In the evening, the Midsummer Festival of Tokiwadai Middle School has come to an end.

Ling Xingye and Hitomi Shiranui returned to the apartment.

Then, just like his promise, Ling Xingye explained everything to Shiranui Tong.

"Two years ago, when I was just familiar with fighting with sprites, I met that woman named 'Hua'." Ling Xingye said.

"At that time?" Hitomi Shiranui also moved.

She clearly remembered that it was Ling Xingye's most painful stage at that time - all kinds of strange enemies suddenly began to come to him one after another, and new enemies would appear almost every other day, making Ling Xingye exhausted.

If it weren't for the fact that the enemies at that time were not too strong, and almost all of them were relatively low-level automatic puppets, Ling Xingye couldn't hold on at all.

During those six months, Ling Xingye went to school during the day and went out to fight at night, so he hardly had time to sleep well.

It was still relying on Hitomi Shiranui's hypnosis and fast sleep method to barely guarantee the necessary rest time.

"In retrospect, it was really a gloomy day..." Ling Xingye said with lingering fear.

"However, I feel very fulfilled." Shiranui Hitomi said with a smile, "After that, Xingye seldom relies on me so much anymore."

Ling Xingye smiled knowingly, and continued: "At that time, there were battles almost every day, and the fight was in the dark—it was really an experience that I didn't want to recall. So many memories were subconsciously sealed by me."

"Until recently, I didn't consciously re-examine that memory." Ling Xingye's expression gradually became serious, "Then I found a major problem."

"I...killed someone." Ling Xingye hesitated for a moment, then said every word.

"You mean... among those attackers..." Hitomi Shiranui covered her mouth and exclaimed, "But, didn't you say that the enemies destroyed were all puppets?"

"Yes, I really think so." Ling Xingye smiled bitterly, "I didn't mean to deceive you..."

"I don't doubt Xingye either, it's just that I can't understand it."

Ling Xingye showed a thoughtful expression: "Now that I think about it carefully, I really didn't lie or deceive on purpose - because at that time, even until now, I still don't think they are human beings!"

"There is no expression, no emotion, except for the appearance of a human female, there is no trace of humanity in other places!"

"It's not the case of Misaka sister—the moment I saw Misaka 10001 for the first time, I could confirm that she was human, but the 'flower' I saw was not like that!" Ling Xingye looked at the TV cabinet, before Two days ago, there were still two geisha puppets there. "If you really want to compare them, they are more like the dolls given to Saten Ruiko and the others a few days ago."

"Beautiful, but definitely not human. At best, she is just a puppet with a human body!"

"Maybe it sounds like my justification," Ling Xingye sighed, "but I really think so—I refuse to admit that they are human beings, even if the blood that flows out of the wound after beheading them is bright red. "

Shiranui Tong suddenly reached out and held Ling Xingye's trembling hand: "I believe in you."

The girl looked at him seriously with her beautiful eyes, and repeated word by word: "Xingye, I believe in you!"

"Hitomi..." Ling Xingye looked at her in surprise and emotion.

"I have almost all the memories of Xingye." Hitomi Shiranui said, "I just checked that memory without authorization..."

"Are you okay!" Ling Xingye suddenly became nervous, not because his privacy was being pryed into, but because he was worried about Hitomi Shiranui.

Those memories full of brutal fighting and **** scenes are not suitable for girls to watch.

Shiranui Hitomi's face was a little pale, but she still looked over firmly: "I also came to the same opinion as Xingye—the nineteen girls who fought with you really don't look like human beings!"

"They are just walking corpses with beautiful appearances, seemingly lacking in thinking ability and soul!"

Ling Xingye stared at her with wide eyes until the girl felt a little embarrassed: "What... what's wrong? Are you angry?"

"No," Ling Xingye's voice seemed to be trembling, "Maybe it's a bit redundant, but I still have to say it again—Tong is the person who knows me best!"

Ling Xingye was so moved that she almost shed tears.

Because as a matter of fact, he did kill those nineteen "flowers". From a biological point of view, they are indeed human.

This is an irrefutable fact, so even Ling Xingye himself has given up explaining it—because it is impossible to explain it clearly. No matter how you look at it, you are a criminal, and everything you say is just an excuse to excuse your crime!

However, Hitomi Shiranui was still able to respond and understand herself!

For Ling Xingye, this is tantamount to the greatest salvation.

Shiranui Hitomi is not partial, but truly understands and agrees, which is why it is so precious.

Ling Xingye breathed a long sigh of relief: "With Tong's support, I can rest assured."

Hitomi Shiranui asked again: "Why did you suddenly think of these things? Was it stimulated by the Misaka sisters?"

Ling Xingye shook his head, and told what Liu Yinjian came to warn today.

"A puppet master who is more powerful than Sister Yao? Or a legion?" Hitomi Shiranui exclaimed in disbelief, "How is it possible? Was the human cloning technology already mature at that time?"

"That's not true," Ling Xingye said, "But Baiyin does seem to have mastered technology far beyond the technological level of the outside world, and can also use 'unscientific' powers such as magic."

"No," Hitomi Shiranui shook her Now is not the time to pay attention to these details! The point is that Hua Twenty-One is coming to Academy City to take revenge on you! "

The girl paced back and forth anxiously in the room: "What should I do? Xingye admits that you can't beat him! Sister Yao can't come to help..."

"Don't be nervous," Ling Xingye comforted, "Liu Yinjian just said that he would 'discipline' me, not that he wanted to kill me."

But Ling Xingye immediately frowned: "But according to him, Hua Eryi is a lunatic, especially when encountering such a thing that touches her Ni Lin, I'm afraid he won't be merciful?"

"Isn't that terrible!" Hitomi Shiranui worried

"No," Ling Xingye laughed, "I think Hua Twenty-one's true inversion is actually the use of replicants for human experiments."

"What time is it, you can still laugh!" Hitomi Shiranui was extremely anxious.

"Misfortune comes with blessings," Ling Xingye said leisurely, "Perhaps, we can use this opportunity to completely save the remaining sisters!"

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