kamijou Touma didn't feel intimidated, after all, it wasn't the first time he encountered such a hopelessly powerful enemy—strictly speaking, all the enemies he encountered in the true sense were of this type.

If it is the culprit who hurt Index, even Kamijou Touma would dare to shake his fist at him!


"There is really no way to get close!"

Accompanied by another wave of shaking, Kamijou Touma patted away the gravel and dust that fell on his hair, and looked helplessly at the sky.

The huge flashing sword across the sky, Kamijou Touma knew that it was "Katina II" in the hands of the second princess Kailisa. Although not as good as the previous "Orthodox Katina", it is still a powerful spiritual outfit at the level of the national treasure.

However, even an attack with such a powerful weapon still cannot achieve meritorious deeds when facing the enemy.

Water 0 in the back waved the huge weapon with a strange shape in his hand, emitting a fiery red light, and chopped off the flashing sword in the middle.

The shattered flash fragments scattered and fell, turning into bombs with terrifying destructive power, blasting the ground into deep pits.

Kamijou Touma raised his right hand to remove the debris that fell on top of his head.

More fragments were shattered by lightning strikes from behind, annihilated in the air and dissipated.

Durandal, the daughter of the overwhelmed country, leans on the holy sword "Duranda" and releases lightning strikes in the distance for support. The already pale skin became even more miserable, without a trace of blood.

Not long ago, he fought back and forth with Kailisa who was holding "Katina II", but the moment he met the water 0 in the rear, he was hit by the opponent, if it wasn't for the holy sword "Duranda" I'm afraid it's not surprising that it was cut into two sections.

Confined in the Palace of Versailles since she was a child, she is a daughter of the country who fights with her mind and strategy. She has the reputation of "French military adviser", and it also proves from the side that she is not good at fighting on the battlefield in person.

Of course, this is not a problem with Durandal, the daughter of the country - it's just that the enemy is too strong this time. Strong enough to be qualified to prove her actual combat power is a mess!

After suffering a loss, the Daughter of Qing Guo no longer rushed forward, but stayed behind and used her best lightning strike technique to carry out support attacks.

A considerable part of the reason why Kamijou Touma couldn't rush to the battlefield was this—the aftermath and secondary disasters caused by the indiscriminate bombing were not within the scope of his right hand.

Not only that, in fact, Kamijou Touma dare not touch the aftermath of every round of the current battle.

Due to the complex environment on the battlefield, except for Kamijou Touma himself, they are all top bosses, and there is really no chance for him, a level 0 incompetent, to make a move.

Besides, even if there is a chance...

Kamijou Touma poked his head out to look at the group of people fighting together, wondering if he could keep up with this fighting rhythm.

Even without using any magical powers, Kamijou Touma could not deal with just relying on the physical fitness of the "sage".

And now on the battlefield, there are three saints...

The two saints, the Valkyrie Brunhid and Kanzaki Kaori, received the attention of their opponents at the beginning of the war.

Water 0 in the back defeated the two of them in just five seconds with a power that surpassed them.

The "sage" is the "son of God", born with powerful power. But the human body has limits.

So the usual saints can only exert a rather limited part of their power.

But Hou Zhishui, who also possesses the "Holy Mother" physique, is not subject to this restriction. He can be exempted from negative effects, and can easily exert 200% of his strength to maintain his body in a certain "high-speed and stable state."

Not long ago, in the duel with Ling Xingye, this "stable state" was broken, so that the water behind lost its power.

But now, the water 0 in the back has once again demonstrated this power over ordinary saints.

Because he has undergone a "silver 0" transformation, through the suspected liquid, he has obtained the orthodox silver-level self-healing ability.

Rear Mizu0 faced the tragic injury of his body collapsed, and forcibly used the full strength of the "sage" to defeat Kanzaki Kaori and Brunshid.

Now, only the leader of the knights and the second princess Kailisa are left to fight with him.

Because the water in the rear has the closest relationship with them, they were merciful during the battle, and this has led to the stalemate until now.

Among all the people, only the knight leader can be compared with the water of the rear 0 in terms of combat experience and skills.

Holding the magic sword "Frentin", this magic sword condensed from blood also swelled into a huge weapon nearly four meters long, which was in the same order of magnitude as "Ascalon" with 0 water in the rear.

In conjunction with the use of his self-created "pattern magic", the Knight Commander flexibly uses various attack modes to counteract the diverse attack modes of the "Ascalon" Swiss Army Knife.

Coupled with the "Sauron spell" that can invalidate any weapon attack...

Together, they constitute the capital for him to fight against the water in the rear.

But even so, with the support of the second princess Kailisa and the daughter of the country, Durandal, he is still not the opponent of the rear water 0.


The huge weapons in the hands of the two collided again, making a deafening sound.

Cracks appeared on the surface of the magic sword "Frentin", and then completely shattered.

"Without the blessing of 'Katina', he really is no match for this guy!"

As soon as the words fell, "Frentin" suddenly shattered, like the shell formed by blood coagulation on the surface collapsed into pieces, exposing the body of the magic sword underneath.

Water 0 in the rear took advantage of the victory to pursue, Ascalon glowed red, and slashed at the leader of the knights like an axe. The latter immediately activated the Sauron spell to nullify the slash.

The blade of the ax slipped away from the Knight Leader, at the same time, the red light faded, and Ascalon flashed yellow light again.

Pulling out the jigsaw from the huge weapon, he finally sliced ​​open the Knight Leader's body without giving him a chance to switch techniques.

Seeing that he was injured, the second princess, Kailisa, rushed to rescue him, but was also caught by the water 0 behind him, kicked up and swept his abdomen, and was kicked out!

Ascalon's gigantic sword was split into two, and Water 0 in the Back pulled out the small blade that popped out from the side, and threw it out, knocking down the Daughter of the Fallen Nation.

In the blink of an eye, the opponents of Rear Water 0 have been wiped out!

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